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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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I thought you already found the post JIF and posted it "well sh*t this game is confusing. PAC that was a really good scene I thought things were looking up until you smacked me right across the face. "

Now your saying you dont want to go back and look ? That makes no sense

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I thought you already found the post JIF and posted it "well sh*t this game is confusing. PAC that was a really good scene I thought things were looking up until you smacked me right across the face. "

Now your saying you dont want to go back and look ? That makes no sense

I found the quote in the dead thread when I talked about it. Here was my post...

FYI, I will pursue a lynch of any player thats first respond after a NK is something of this nature by Smash

"well sh*t this game is confusing. PAC that was a really good scene I thought things were looking up until you smacked me right across the face. "

Vic did it a while back and I knew immediately he was scum. He said something like...

"confusing pick" or "interesting choice"

HUGE scum tell.

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I found the quote in the dead thread when I talked about it. Here was my post...

FYI, I will pursue a lynch of any player thats first respond after a NK is something of this nature by Smash

"well sh*t this game is confusing. PAC that was a really good scene I thought things were looking up until you smacked me right across the face. "

Vic did it a while back and I knew immediately he was scum. He said something like...

"confusing pick" or "interesting choice"

HUGE scum tell.

I see what your saying now it was Timing more than content. Correct ?

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Got a chance to read from the night death scene and not loving JiF's case on Pac. First off Pac's supposed confusion tactic looked bad to me until he explained it. Isn't that what we do here, ask questions and then let people explain it? Looking from his phone and checking it later seems reasonable.

When asked what else you had on Pac you really had nothing to offer except and excuse to not go back and look. Odd to me.

Then Hess jumps on and add part of the reason is Pac FOS day 10 times and that's a stupid a$$ excuse. Weird that Hess is the one that found the letter on the fax machine.

Then to add to it Monkey jumps on and up till now him and Slats still had me feeling bad after the CTM fiasco.

Not ready to vote you JiF cause I would like you to explain it to me so I understand. Personally at this point I would like to find out more about Hess. I think his alignment would tell us a lot.

vote Hess

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I see what your saying now it was Timing more than content. Correct ?


Got a chance to read from the night death scene and not loving JiF's case on Pac. First off Pac's supposed confusion tactic looked bad to me until he explained it. Isn't that what we do here, ask questions and then let people explain it? Looking from his phone and checking it later seems reasonable.

When asked what else you had on Pac you really had nothing to offer except and excuse to not go back and look. Odd to me.

Then Hess jumps on and add part of the reason is Pac FOS day 10 times and that's a stupid a$$ excuse. Weird that Hess is the one that found the letter on the fax machine.

Then to add to it Monkey jumps on and up till now him and Slats still had me feeling bad after the CTM fiasco.

Not ready to vote you JiF cause I would like you to explain it to me so I understand. Personally at this point I would like to find out more about Hess. I think his alignment would tell us a lot.

vote Hess

My rational is pretty clear considering I've been going back and forth on it with Smash for a page worth of posts now. There's nothing more to explain. If you dont buy it, fine. But I highly doubt the entire scum team would come out and all jump down the same players throat. Think about what you are saying here MT.

And voting me would be a disaster for the town. You dont get rid of the best scum hunter in the game because he's scum hunting.

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Then to add to it Monkey jumps on and up till now him and Slats still had me feeling bad after the CTM fiasco.

CTM fiasco? Really.

What did we lose there? A guy who could steal once?

That kind of argument is almost always town on town, and was again in the case of me and CTM. His big concern was the monkey being scum, which is a direction I'm still not willing to move in. His story did not make much sense, but his lynching provided a lot of answers. It's the kind of lynch he would propose if he wasn't the subject of it. We now know that there's a couple phases to night actions, and that there is a player who destroys items out there. Had CTM lived, we would've been arguing the same sh*t today. Sucks that he was town, but that was a good lynch.

Don't like your play a lot this game, to be honest.

I think JiF has a genuine point with the "confusing lynch," comment. Definitely a common scum post-mortem post. Thing that bothers me is that scum would know that they targeted someone else, so missing that in the death scene isn't something scum would necessarily do.

We had a train going on Lily that got derailed over the weekend. I'd like to take that track again to start today.

vote: Lily

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And the jamaican voice comes back with a rummmmba. Boom Boom. Boom....

