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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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yes he did have you not been reading ? I pointed this out a few pages ago because CTM refused to acknowledge it then as well. Like I said he could very well be full of sh*t but HE DID COUNTER and plainly stated JC was lying.

Vote JC

Vote Smash

He countered, but you were the first to vote him, immediately after this supposed counter? Playing scummy is playing scummy....and you by far, are playing the scummiest.

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4:03 - the supposed counter

ugh.. how can I say this without the wrath of Jack...

lynching JC kills scum.

attempting to lynch me gives us some of what we've lost.

win, win.

4:07 - the first response by an alive players

AVM ftw ?

Unvote Vic

Vote Pac

Smash should probably drop off this btw in case he's a bomb.

was thinking the same

Unvote Pac

Yeah, this guy isnt scummy.

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Vote Smash

He countered, but you were the first to vote him, immediately after this supposed counter? Playing scummy is playing scummy....and you by far, are playing the scummiest.

Once again you fail, your buffoonery is epic . I voted him when he basicly asked us to vote him. And since when does the first vote on a player mean anything ? So many reasons a first vote can be placed. How many more ways do you and CTscum have to fail ? Weather your town or scum you have both tripped up this entire game yet I get attacked for questioning it.

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Once again you fail, your buffoonery is epic . I voted him when he basicly asked us to vote him. And since when does the first vote on a player mean anything ? So many reasons a first vote can be placed. How many more ways do you and CTscum have to fail ? Weather your town or scum you have both tripped up this entire game yet I get attacked for questioning it.

How bout you explain your play above??? Because you my friend, havent made a logical play all game.

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Also if you noticed in my vote post for PAC I mentioned "AVM for the win" which means I thought PAC was going to be able to use AVM's reports in some way. weather that meant AVM coming back to the game or PAC realying info. Once again..... read fail jif

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How bout you explain your play above??? Because you my friend, havent made a logical play all game.

You 2 idiots apparently vetted me and now your claiming Im scum ?? You guys played this well, and your both full of sh*t. Scum are JC CTM and JIF. JIF killed through CTM so we got Medical kills Then JIF killed at night and we got lawyer Kills. They staged there mock arguement early on and have slipped up numerous times yet they get no heat because they played it smart.

Im just not sure which is the better lynch JIF or JC Ill stick with JC for now

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You 2 idiots apparently vetted me and now your claiming Im scum ?? You guys played this well, and your both full of sh*t. Scum are JC CTM and JIF. JIF killed through CTM so we got Medical kills Then JIF killed at night and we got lawyer Kills. They staged there mock arguement early on and have slipped up numerous times yet they get no heat because they played it smart.

Im just not sure which is the better lynch JIF or JC Ill stick with JC for now

No heat? I was at L-1 penis breath. And I dont slip.

You were vetted for the time being, but how do I know you arent scum with a bpv? I dont, I'm going on who is playing the scummiest and its you...by far.

You and SMC are my favorites. SMC comes in and puts him at L-1 without even hearing his results??? okay...

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You and SMC are my favorites. SMC comes in and puts him at L-1 without even hearing his results??? okay...

Like I said yesterday, I'm tired of being led around by JC. I didn't want to leave it up to you or CTM to decide what happens, but that's the way it has to be, I guess when we have an all powerful mason team.

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No heat? I was at L-1 penis breath. And I dont slip.

You were vetted for the time being, but how do I know you arent scum with a bpv? I dont, I'm going on who is playing the scummiest and its you...by far.

You and SMC are my favorites. SMC comes in and puts him at L-1 without even hearing his results??? okay...

How do I know your not scum leading us around by the nose ?

Got desparate >

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How do I know your not scum leading us around by the nose ?

Got desparate >

What am I leading again?

You are spearheaded the lynch on the uncountered cop and an uncountered vig...you are the one leading my friend. I'm using ration to make decisions...you havent made a logical play all game.

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VIC in my post # 2311 CTM directly asks PAC if he is Countering and he answers in the quote directly underneath

he claied about 5 other things.. wtf is wrong with you..

he was on a suicide run and asked for people to vote him

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I do. Just been trying to wait as long as I can before I spill the beans. Anyway I guess I might as well get it out of the way now.

