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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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This is not a good way to look at it, CTM. This allows crafty players to use this meta you've established to push a scummy agenda early without fear of being lynched. Then they have time to properly plan a defense (or NK away the attackers) and slide further into the game.

If somebody is suspicious - vote them. If somebody plays scummy all the time, vote them & lynch them when they do. I can 100% guarantee you that folks will alter their style if their current one results in their continuous lynching.

Something Doggin always said, and he's right: lynch from the top of the suspicious pile, and Cop view from the bottom.

Normally I'd agree, but Lily and Jf80 are always found scummy even though normally town and people seem to like to vote you. I don't think it's healthy for the community to always lynch the same people early till they just stop playing.

In any event, I am a bomb, which is why I was happy with getting lynched yesterday so I could take one of you bastards out with me. I was legitimately frustrated though, as I assumed smash would vote me as soon as possible and I 100% believe we lost last game simply cause smash has it out for me in these games.. Add some alcohol and suddenly it became a good idea to self vote and ninja blow someone up..

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Cue monkey:

This is indicative of you needing advice from your scum mates to come up with a believable reveal. So that would make you and either Crusher, Pac, Vic, Leelou, Norbert, Lilly, scm, avm, sharrow, verbal, and/or smash scum. I figured this out by looking at the voting patterns and reading the player list and then using my superior monkey intellect to open this game wide open. Another MVP for me.

haha.. it's indicative of drinking too much and oversleeping

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This is ridiculous, I get called out for defending Lily every game including last game when we were both town. At a minimum this was an honest mistake cause it's one I've made repeatedly. Can't believe I'm being accused of lying over this

Defending her day 1 is fine. I have done it myself a couple day 1's. But in this case I found it odd that you made that statement in such a matter of fact way like it was almost accepted knowledge. I did not think it was enough to vote you so I didn;t and still haven;t. I actually thought to myself what a brilliant play for sharrow to make if his list was actually fake. Don;t have the energy to go back and look. But I do think she may have been first out in an alt game which he stated he did not look at.

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Agreed. but at the same time it's nothing new. This has been the case since I started playing mafia here. So why haven;t you figured it out like everyone else yet? Are you way too stupid or are you purposely trying to make me look scummy? Hard to believe this is a recent discovery that you just made. Then again you are probably patting yourself on the back with this incredible recent discovery your superior intellect has just made. Like I said earlier.. put your own dick back in your mouth and do not talk to us humans until your ready to act like one.

I'm not trying to make you look scummy. Your typo got my attention, I asked you about it, you clarified it... and now your getting over-defensive and making more of it than necessary. Like I said, if you are a ******* fat fingered retard and have a typo, don't always expect people will realize its a typo. **** you for spinning it as me having an agenda just for getting you to clarify.

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Cue monkey:

This is indicative of you needing advice from your scum mates to come up with a believable reveal. So that would make you and either Crusher, Pac, Vic, Leelou, Norbert, Lilly, scm, avm, sharrow, verbal, and/or smash scum. I figured this out by looking at the voting patterns and reading the player list and then using my superior monkey intellect to open this game wide open. Another MVP for me.

I like the way you are disparaging CTM's reaction, insinuating he's scummy... and doing it through a pseudo joke about me. Real slick.

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Normally I'd agree, but Lily and Jf80 are always found scummy even though normally town and people seem to like to vote you. I don't think it's healthy for the community to always lynch the same people early till they just stop playing.

In any event, I am a bomb, which is why I was happy with getting lynched yesterday so I could take one of you bastards out with me. I was legitimately frustrated though, as I assumed smash would vote me as soon as possible and I 100% believe we lost last game simply cause smash has it out for me in these games.. Add some alcohol and suddenly it became a good idea to self vote and ninja blow someone up..

We've seen scum bomb in a couple of larger games like this...

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smash has it out for me in these games..

Haha... this just reminded me.. this bit was how I think I remembered you from JI when I finally came to JN and started posting here regularly. It goes all the way back to some trolling we were both doing on JI, and I think we clunked heads and realized we were both sick bastids tormenting the idiots there in our own special way... you've been obsessed with me ever since.

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This is ridiculous, I get called out for defending Lily every game including last game when we were both town. At a minimum this was an honest mistake cause it's one I've made repeatedly. Can't believe I'm being accused of lying over this

I'm starting to get the impression that Crusher's been nudging your train, but trying to keep his hands dirty... and he's doing a good job of aligning the fault for your train with me.

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Haha... this just reminded me.. this bit was how I think I remembered you from JI when I finally came to JN and started posting here regularly. It goes all the way back to some trolling we were both doing on JI, and I think we clunked heads and realized we were both sick bastids tormenting the idiots there in our own special way... you've been obsessed with me ever since.

smash "has it out" for me...

