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Yes I bit him

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Absolutely not. We've spoken to Mrs. Crusher, she's agreed to dig you a hole in the backyard to use, otherwise we start attacking her and the children.

First off you know damn well Mrs Crusher the kids never ever sit on you. Your a big fat ugly seat for a big fat ugly a$$. Deal with it. they all use the upstairs bathrooms where toilet seats have a$$ class and manners. Every one in the house hates you, I'm your only friend. This is how you treat me?

We already tried the hole thing in the yard. ******* county stopped that.

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Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhh terminal swampazz. Ewwwww thats gross. That poor toilet. Flabber engulfing a porcelan object with foul stench emitting from the dark hairy hole.

Sorry Crusher. ;)

I'm sorry. you probably poop like a little girl and butterflies and flowers fly out of your a$$ and chipmunks start singing songs about the Southland.

Good for you. When I sh*t Al Gore calls and complains.

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Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhh terminal swampazz. Ewwwww thats gross. That poor toilet. Flabber engulfing a porcelan object with foul stench emitting from the dark hairy hole.

Sorry Crusher. ;)

Right? And that's only the beginning, i've got the freaken trap up my a$$ since last month when the mother****er passed a license plate. He's like a freaken shark! That thing scraped the hell from the base of the bowl to the end of the trap and ever since then they've been threatening to strike. This has been building for years. We won't back down.

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First off you know damn well Mrs Crusher the kids never ever sit on you. Your a big fat ugly seat for a big fat ugly a$$. Deal with it. they all use the upstairs bathrooms where toilet seats have a$$ class and manners. Every one in the house hates you, I'm your only friend. This is how you treat me?

We already tried the hole thing in the yard. ******* county stopped that.

Ever hear of the National Toilet Seat Union #432? Yeah, that's right, we're in contact, and we've unionized you slob. Your house is now a union shop. No union member seat will serve here.

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Ever hear of the National Toilet Seat Union #432? Yeah, that's right, we're in contact, and we've unionized you slob. Your house is now a union shop. No union member seat will serve here.

Yeah because all the toilets upstairs that have all the thin and delicate hineys that sit on them would associate with you. You know, they actually have the fancy blue water upstairs. That delicately cleanses the bowl EACH and EVERY time they flush. hahah.. Unlike the Ajax and vinegar dooshes I give you when you start to stink. Unions.. hahah your a Real Jimmy Hoffa.

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I'm sorry. you probably poop like a little girl and butterflies and flowers fly out of your a$$ and chipmunks start singing songs about the Southland.

Good for you. When I sh*t Al Gore calls and complains.

You should be sorry.

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Yeah because all the toilets upstairs that have all the thin and delicate hineys that sit on them would associate with you. You know, they actually have the fancy blue water upstairs. That delicately cleanses the bowl EACH and EVERY time they flush. hahah.. Unlike the Ajax and vinegar dooshes I give you when you start to stink. Unions.. hahah your a Real Jimmy Hoffa.

Describing your mistreatment here for these kind people is not helping your cause. I've filed grievances with the union, and they agree, my liviing conditions are deplorable. With the amount of time we spend together, you'd think you'd want to get a long better.

Another thing we need to discuss is lifting the seat up to pee. Is it really that difficult to lean over and lift the seat up? Aren't I cold enough that I don't need to wet down before you rest your large bottom on me? Maybe it's just time to lose the false pride, succomb to gravity and begin taking a seat to pee. And this one isn't just for me, I've got complaints from half the bathroom on this one. How you manage to get urine on something that is 10 feet directly behind you, I'll never know, but it needs to change. Baby crusher had better aim as a toddler.

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Describing your mistreatment here for these kind people is not helping your cause. I've filed grievances with the union, and they agree, my liviing conditions are deplorable. With the amount of time we spend together, you'd think you'd want to get a long better.

Another thing we need to discuss is lifting the seat up to pee. Is it really that difficult to lean over and lift the seat up? Aren't I cold enough that I don't need to wet down before you rest your large bottom on me? Maybe it's just time to lose the false pride, succomb to gravity and begin taking a seat to pee. And this one isn't just for me, I've got complaints from half the bathroom on this one. How you manage to get urine on something that is 10 feet directly behind you, I'll never know, but it needs to change. Baby crusher had better aim as a toddler.

Living conditions? Your not living your working. Oh yea, OSHA called, "They said **** YOU, your a toilet seat dummy."

Hey i thought things we're fine and then you bit me. I still have the bruise. I contacted "The association for fat disgusting lard butts" and they say I may have a case against YOU.

Stand when I pee? Dude I can;t even see you when Im standing. You know damn well I'm not allowed to use any of the other toilets in the house. They all petitioned Mrs. Crusher and they won you lost. Baby Crusher is taller and has a better line of sight than I do. Plus he still has his upstairs toilet pass. I don't.

That's not urine 10 feet behind me, thats sweat thats drips off my head and fat neck. Boy your dumb.

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Living conditions? Your not living your working. Oh yea, OSHA called, "They said **** YOU, your a toilet seat dummy."

Hey i thought things we're fine and then you bit me. I still have the bruise. I contacted "The association for fat disgusting lard butts" and they say I may have a case against YOU.

Stand when I pee? Dude I can;t even see you when Im standing. You know damn well I'm not allowed to use any of the other toilets in the house. They all petitioned Mrs. Crusher and they won you lost. Baby Crusher is taller and has a better line of sight than I do. Plus he still has his upstairs toilet pass. I don't.

That's not urine 10 feet behind me, thats sweat thats drips off my head and fat neck. Boy your dumb.

If i ever locate your testicles amongst the sea of blubber you call thighs, they are mine. This is just the begginning, better buy a plunger and a mop.

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So do fat guys go by the same rule as cats, where you have 9 lives? I don't didn't pay much attention in mammalogy class.

No we have 9 chins.

Note: This is not a racist comment Im sorry and once again I resign if I offended anyone. Thanx.

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