Anyway so there's probably a NSK with a mug and a DVig with a rope or vice versa? I'm neither tfr. Have a real life doctor's appointment and workload is adding up but will be around today here and there.

Or the poison mug and the rope are both items in this game. Or one is, and the other's a role, etc.

Wonder if JC knew his partner was being fired. JVoR made it clear that JC did not know the alignment of the lover he chose to die for. Bold move by him if he didn't know, and the right one.

I would've guessed that computer that CTM loved so much had investigative powers (and maybe it still does), but it seems less likely with this investigative mallard found destroyed today.

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Forgot to mention this in CTM's death scene, but Creed was able to steal every night, he could "hoard" items i.e was not required to pass them on, but could only hold one at a time, he also had to give up an item he was holding if he wanted to "search" someone for an item to steal.

Since i'm explaining the roles when they get eliminated I left those details out.

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I agree with Crusher that the CTM/Ape/Slats situation had at least one scum in it. Since he's the most suspicious of the two left, I'll vote Slats.

I'd actually like to reveal today and was going to ask to, but if my train builds again, I guess I won't have to ask.

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My rational is pretty clear considering I've been going back and forth on it with Smash for a page worth of posts now. There's nothing more to explain. If you dont buy it, fine. But I highly doubt the entire scum team would come out and all jump down the same players throat. Think about what you are saying here MT.

And voting me would be a disaster for the town. You dont get rid of the best scum hunter in the game because he's scum hunting.

I don't buy it. I think it stinks. Just not sure where the stench is coming from.

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CTM fiasco? Really.

What did we lose there? A guy who could steal once?

That kind of argument is almost always town on town, and was again in the case of me and CTM. His big concern was the monkey being scum, which is a direction I'm still not willing to move in. His story did not make much sense, but his lynching provided a lot of answers. It's the kind of lynch he would propose if he wasn't the subject of it. We now know that there's a couple phases to night actions, and that there is a player who destroys items out there. Had CTM lived, we would've been arguing the same sh*t today. Sucks that he was town, but that was a good lynch.

Don't like your play a lot this game, to be honest.

I think JiF has a genuine point with the "confusing lynch," comment. Definitely a common scum post-mortem post. Thing that bothers me is that scum would know that they targeted someone else, so missing that in the death scene isn't something scum would necessarily do.

We had a train going on Lily that got derailed over the weekend. I'd like to take that track again to start today.

vote: Lily

don;t care if you don;t like my play, I don;t like my play most of the time either.

I understand the most common post mortem post thing. At the same time Pac explained he was on his phone and just as much was made that he mis-read the qoute. Just trying to see thru the crap and not play follow the leader as we lynch another townie.

JiF just seems to be lock jawing onto players that are typically not very hard to lynch. Just concerned.

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I agree with Crusher that the CTM/Ape/Slats situation had at least one scum in it. Since he's the most suspicious of the two left, I'll vote Slats.

I'd actually like to reveal today and was going to ask to, but if my train builds again, I guess I won't have to ask.

You go, Girl!

Do you have some valuable info to reveal, or are you just looking to try to clear yourself?

don;t care if you don;t like my play, I don;t like my play most of the time either.

I understand the most common post mortem post thing. At the same time Pac explained he was on his phone and just as much was made that he mis-read the qoute. Just trying to see thru the crap and not play follow the leader as we lynch another townie.

JiF just seems to be lock jawing onto players that are typically not very hard to lynch. Just concerned.

You missed my point, though, which was that scum knew they didn't target JC, so it would be odd for scum to not notice that in the death scene.

Pac might've been one of my favorites heading into today but for that. If he is scum, that was a clever "mis-read."

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You go, Girl!

Do you have some valuable info to reveal, or are you just looking to try to clear yourself?

You missed my point, though, which was that scum knew they didn't target JC, so it would be odd for scum to not notice that in the death scene.

Pac might've been one of my favorites heading into today but for that. If he is scum, that was a clever "mis-read."

I have info. Not sure how valuable it is and since we aren't even allowed to hint, I'd better not say any more.

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I have info. Not sure how valuable it is and since we aren't even allowed to hint, I'd better not say any more.

So you didn't like my reveal yesterday to try and help clear another most likely, possible townie but you're coming out of the gates today wanting to reveal to help clear yourself? Ok.