Was that it? It was that DWC kid right? It was quotes around "has it out" .. i think

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smash "has it out" for me...

Was that it? It was that DWC kid right? It was quotes around "has it out" .. i think

I think so, I think he was saying something like "Integrity28 has it out for me" and I denied having it out for him, and you chimed in with the innuendo and we were off to the races... I think some of the funniest sh*t I've ever posted was during those DWC satire threads I started, that ultimately got me banned...

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I'm starting to get the impression that Crusher's been nudging your train, but trying to keep his hands dirty... and he's doing a good job of aligning the fault for your train with me.

was def surpised that he said I was lying, and then said he seemed to remember lily going out day 1 too

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I think so, I think he was saying something like "Integrity28 has it out for me" and I denied having it out for him, and you chimed in with the innuendo and we were off to the races... I think some of the funniest sh*t I've ever posted was during those DWC satire threads I started, that ultimately got me banned...

Yeah, it was how he quoted it that was funny.. he either quoted "has it out" or "has it out for me" ... Integrity28 "has it out" for me..

And def, the Sanchez deathstar sig still cracks me up when I think about it

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was def surpised that he said I was lying, and then said he seemed to remember lily going out day 1 too

Yeah, he's playing weird. I don't want to call it scummy just yet... I have a hard time reading Crusher these days, but I'm not going to scare myself off of trying to figure out what his motives are.

Your self-vote was transparent as hell.... and your reveal is convenient as hell. Says nothing about your alignment, and makes you essentially lynch proof until the Cop vouches for you... and it makes the Cop vulnerable, because if scum has a Watcher they are most certainly going to see who visits you now, if you are town.

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Yeah, it was how he quoted it that was funny.. he either quoted "has it out" or "has it out for me" ... Integrity28 "has it out" for me..

And def, the Sanchez deathstar sig still cracks me up when I think about it



Still have them floating around on my imageshack... this one too from all the way back in Mangini's second season:


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I'm not trying to make you look scummy. Your typo got my attention, I asked you about it, you clarified it... and now your getting over-defensive and making more of it than necessary. Like I said, if you are a ******* fat fingered retard and have a typo, don't always expect people will realize its a typo. **** you for spinning it as me having an agenda just for getting you to clarify.

If I put my middle finger on the "D" it touches the "S"and the "F'". LOL

**** me for spinning it? You mean just like you did last game? and got me lynched. You are a big smelly dumb ape and that was before we ever met. Im not being defensive Im just clarifying that you are a "Big smelly stubborn egomaniac of a filthy disgusting Ape" Now go put your pee pee back in your mouth until your in a more agreeable mood. OK?

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was def surpised that he said I was lying, and then said he seemed to remember lily going out day 1 too

Those two points where a day apart. After seeing Sharrows list I really put some though into it. Once again I have not voted you so it's funny Im the one your questioning.

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Yeah, he's playing weird. I don't want to call it scummy just yet... I have a hard time reading Crusher these days, but I'm not going to scare myself off of trying to figure out what his motives are.

Your self-vote was transparent as hell.... and your reveal is convenient as hell. Says nothing about your alignment, and makes you essentially lynch proof until the Cop vouches for you... and it makes the Cop vulnerable, because if scum has a Watcher they are most certainly going to see who visits you now, if you are town.

My motives are to find scum and at the same time take a big dump on your grave.

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If I put my middle finger on the "D" it touches the "S"and the "F'". LOL

**** me for spinning it? You mean just like you did last game? and got me lynched. You are a big smelly dumb ape and that was before we ever met. Im not being defensive Im just clarifying that you are a "Big smelly stubborn egomaniac of a filthy disgusting Ape" Now go put your pee pee back in your mouth until your in a more agreeable mood. OK?

I'm in the mood for blood fat man... and at this point, the cholesterol infused bacon lard that courses through your veins will suffice... as will the salty tears that leak from CTM's untrimmed vagina...

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Hey guys, don't know how much I'll be around today.

6 hours of work followed by 4 hours of class, Wednesdays are my worst day. I'll try to sneak on.

for now

Unvote Ape

I could go back, but I want to be present if a lynch on him is going to happen w/ my name on it.

CTM's self-vote + claim adds up strangely in my eye, using the them to help justify eachother. "I self-voted because I am a bomb" aka he was breadcrumbing his reveal.

I also didn't like Song's ninja post of putting him at L1. Crusher is having an agressive D1 which is different. And I want to see Nolder come back and piss off the ape more.

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Yeah, he's playing weird. I don't want to call it scummy just yet... I have a hard time reading Crusher these days, but I'm not going to scare myself off of trying to figure out what his motives are.

