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Trash Talk: The Dolphins won't make the playoffs again


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Rex is a good coach and he had a nice little run with the Jets but his attempt to fill an above average roster with stop gaps and aging veterans will soon catch up to him. How do you think signing Plaxico Burress and Derrick Mason is the right way to build a winner? He has a horrible quarterback that is lucky to still have a job, an aging stable on offense, and he always has a pretty good defense, but it's one or two injuries away every year because of the lack of depth. You will pump money into a few positions and ignore the rest of the team and this will also catch up with you.

When the Jets lose two or three games in a row and the quarterback is benched and the wheels fall off, every team in the league will laugh at you.

And no one is jealous of you. You guys haven't even won your own division in 9 years and have won it just twice in the past 40+ years.

The Dolphins starting QB could be Henne or Moore. A stop gap or aging vet would be an upgrade over either.

You have an oline that has one solid player, Long. The rest is either aging vets or a rookie. I'll take my oline over yours any day.

Your defense could be just bad by one or two injuries also. Without Wake, you pass rush takes a huge nose dive.

When the Dolphinslose two or three games in a row and the quarterback is benched and the wheels fall off, every team in the league will laugh at you.

That'll happen this year, don't worry.

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Maybe if you swapped QB's. Henne is terrible. Your team tried to bring in a QB who can actually produce to replace him, and wound up with Matt Moore, instead. I think your front office might actually be worse than your QB. They're making micro-moves in he hope of keeping their jobs, but are completely sackless when it comes to doing anything real. This Reggie Bush move will not end well.

I'm not arguing that Chad Henne is great. My argument is that Sanchez is no better. ONLY Jets fans would say that Sanchez is in the top 20 of NFL QBs.




Palmer (if he played)

















And I'm being generous in that list.

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If there was any doubt Imgay4eva had any clue about the NFL, it should be all but realized with the posts below, he is indeed, a moron.

David Garrard had a very good year last year, numbnuts. Not to mention Gabbert is probably in the most need of any first round rookie quarterback of sitting behind the incumbent for a year.

Gabbert is the most pro ready of all the rookie QB's, its not even close. Hence why, Minn and Tenn traded for QB's to start ahead of their rookies.

Rex is a good coach and he had a nice little run with the Jets but his attempt to fill an above average roster with stop gaps and aging veterans will soon catch up to him. How do you think signing Plaxico Burress and Derrick Mason is the right way to build a winner? He has a horrible quarterback that is lucky to still have a job, an aging stable on offense, and he always has a pretty good defense, but it's one or two injuries away every year because of the lack of depth.

The Jets have 6 players over 30 years of age. 2 are on 1 year contract and 1 is Mark Brunnel. Their core, is young and bad a$$ and thats what wins them ball games.

Mark Sanchez has lost 2 or 3 games in a row before and still managed to lead the team to the AFCCG.

You have no penis and are by far the worst troll this board has because have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. This reminds me so much of last offseason. You come here, talk trash, try to get your hopes up but deep down inside, you know the Dolphags are literally one of the worst organizations in Football and the Jets are now one of the best w/ Mother****ing Rex Ryan at the helm.

Have fun looking up, because the Dolphags wont even win 6 games this season and you'll dissapear like you always do, only to return next offseason, with mock high hopes and we'll go through this all again.

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I'm not arguing that Chad Henne is great. My argument is that Sanchez is no better. ONLY Jets fans would say that Sanchez is in the top 20 of NFL QBs.




Palmer (if he played)

















And I'm being generous in that list.

I'm not interested in your troll list, nor am I going to bother to dismantle it piece by piece.

Mark Sanchez has been in the league two years, and got his team to the league's final four in both of them, performing very well in the playoffs both times. In fact, in his first two seasons in the league, he already has half the number of playoff victories Dan No-ring-o managed in his entire 17 year career.

You've listed some stat compilers who choke like Mama Cass when the pressure's on. Other guys who've never even seen pressure. I'll stick with my young and improving QB, thanks. You can stick with your topped out robot.

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How could they not with the immortal Reggie Bush starting for them?

Is he going to start? I thought it was going to be Daniel Thomas.

This is sarcasm, right?