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I agree with Crusher that the CTM/Ape/Slats situation had at least one scum in it. Since he's the most suspicious of the two left, I'll vote Slats.

I'd actually like to reveal today and was going to ask to, but if my train builds again, I guess I won't have to ask.

With 3 reveals allowed total, I'd say go for it -- but I understand wanting to wait. You'll probably hear "omg reeveel with 3 votes ur obv skum!!11!!"

But I'm growing wary of you, so I'd like to go ahead and hear what you have to say.

Still not in love with Hess' "Hi JiF :)" bit, and I don't agree with the logic behind saying JiF is town right then. There's a reason why cops don't reveal everyone they've investigated and got a town read back...it puts a target on the acks of both the cop and the townie. Your point was that scum already knows who's town, and that's true -- but the important thing is TOWN doesn't know who's town. Scum want town members to know as little as possible. You know this, and bringing up a mod confirmed townie in I28 from the Star Wars game doesn't relate to this situation IMO.

Vote: Hess

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I always think Hess is town. Might be a character flaw.

If we don't run out of reveals today, I wouldn't mind hearing from anyone else who might've gotten the copy machine tonight.

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You go, Girl!

Do you have some valuable info to reveal, or are you just looking to try to clear yourself?

You missed my point, though, which was that scum knew they didn't target JC, so it would be odd for scum to not notice that in the death scene.

Pac might've been one of my favorites heading into today but for that. If he is scum, that was a clever "mis-read."

HEY! Don't you talk to Lilian like that you ninnyhammer. **** YOU!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!one!!!!!111!

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Sorry for the confusion. I'm not quite fully awake yet.

Thanks for sticking up for me, but no need. I can handle Slatsy. He's really just a teddy bear under the sarcasm.

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With 3 reveals allowed total, I'd say go for it -- but I understand wanting to wait. You'll probably hear "omg reeveel with 3 votes ur obv skum!!11!!"

But I'm growing wary of you, so I'd like to go ahead and hear what you have to say.

Still not in love with Hess' "Hi JiF :)" bit, and I don't agree with the logic behind saying JiF is town right then. There's a reason why cops don't reveal everyone they've investigated and got a town read back...it puts a target on the acks of both the cop and the townie. Your point was that scum already knows who's town, and that's true -- but the important thing is TOWN doesn't know who's town. Scum want town members to know as little as possible. You know this, and bringing up a mod confirmed townie in I28 from the Star Wars game doesn't relate to this situation IMO.

Vote: Hess

I have no idea why you're so caught up in the Hi JiF. Are you saying I was going with him being scum and then changed my mind? Like Hi JiF gotcha...and then concocted a different story between that and the JiF is Town probably like a half hour later in my car? The reason cops don't reveal their investigations right away is because they still get investigations. Bolded is exactly why I did what I did.

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HEY! Don't you talk to Lilian like that you ninnyhammer. **** YOU!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!one!!!!!111!

I was wondering when you were going to fart in my general direction today.

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Sorry for the confusion. I'm not quite fully awake yet.

Thanks for sticking up for me, but no need. I can handle Slatsy. He's really just a teddy bear under the sarcasm.

/snuggles up close to Lily so no one else can hear

Listen, Lils...don't let Slats know this, but I actually really like him. Slats, Dan, and AVM go back. Way back. I'm just trying to throw Wombat off my scum trail with the *'d out profanity and extreme rage/anger I've been directing at Slats. Hope it works, don't want to let my scum team down ;)

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Game Thread Trivia, tomorrow at 3:30 PM. Another chance to win the computer.

Question will be posted at that time, and the computer goes to the first correct answer via PM!

Is this being rescheduled? I have sh*t to do... :lol:

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YYou missed my point, though, which was that scum knew they didn't target JC, so it would be odd for scum to not notice that in the death scene.

Pac might've been one of my favorites heading into today but for that. If he is scum, that was a clever "mis-read."

I think he slipped...didnt read the scene and let everyone else do the work for him and then started back tracking.

Hurts that my MT doesnt trust me. I'm in my mother F'ing mode right now. Scum hunting like no other.

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You go, Girl!

Do you have some valuable info to reveal, or are you just looking to try to clear yourself?

You missed my point, though, which was that scum knew they didn't target JC, so it would be odd for scum to not notice that in the death scene.

Pac might've been one of my favorites heading into today but for that. If he is scum, that was a clever "mis-read."


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