Regarding Vic, and also the lack of night kills, I think I know what happened.

As you know, I'm the slutty nurse. What you don't know is that I'm so good that I can do two things at once. I can do good and bad or bad and good. If you're lucky enough to get a piece of this a$$, you'd have to give me your full attention.

That said, I've slept with Vic twice. He's been cheating on his pregnant wife the last two nights. :o

I know we talked about this, but the issue was never resolved. I feel like Sharrow was blocking Vic and the mafia NK. As soon as Sharrow died, the lawyer kills came back. There was an early lawyer kill, and then it appears Sharrow started blocking Vic.

So either Vic is scum, or he was targeted multiple times by scum? Thoughts? I'm going with scum - they would target JC or Smash before Vic.

Vote: Vic

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I know we talked about this, but the issue was never resolved. I feel like Sharrow was blocking Vic and the mafia NK. As soon as Sharrow died, the lawyer kills came back. There was an early lawyer kill, and then it appears Sharrow started blocking Vic.

So either Vic is scum, or he was targeted multiple times by scum? Thoughts? I'm going with scum - they would target JC or Smash before Vic.

Vote: Vic

I know this won't sway you but I sh*t you not that basically from Friday - Monday I wasn't even on this website nor any other. We got home Saturday and I was up all night that night and was sleeping a good portion of that day and the rest of the day spending time with my oldest.. The nights I banged Sharrow would've needed me to be available to play, I wasn't. What your proposing is that I'm the direct connection to lawyer kills, which means I would've had to be available, which I can assure you, I was not.

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I know this won't sway you but I sh*t you not that basically from Friday - Monday I wasn't even on this website nor any other. We got home Saturday and I was up all night that night and was sleeping a good portion of that day and the rest of the day spending time with my oldest.. The nights I banged Sharrow would've needed me to be available to play, I wasn't. What your proposing is that I'm the direct connection to lawyer kills, which means I would've had to be available, which I can assure you, I was not.

He brings up an interesting point when considering what CTM pointed out about your supposed slip up...

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I understand your point, but the multiple night phases were strung out farther apart than 1 weekend, right? Anyway, if a RBer hits scum, Jack might have it block the NK....maybe there isn't a specific mafia player sent out for kills....could just be a general kill. Then RB a mafia player would then stop the kill.

Or...they sent you as the person not around much....too many possibilities. I just don't see a backup role being in this game after reading all the reveals. It doesn't fit. Backup doc might have been more convincing, but not backup cop.

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He brings up an interesting point when considering what CTM pointed out about your supposed slip up...

If Sharrow was RBing me then how the hell did I supposedly kill him? That doesn't make any sense, because I still would've been blocked. The lawyer NKs came back starting WITH Sharrow, not AFTER Sharrow.

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BG could have very well been the doctor or cop IMO. His title was so chief of medicine which could mean he was the one that the lawyers are after so he would be in charge of looking for the lawyers and taking care of the hospital or just because he's the highest level "doctor" that he's the real doctor. I will say that I believe that one of the two between JC and Smash is scum. I don't like the way BG died and how little work it took to kill him. If BG was either of those two it makes sense that we have "no counter" because he's dead. And that was early on enough to set-up either JC or Smash for the rest of the game.

BG is a very experienced player if he was the doctor or cop, he certainly would have indicated that prior to his lynch.

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I know we talked about this, but the issue was never resolved. I feel like Sharrow was blocking Vic and the mafia NK. As soon as Sharrow died, the lawyer kills came back. There was an early lawyer kill, and then it appears Sharrow started blocking Vic.

So either Vic is scum, or he was targeted multiple times by scum? Thoughts? I'm going with scum - they would target JC or Smash before Vic.

Vote: Vic

I could go here but think scum more likely resides in SMC...

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I guess I'm down to smac or vic right now...

JC is uncountered cop

Smash is uncountered dockhead

Verbal has an innocnt result

Jif - seen his pm

Me - jif's seen my pm

Vic and SMC should be dispatched before we going killing off people with some kind of defense..

need to thnk a bit

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