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Jets Bring In Tom Moore, Offensive Guru, To Iron Out The Kinks

Lizard King

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NE will beat Pitt and Balt.

Pitts game plan that was so successful last month has been spent. Tomlin won the battle, but hes going to lose the war. And, Baltimore has Flacco who is another 56% passing percentage Game Manager.http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/qb

NE will face GB in Indy and beat them.

Pretty confident considering the past few post season disasters.

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No kidding we're heading into game 12 and rex is still saying we need to improve. This team and most SB caliber teams should be firing on all cylinders right now but the Jets still cant get their heads out of their asses

It varies from season to season. Last years team played maybe three good regular season games after week 5. We forget too easily the many breaks we received along the way during the 2009 and 10 seasons just to make the play-offs. This years team was over rated based on it's post season success the last two years.

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You know the Jets recent history, Jimmy. They confuse getting into the playoffs with being championship-caliber. Ten wins? The back pages? Hey, we must be good enough! Then, instead of looking to improve, they go out and draft kickers and projects and extend their coaches' contracts out another two years. Somebody needs to tell them that ten wins in this league is all but equal to having six wins in terms of being a predictor for how competitive you might be moving forward. Not the Jets, though. They want parades.

Used to think this was a hallmark of the coach when it was Edwards.

Think that may not have been the case, because who ever the coach is under The Woodman and his marketing campaign cannot shut the F__ up about winning the Super Bowl every ten minutes. Sometime even Mangini did it, even if it was a "process".

Increasingly it's obvious it comes from the owner's box, that any success is grounds for a party. But the ownership and franchise as a whole do not grasp what it takes to win a championship.

The mess in the 2nd half vs. the Colts.

The failure to show up in the 1st half vs. the Steelers.

This whole season.

All indicative of piss poor planning. And because the message from on high is ALWAYS LET'S HAVE A PARTY, WE'RE GREAT!

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If this isn't writing on the wall then nothing is. I don't know about anyone else but i have a bad feeling about this game Sunday. This is the typical SOJ's type game that we always seem to lose. Just like the Denver game-i KNEW we would lose that frigging game and make Tim Tebow into something he's not.

Southern Jet has said that JP Pelzman has the inside scoop on Woody Johnson's thinking that when the Jets fail to make the playoffs this year that it will be Scottenheimer who Johnson is pissed off at the most and will fire. I said it before and I'll say it again, if this is the price we have to pay to get rid of this guy then, as a Jets fan I'm willing to pay it. We went through the same kind of crap with Chad Pennington and if it took even our most hated rival to take him off our hands and hand us one of the most humiliating losses in a generation then that's what it took-as long as we got rid of him.

Look, this is an average Jets team and I don't see anybody except the Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl anyway. Maybe the Pats could knock them out but I doubt it so with that fact in mind (no championship either way) we might as well bite the bullet and lose as long as it gets the Schottenheimer era (error?) over with-finally

Not for nothing but SouthernJet never has an inside scoop. Cowher was going to Carolina. Julius Peppers...he had the scoop on him as well. :)

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I think this whole Tom Moore situation just proves even more how sh*tty our offensive coaches are. He comes in to help with our red zone offense, and now we're 2nd in the league in red zone TD%; up from 28th last year. Why couldn't Schotty & Co. do that themselves? And why does the team need him to come and preach route discipline? That should be basic sh*t, shouldn't it? Our coaches can't even teach fundamentals or what?

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