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Ever since the season ended I feel as if im a contractor at my wifes beckon call. Do this do that paint this fix this fix that. What the hell man. Shes got a list 2 miles long. This week stone granite guys replacing the kitchen counter tops. Next week floor guys sanding and refinishing hardwood floors. Carpet ordered for rooms that arent hardwood. I need to paint and clean change cabinent handles, clean out cabinents and drawers. I feel like running away from home.

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Poor baby had to sit on the couch while stone guys replaced the counters and floor guys sanded the floor? Are you upset that they made you pick your feet up? ;)

Wrong. I have to remove the old counters. Remove the sink,dishwasher and plumbing connections and replace it. I have to empty the rooms before any sanding takes place. And you were saying. You obviously dont own a home.

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Wrong. I have to remove the old counters. Remove the sink,dishwasher and plumbing connections and replace it. I have to empty the rooms before any sanding takes place. And you were saying. You obviously dont own a home.

Ha. Dude, I have and apartment and own a home and do most of my own work. I haven't spent more than a few days in it for the past 5 years while I'm over here. I'm sure the squirrels are loving it!

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Ha. Dude, I have and apartment and own a home and do most of my own work. I haven't spent more than a few days in it for the past 5 years while I'm over here. I'm sure the squirrels are loving it!

Maybe in my spare time I could go check it out for you and fix all thats wrong. :D

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Ha. Dude, I have and apartment and own a home and do most of my own work. I haven't spent more than a few days in it for the past 5 years while I'm over here. I'm sure the squirrels are loving it!

I didn't know you have a home over here. What state?

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I dont believe in exploiting illegals and taking advantage of them, sorry.

Why would you assume that she meant illegal immigrants? She only said Mexicans and I think she picked that ethnic group because of their reputation of being hard workers. That was kind of racist of you to assume she was suggesting cheap illegal labor.

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Why would you assume that she meant illegal immigrants? She only said Mexicans and I think she picked that ethnic group because of their reputation of being hard workers. That was kind of racist of you to assume she was suggesting cheap illegal labor.

Yes im sorry, what was I thinking. :rolleyes:

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Maybe in my spare time I could go check it out for you and fix all thats wrong. :D

Ha. No thanks. Sounds like you've got enough on your plate. For what it's worth, I did the wood floor in my bedroom myself. It came out great. Took a long time though. We couldn't do the living room because the walls had been moved around and it didn't look right. The roof was brutal. I hate tar! It always makes me think of the jerky boys.


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NY. My grandfather's old summer place. PDM knows all about it. That's where my squirrel army lives.

If you havent been there in 5 years you dam straight the squirrels and field mice have taken over. You might as well give them the deed. Ive seen alot of squirrel and field mice damage in my day in the Poconos. Good Luck.

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Ever since the season ended I feel as if im a contractor at my wifes beckon call. Do this do that paint this fix this fix that. What the hell man. Shes got a list 2 miles long. This week stone granite guys replacing the kitchen counter tops. Next week floor guys sanding and refinishing hardwood floors. Carpet ordered for rooms that arent hardwood. I need to paint and clean change cabinent handles, clean out cabinents and drawers. I feel like running away from home.

Go back to work.

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So your one of those types...the mechanic who's car is always broken and the carpenter who's house is falling down.

My brother in law is an electrician and has had wires hanging out of his kitchen ceiling for the past 3 years.

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