Your self-vote was transparent as hell.... and your reveal is convenient as hell. Says nothing about your alignment, and makes you essentially lynch proof until the Cop vouches for you... and it makes the Cop vulnerable, because if scum has a Watcher they are most certainly going to see who visits you now, if you are town.

DOn't know what to say, was legitimately frustrated, and thought I could take one of you out with me as a surprise FU.. so I encouraged people to vote me... I didn't breadcrumb anything cause it wasn't premeditated. I woke up this morning thinking I'd be lynched when I was still alive and not frustrated I unvoted..

and def don't cop direct... scum isn't going to watch me every night, I'm sure, so I'm sure I'll be able to be safely investigated at some point

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DOn't know what to say, was legitimately frustrated, and thought I could take one of you out with me as a surprise FU.. so I encouraged people to vote me... I didn't breadcrumb anything cause it wasn't premeditated. I woke up this morning thinking I'd be lynched when I was still alive and not frustrated I unvoted..

and def don't cop direct... scum isn't going to watch me every night, I'm sure, so I'm sure I'll be able to be safely investigated at some point

I didn't mean to cop direct. It was more an observation that your reveal leaves town high and dry. No clue about your alignment, no way to vet you without collateral damage and its a role we've seen be both town and scum.

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Those two points where a day apart. After seeing Sharrows list I really put some though into it. Once again I have not voted you so it's funny Im the one your questioning.

I was responding to the ape you fat sob....yeah, i found it odd that you said I lied.. Whether I chalk it up to you being a bacon brain or scum is secondary to the fact that I found the post odd

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Hey guys, don't know how much I'll be around today.

6 hours of work followed by 4 hours of class, Wednesdays are my worst day. I'll try to sneak on.

for now

Unvote Ape

I could go back, but I want to be present if a lynch on him is going to happen w/ my name on it.

CTM's self-vote + claim adds up strangely in my eye, using the them to help justify eachother. "I self-voted because I am a bomb" aka he was breadcrumbing his reveal.

I also didn't like Song's ninja post of putting him at L1. Crusher is having an agressive D1 which is different. And I want to see Nolder come back and piss off the ape more.

The new Crusher is always aggressive Day1. Now get your fag tongue outta your boyfriend a$$ and pay attention.

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This is not a good way to look at it, CTM. This allows crafty players to use this meta you've established to push a scummy agenda early without fear of being lynched. Then they have time to properly plan a defense (or NK away the attackers) and slide further into the game.

If somebody is suspicious - vote them. If somebody plays scummy all the time, vote them & lynch them when they do. I can 100% guarantee you that folks will alter their style if their current one results in their continuous lynching.

Something Doggin always said, and he's right: lynch from the top of the suspicious pile, and Cop view from the bottom.

Verbal droppin' knowledge! Major FOS

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I didn't mean to cop direct. It was more an observation that your reveal leaves town high and dry. No clue about your alignment, no way to vet you without collateral damage and its a role we've seen be both town and scum.

Cop will find scum and out himself or be run up and forced to reveal, any point after that it's safe to investigate me if they want. Maybe another killer shoots me tonight? I think you are being overdramatic

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I was responding to the ape you fat sob....yeah, i found it odd that you said I lied.. Whether I chalk it up to you being a bacon brain or scum is secondary to the fact that I found the post odd

If Lilly was never lynched Day1 you lied. The fact I care enough to think about it and wonder about it should make you happy Im a big fat sweet guy.

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Where is Nolder? He normally has 100 crazy zany ideas by now.

I'm not really liking the CTM train, but not sure where to place my vote just yet.

This is true.

Typically, he's taking the game on a ride by now... he really shut it down after I said I wasn't a LD and he finally conceded to answer that he's not scum. He totally bit on the breadcrumbs though, came aggressive as hell at me until he realize it was a trap.

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The new Crusher is always aggressive Day1. Now get your fag tongue outta your boyfriend a$$ and pay attention.

See I agree and think its suspect too, you spent all of last game calling him a faggot on day 1 and he finds it odd your aggressive this game? A lot of shady posts this game from a lot of people

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Cop will find scum and out himself or be run up and forced to reveal, any point after that it's safe to investigate me if they want. Maybe another killer shoots me tonight? I think you are being overdramatic

I dont' think its dramatic to point out that your reveal still leaves us with a headache.

In fact, you went from self-voting to take someone with you ... to unlynchable, and talking about being in the game at least until the Cop is out in the open and can look at you later. Its a pretty convenient reveal if you are scum... and sets you up to slide at least a few days deeper into the game.

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25 hours and 30 minutes until one of you dies.


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