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Bassett’s Vacation: I Can’t Quit You!!!


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Bassett’s Vacation: I Can’t Quit You!!!

By Bassett on Jul 14, 2011, 10:30 pm


Every year, I try and take some down time from the site to recharge before the start of the season. For whatever reason, over a year ago my family (with my blessing) planned a huge excursion to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons of Wyoming, that will now in all likelihood, be the most compacted, wildest, downright bat-sh*tiest ten days of the NFL calendar year that has ever transpired. Ah well …

So while we pack up the ol’ family truckster for our vacation, our longtime co-editor Bent will be running the show in my absence, for about the next 10(ish) days. I know he’s going to do an fantastic job, but just to give him a little help and mix it up, we’ve lined up a host of great guest writers, starting tomorrow with our old friend Phil Sullivan (Max) from JetNation.com, and then throughout the rest of the time with some luminaries from around the web like the folks at Hugging Harold Reynolds, KSK, and many more. Trust us, it’s gonna be great, we guarantee you won’t miss us at all.

As for me? It’s gonna be hard to quit you. I’m going to be pretty unplugged for the next five days, then we’ll be staying at a lodge that actually has some semblance of internet.

We’ll make sure to get everyone a souvenir (R in CT has already requested pickled Rocky Mountain Oysters), so be good while I’m away, you’re in competent care at what could be one of the most exciting news cycles this blog has seen.


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Nice work, Max.


Green, Green, Green! Why I Like Green

By Phil Sullivan

Jetnation.com, special to The Jets Blog


I was probably five or six when I first started to like the color green. Maybe it was the grass on the front lawn of my childhood home in Bergen County? I don't know! But I knew I really, really like green. One time, I went around my kindergarten classroom and stole all the green crayons from everybody's box of Crayolas. Man, were they mad! Especially Bobby Johnson, who had rich parents who could afford the super-big Crayola box with 126 colors--I had to steal all eleven types of green! Man, was he a sour-puss!

My obsession with green continued throughout high school, too. I was, like, SO in love with Suzie Thompkins because she had green eyes! Unfortunately, she was a cheerleader and didn't go for guys like me who were in the AV Club. But, man, those eyes!! I still remember my first car, too. It was an '82 Dodge Dart--you guessed it--Hunter Green!! Man, did I put a lot of miles on it until the exhaust manifold gave out and I had to give up that car. That was a total bummer. But, I will always remember it. I named it "Speedy Green"!

As I got older, my green obsession only got worse. I had green hats, green shoes, even green pants! The ladies LOVED it! My wife says to this day that she hated my personality, but she dug my green velour boat shoes! LOL!

So, why am I sharing all this stuff about green on the JetsBlog? Good question!! It's because I love the Jets because they're GREEN!! I like the Eagles, too. Anyway, I totally can't wait for the season to start. I hope Mike Sanchez can improve on his rookie year, and I hope coach Rex Ryan can finally get something out of Virgil Gholston. If those two things happen, we're going to the SUPER BOWL!!! Go Jets! Go Gang GREEN!!!!!

Anyway, I've used up enough KB's for one article. Make sure you check out www.jetnation.com for all your Jets convo. Thanks to my pal Brian Bassett for letting me fill in while he's out! Peace!

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Guest Post: Hard Knocks No More

By Bent on Jul 15, 2011, 12:12 pm

While Bassett’s away communing with nature or whatever in Wyoming, we’ve asked some of the best writers on the web to step in and show TJB readers what real writing is about. Today’s guest post is from Phil “Max” Sullivan of JetNation. On a personal note, I can attest to Phil’s awesomeness, because he hosted a group of us a couple of times over at his tailgate. Thanks, Phil! Take it away…

The reports are consistent now; all saying that the NFL Lockout should soon be over. The New York Jets have already announced that they will be holding training camp in Florham Park NJ this year. This is a result of having so little time to prepare for the start of training camp. The location of training camp isn’t the only thing that will be different for the Jets this year.

Last season the New York Jets entered uncharted waters as the cameras followed their every move in training camp for the HBO show, Hard Knocks. Jets brass touted this as a good thing for the franchise; they said the cameras capturing every move meant that players never took a minute off. Paint me old fashioned but I always thought it was the coaches’ job to make sure the players are pushed to their limits. You really shouldn’t need a camera crew to facilitate that.

