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watching the game in a public place


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all week i had plans to go to this bar near my house for the game. after thinking about it i am no longer going and am sitting on my couch. my problem is, i dont want to make a spectacle of myself if we lose or get down early. During a game i curse, pace, yell, grunt for no apparant reason. Is it worth making an a$$ of myself in a bar full of strangers to watch this game? anyone else have similar dilemas and want to talk me thru it??

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Holy Calamity Jane Batman. Did you really just start a thread about this?

wow, i really did....imagine that!? I cant imagine im the only Jet fan on this board contemplating the pro's and con's of going to a bar on a saturday night or sitting on my couch....I actually have this dilema every single time we play a prime time playoff game!

I think JOJO bashing has officialy jumped the shark......(flame away)

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if you are going to bar where they are not accustomed to a Jets fan yelling and cursing, you may want to avoid the place.

the bar is a dolphin bar for sure, i live in west palm beach......it can be a blessing and a curse, if we win i get to be a real prick to a room full of dolphin fans......if we lose, i get abused

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wow, i really did....imagine that!? I cant imagine im the only Jet fan on this board contemplating the pro's and con's of going to a bar on a saturday night or sitting on my couch....I actually have this dilema every single time we play a prime time playoff game!

I think JOJO bashing has officialy jumped the shark......(flame away)

As if the original post wasn't femme enough... then this reply?

Sorry, I can't help with your dilemma. :lol:

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Im watching the Jets alone, in a dark room with my computer typing with you ****ers today. I dont enjoy watching the game in a huge crowd. Maybe Im just anti social but I can't concentrate on plays. Not to mention they usually have the game muted. And drunken dudes are always trying to push up on me even though I tell them to **** off.

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My rule of thumb is if I am going to the bar with friends, it's fine. If no friends are up for a Jets game, I stay home.

I have faced your dilemma many a Sunday, and I usually stay home, curse at the TV or scream in jubilation, and then proceed to waste countless hours on here afterwards.

Making a spectacle of myself at a bar is not something I try to do, but it happens.

In Minnesota, it's tough to not be noticed with my penchant for dropping the f bomb, my accent, and my Jets gear. These mild mannered midwesterner's just don't understand a guy from NY and his love/hate of the Jets it seems.

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the bar is a dolphin bar for sure, i live in west palm beach......it can be a blessing and a curse, if we win i get to be a real prick to a room full of dolphin fans......if we lose, i get abused

I would go and rub it in to Dolphin fans -there are not that many of them to worry about!

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Stay at home. In january of 05 I had no other choice but to go the local bar and watch the jets/pitt divisional game. During the game i was the only football fan in the bar, after the jets lost a few pittsburgh fans showed up and one of them started ragging on me about the loss. After I few minutes of this I couldnt take any more and broke his jaw. The police were called, i was arrested and spent the rest of the weekend in jail.

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