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I wear my green & white... with pride.


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Getting pretty psyched for draft day. Welcoming some young blood to the GREEN & WHITE... so, in the spirit of "rah rah" I thought I share an Easter story with you all.

My girlfriend and I stopped at the grocery store this morning, we live near Boston. The young fella, face covered in zits, hair in his eyes, pushing a row of shopping carts back toward the store notices my Jets cap as we were walking through the parking lot.

He says to me, "Jets hat eh?"

Typically, I am very congenial and don't engage in the Neolithic banter with the people up here, only because they have literally no wit and things escalate quickly. They are all built like Dicky Ward, and think they are Mickey Ward. Retards. Anyway, I'm no slouch, but I'm at that "too much to live for to piss it away by ******* up a Pats fan cause they can't take what they dish out with trash talk" point in my life.

So I said to this young fella, "Well, let me check." I took off my hat, looked at it with a puzzled look on my face, and exclaimed, "I'll be damned. It is!" I smiled. He smiled. We went and bought our groceries, and some Easter candy to boot.

When I left the grocery, the cart boy was still bumming around the empty parking lot. Flicking the hair out of his face occasionally and seemingly waiting for me. I walked right by him, and he remarks, "So, why are you wearing a Jets hat." Given the holiday, and the presence of my lovely girlfriend I conceded to him, "I grew up in New York, I've only lived up here for 5 years. They are my team."

He says to me, "So you aren't doing it just to antagonize Pats fans?" To which I laughed, and said, "Nope. I'm just rooting for my team. It's a game."

He says, "So you lived in Boston 5 years. You should switch to the Pats now."

I stopped loading groceries at that point, walked over to him and put the fear of God in him. "Let me tell you something..." while maintaining the tone of someone older and wiser, "... I would hope that any Patriots fan I meet up here respects me MORE because I root for MY team, than they would if I just hopped on the bandwagon for the Pats."

The puzzled look on his face said it all. Dumb kid.

This season is going to be awesome...


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There must be something about grocery cart loaders. I was doing some shopping on base the day before the Jets vs. Pats playoff game and I had on a Jets T-shirt. Some antique pushing the carts sees me and says "The jets huh, they're gonna have a real tough time up in Foxboro tomorrow" and it wasn't a tone that suggested he was a neutral fan trying to have a football discussion, it was real dicky like he was a Pats fan. So I just said, "nope, no more video cameras buddy, the Pats are the ones that are gonna' be in trouble"..I saw him again a couple of days later and he didn't say a word.

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Cool story bro?

Nah. Its not really cool... but every now and again I share one of my trash talk moments with the Woodhead's up here. Like I said, its just a "rah rah" thing... I'm having a hard time getting psyched for the draft to be honest. I'm usually all into it...

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Love the part where u felt the need to reinforce that you could take him if you wanted, but your just too damn civilized

He was a zit faced kid collecting shopping carts mouthing off to me. I didn't need to reinforce anything. It is fact. Like you being pussy repellent.

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He was a zit faced kid collecting shopping carts mouthing off to me. I didn't need to reinforce anything. It is fact. Like you being pussy repellent.

yeah? i seem to do a good job getting you to follow me around

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I rarely get trouble when wearing Jets stuff but maybe that's because i'm on Long Island. I do notice though that ever since Rex took over people are stopping me and saying, "JETS!!". I was walking around the neighborhood the other day in a Jets t shirt and this car rolls by and he screams out "HELL YEAH!!! LETS GO JETS!!!!!!!!" at the top of his lungs. Here we are 6 months away from football plus in a lockout and people are EXCITED about the Jets. That's unbelievable!

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