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Football Life: Joe Namath


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Joe Namath threw such beautiful spirals, even his interceptions looked good. With the flick of the wrist, the ball was sent like a missile downfield.  Remember watching an exhibition game against Detroit,  they took a cheap shot at him and he was out for the season. The season was over before it started; we had no backup plan other than Al Woodal. What a waste of superbowl talent which the team still had in the early 70's.  I cried like a baby. His mobility was totally shot, but he took a huge drop backwards from the snap. He was only able to move backwards, not forward, nor to the side - even Kenny Obrien was more mobile.  Classic gunslinger. Stats are irrelevant - you had to see him to appreciate it.

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Oh it was amazing. I watched it more than once back on HBO. I just thought NFL network was going to have a different take.

I have watched like 5 documentaries about Bill Walsh and their latest which aired last week showed me stuff I never knew about him.

Oh well, Joe Willy is the man regardless

Make no mistake..I LOVED it. Im 50, and I wore my Namath jersey in the house when it premiered on HBO.  I am a JOE Willy guy.  He is the reason I am a JETS fan.  

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I was born in 76 so I never actually got to see him play. But he is the greatest source of pride I've ever had as a Jets fan. That may sound weird, but it's true. And he looks and sounds so good even today. He is aging very well, which is good to see. I'm glad he didn't turn into Ali and go from a brillant articulate icon into a mute.

Wow....  thats kool.

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