Nope, it's a bold prediction. After looking at the stats, I think the fault last year lay with Brown and Williams, not the O-Line.

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I'm not interested in your troll list, nor am I going to bother to dismantle it piece by piece.

Mark Sanchez has been in the league two years, and got his team to the league's final four in both of them, performing very well in the playoffs both times. In fact, in his first two seasons in the league, he already has half the number of playoff victories Dan No-ring-o managed in his entire 17 year career.

You've listed some stat compilers who choke like Mama Cass when the pressure's on. Other guys who've never even seen pressure. I'll stick with my young and improving QB, thanks. You can stick with your topped out robot.

I think he compiled the list while looking at ESPN's fantasy rankings. Those with the most fantasy points are the best QB's.

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Is he going to start? I thought it was going to be Daniel Thomas.

Nope, it's a bold prediction. After looking at the stats, I think the fault last year lay with Brown and Williams, not the O-Line.


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Rex is a good coach and he had a nice little run with the Jets but his attempt to fill an above average roster with stop gaps and aging veterans will soon catch up to him. How do you think signing Plaxico Burress and Derrick Mason is the right way to build a winner? He has a horrible quarterback that is lucky to still have a job, an aging stable on offense, and he always has a pretty good defense, but it's one or two injuries away every year because of the lack of depth. You will pump money into a few positions and ignore the rest of the team and this will also catch up with you.

When the Jets lose two or three games in a row and the quarterback is benched and the wheels fall off, every team in the league will laugh at you.

And no one is jealous of you. You guys haven't even won your own division in 9 years and have won it just twice in the past 40+ years.

9years since a division title. True. When is the last time you where even competitive in a playoff game. The year you where given the AFC east, you guys PROVED in the playoffs it was a fluke. What a joke you are.

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9years since a division title. True. When is the last time you where even competitive in a playoff game. The year you where given the AFC east, you guys PROVED in the playoffs it was a fluke. What a joke you are.

The Jets have won more playoff games in the last two years than the Dolphins have won since Don Shula retired in 1996. They didn't win a playoff game that year, either.

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Gabbert is the most pro ready of all the rookie QB's, its not even close. Hence why, Minn and Tenn traded for QB's to start ahead of their rookies.

Yeah that's good logic. Because the Jaguars already had a quarterback in place, that means Gabbert is the most pro-ready. Did you watch one snap of college football last year or are you talking out your a$$ again?

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Yeah that's good logic. Because the Jaguars already had a quarterback in place, that means Gabbert is the most pro-ready. Did you watch one snap of college football last year or are you talking out your a$$ again?

Garrard is the mush. He probably seems like a decent Qb to somebody who's team is below mediocre. I live in Jax. And unfortunately, I hear about this team non-stop and nobody in the organization has faith in David Garrard because apparently, he's dumb as rocks and cant read a defense...hence a ton of TE pass in the seam and check downs to MoJo Drew. He played ok, but he's also lead 2 late season collapses and the organization is over it.

Gabbert was drafted to be the future and he's competing for the starting job. Much different than 2 franchises who drafted QB, and then traded for vets to start. Or you have a the Cam Newton situation where Carolina has no choice.

And no, I dont watch college Football at all...that big Florida Gators signature should be a dead give away.

Carry on.

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There is no way the Jets don't regress.

1.) You had the luckiest miracle run in 2009. Two teams lay down to get you in, two kickers implode to get you to the AFC Championship game. It was a cute run, but a fluke.

2.) Last year the Jets were the most fortuitous team in the entire National Football League. Ndamukong Suh missing a PAT is why you beat the Lions, Kendall Langford and Jason Allen dropped game changing INTs in the first Miami game, Chansi Stuckey gift wrapped the Cleveland game with a fumble while in FG range in OT, Jason Allen did what he does best this time with Houston allowing everyone to beat him. I will give you the two playoff games. You outplayed Indy and New England.

3.) Damien Woody is gone. Braylon Edwards is gone. Your front 7 isn't what it once was. Your ONLY threat on offense is Santonio Holmes (do you think people are really scared of Plax and Mason?) Mark Sanchez has FIFTEEN dropped interceptions last year. FIFTEEN! ONE-FIVE! He would've been getting booed out of practices ala Henne if just half of those were caught. He's a scrub.