There were a lot of storylines wrapped around Rex Ryan being overweight. Landainian Tomlison, Santonio Holmes and Jason Taylor were some of the new stars being showcased to Jets Nation to fuel the hype machine. The Darrelle Revis hold out was a feature of the early episodes. Human interest stories were common as well, from the underdog Danny Woodhead to Joe McKnight from USC. The show was funny, it was highly entertaining and it gave the fans a level of access that they have never been exposed to before. These were all good things for the fans. During one of the closing episodes the players were seen eating cheeseburgers on the field during practice. This was another fun-filled fan moment. Although it flies in the face of the up-tempo, no-holds barred practices that we were promised with the cameras following every move.

The only real problem is that the Jets were not honest as to why they chose to be on Hard Knocks last year. Not one of those things mentioned above brought the Jets closer to their stated goal; winning the Super Bowl. Last year the Jets were heading to a new stadium and the organizational focus was on selling PSLs. Media coverage was used to create excitement so the fan base would be more receptive to buying Personal Seat Licenses in the new stadium.

Rex Ryan has essentially built his brand in the NFL. He has been a very successful head coach with two seasons completed and two AFC Championship game appearances. To get to that next level, Rex and the Jets need to stop telling the world what they are going to do. Less talk and more action is required.

A training camp with less media attention and no Hard Knocks is exactly what the Jets need to make Rex’s Super Bowl guarantee come true. Now if they could hurry up and get this lockout over with, we might be able to forgive them in time for the regular season.

Phil Sullivan is the founder of JetNation.com – the largest independent fan site dedicated to NY Jets football. The JetNation fan forums have over 10,000 registered members. JetNation can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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Good stuff Max. I usually chime in at TJB about the cap and will be there for a cap related talk or two while Bassett is away these next two weeks as well. I agree with what you said about less talk and more action. Though Ill never hope for it, I have a feeling that this is a team that needs to have that humbling season in order to get over that last hump. I think certain guys might take it for granted that the AFC Championship is a given even without that division title. At times they remind me a bit of the 2003 Jets who started bad and then began to rebound before Chad came back and were all doing interviews about how the start meant nothing because they started bad in 2002 and were probably the second best team in the AFC at season end. I love Sanchez, but he isnt Manning and nothing is a given unless your QB is at that level.

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Good stuff Max. I usually chime in at TJB about the cap and will be there for a cap related talk or two while Bassett is away these next two weeks as well. I agree with what you said about less talk and more action. Though Ill never hope for it, I have a feeling that this is a team that needs to have that humbling season in order to get over that last hump. I think certain guys might take it for granted that the AFC Championship is a given even without that division title. At times they remind me a bit of the 2003 Jets who started bad and then began to rebound before Chad came back and were all doing interviews about how the start meant nothing because they started bad in 2002 and were probably the second best team in the AFC at season end. I love Sanchez, but he isnt Manning and nothing is a given unless your QB is at that level.

Agree 100%. Particularly this year with the compressed FA period. There's a realistic (if unlikely) chance that Jets fans could wake up on July 26th and Braylon Edwards and Santonio Holmes could no longer be on the roster. Who knows what their agents have been cooking up behind the scenes? I also just read that Asomugha could end up with close to $20 mil per, which will effectively put Revis on a one-year deal this year (the last year he gets eight digits). That holdout will be all but guaranteed.

The only saving grace is Rex and his scheme will still be here.

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Good stuff Max. I usually chime in at TJB about the cap and will be there for a cap related talk or two while Bassett is away these next two weeks as well. I agree with what you said about less talk and more action. Though Ill never hope for it, I have a feeling that this is a team that needs to have that humbling season in order to get over that last hump. I think certain guys might take it for granted that the AFC Championship is a given even without that division title. At times they remind me a bit of the 2003 Jets who started bad and then began to rebound before Chad came back and were all doing interviews about how the start meant nothing because they started bad in 2002 and were probably the second best team in the AFC at season end. I love Sanchez, but he isnt Manning and nothing is a given unless your QB is at that level.


All I can say is that I hope that isn't the case. I do hope last year was the low point..

Consistent pass rush and the continued development of Mark Sanchez...those are the keys to making sure this team doesn't take a step back.

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