8-8. Accept it. Live it. Mediocrity. Welcome to the Dolphins fan's world.

1. In 2009 we had the best defense in the NFL and best running game in the NFL. That's why we got as far as we did. It wasn't luck that we held opponents to something like 14 a game. We also had a rookie coach plus rookie QB.

2.The Patriots had the flukiest season of them all. How were the Jets fortuitous? We were targeted by officials and screwed multiple times by bad calls. We could have won 13 games if it weren't for the league bias against us. (Terrible penalty call on roughing the kicker vs Balt, and terrible interception call vs the Packers) LOL at saying the Jets are lucky because someone fumbled. Because the Jets never had fumbles, right? Our defense is no joke, and I credit them for the fumble (either directly, or indirectly because we play lights out d). In the Texans game, it was a fluke that they even caught up to us. They were lucky to come close in that. Same with the lions game.. AND Broncos.

3. 15? You are full of crap. Edwards was trouble off the field, we didn't have a choice. Plax is better if he plays even close to like he used to (which may take some time). Our defense is younger on the line and stronger now. I know Sanchez needs to improve and that will be the biggest factor in where our team goes this year, we know he struggled early in games, but at the end when it matters, he comes through 90% of the time.

Our record this year will be almost the same as last year's. Our team ain't going anywhere. Our core is still intinct and most players have stayed. We have a slightly diff receiving core, but we'll be fine. I'd worry more about your own team. You guys don't even have a starting QB yet LOL.

Sanchez >>>> Henne. How many playoff wins under Henne's belt again? How many 4th guarter comebacks? Yeah that's what I thought. Sanchez has consistency issues, but he's only played NFL for 2 years, and 3 years total. For his experience, that's pretty amazing. We're not worried about our QB. That's what you should be thinking about instead of trying to troll Jets fans.

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I guess Jake Long playing with one shoulder means nothing. I guess drafting the best interior lineman in the draft means nothing. And we got faster and younger at tailback. There's no way the running game doesn't improve.

A faster and younger tailback... who's averaged under 4 YPC for one of the best offenses in the league in 3 of his 5 seasons (which is also every season that he's had more than 70 carries). Bush is a very good receiver, but he's a horrible runner.

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I'm not arguing that Chad Henne is great. My argument is that Sanchez is no better.

NFL Trivia time:

Of the two players mentioned, only one has shown any improvement whatsoever over the course of his NFL career. Which one is it?

Of the two players mentioned, only one has thrown more TDs than INTs in any one of his NFL seasons. Which one is it?

Of the two players mentioned, only one has thrown more TDs than INTs in his NFL career. Which one is it?

Of the two players mentioned, only one has a winning NFL record. Which one is it?

Of the two players mentioned, only one has made the playoffs. Which one is it? (HINT: The QB in question has been to the playoffs every season of his career and is 4-2 in the playoffs.)

Got it yet? Ok, here's one more hint: The answer for all of these questions is the same.

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I need to enter this thread. OK Aquaboy, here it goes:

I do agree with you that the phins will be much improved over last years team, not saying much though since last years team was stuck in the mud. I like your front seven with wake, dansby, misi, solai, and oldrick(sp) coming back off injury. This has the potential to be very good up front. your corners are good, not great. Davis is the better player with smith playing out of position, he should be a saftey. You have one very good wr and one good slot wr, that's it. Dont give me hartline nonsense. Fasano is ok, great against the JETS but ok against everyone else. Now Henne. Very good arm strength. good medium range accuracy. poor short accuracy and poor deep accuracy, how am I doing so far? Has ZERO pocket pressence, cannot feel the rush. Can move to his right and throw on the run pretty well, not so much to the left. Not a gamer. When the game is tight and he needs to make a play, he cant. Yes I remember the one pass he completed against the JETS last year, congrats on that. There is a reason your team is trying to replace him, he's not that good, period. I will not compare him to our qb since the comparison is laughable. As far as your oline, yes, last year they were beaten down with injuries. Lets see what happens this year. I like Thomas and I feel Bush will play well for your team. Are the phins a playoff team, not until you get the letter, ask Herm.

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