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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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Brett, your alibi argument is total BS. YOU were the one who falsely claimed a Random comes only from town, which makes no sense. You used that false argument to claim I was scummy, right as you avoided the CTM lynch. So there you were trying to breadcrumb a BS claim against me while refusing to vote for scum.

AND, you claim to be roleless with BPV? That's a BS claim. We've seen from JiF and Ape that players with roles have BPV. Why would a roless have it?

I'm thinking Brett is scum/SK trying to avoid a shot.

My guess is you can't have both. You're saying scum team has Dexter/NK, Watcher, and DK then there's a Day SK and NIght SK Team or not? There's either a SK with Multiple shots or Multiple killers. I think Brett stinks, but I think you trying to pin him Day killing and being on CTM's scum team is a scummy reach...unless you think Dexter can kill a bunch of different way like whenever he wants and Brett is Dexter.

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Brett, your alibi argument is total BS. YOU were the one who falsely claimed a Random comes only from town, which makes no sense. You used that false argument to claim I was scummy, right as you avoided the CTM lynch. So there you were trying to breadcrumb a BS claim against me while refusing to vote for scum.

AND, you claim to be roleless with BPV? That's a BS claim. We've seen from JiF and Ape that players with roles have BPV. Why would a roless have it?

I'm thinking Brett is scum/SK trying to avoid a shot.

Yeah but he has thin mints and I like thin mints. Especially out of the freezer and dunked in my coffee. mmmmmmmmmm so good.

Not sure if Brett is scum but I do think he may have killed my sweet one the first time.


vote brett

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Also I like Jif and think it's completely unfair that he had to go out so soon, and also I pretty much knew that whoever killed him would probably waste it again the next day, and so save another role that may be important.


You're the only one that gets me.

///hugs and squeezes extra tight

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Yeah but he has thin mints and I like thin mints. Especially out of the freezer and dunked in my coffee. mmmmmmmmmm so good.

Not sure if Brett is scum but I do think he may have killed my sweet one the first time.


vote brett

Agreed and I think SMC is scum trying to pin scum on a Brett.

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*Calling all cars calling all cars, be on the look out for a geeky, nerdish, overweight Latino Male driving a lawnmower somewhere around Main and South Elm, claiming he'll mow people down if he gets the chance. No, the perp is NOT I repeat, NOT dangerous. Total pussy but he is, I repeat he is a danger to himself. Please bring him in for custody as soon as you can....pshhhhh*

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Miami Metro once again came to a decision. Today, they investigated Brett the "Straight Cash Homo", as he's become known on the streets for all the great gay sex he provides.

"You were the only suspect around for both of the JiF killings. You must be scum," said Sharrow.

"GFY. Hey, want a blow job?"

"Someone kill this freak show."

With that, Pac whipped out a gun and put three bullets into the victim.


Brett, aka Jordan Chase (SK, kills during the day), is dead.

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1. Vic

2. Brett (SK, day killer) -- lynched D2

3. Lily

4. Jetscode

5. Pac

6. JiF (town, 2nd deputy, 1-time BPV) -- killed D1, revived N2, killed again D2

7. SMC

8. AVM (town, tracker) -- killed N1

9. Leelou

10. Crusher

11. CTM (scum, watcher) -- lynched D1

12. Optimus Primate (town, lie detector) -- killed N2

13. Sharrow

14. Nolder

15. Hess

16. Smash (SK, night killer) -- killed N1

17. Song

18. Verbal

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*shrugs* His role was as good as any. I would have died if anyone was forced to reveal a role more important than mine today or any day after, ie cop, doc, vig, etc. Also I like Jif and think it's completely unfair that he had to go out so soon, and also I pretty much knew that whoever killed him would probably waste it again the next day, and so save another role that may be important.


Verb is obviously a 5 pump chump


Wifom at it's finest. One could then argue maybe he did it to seem more town. Also an sk wouldn't care about a random lynch even more than scum because it's a much less percentage to hit them than scum.

VOTE VERB I don't like hi voting unvoting no reason crap.

Your words cut me. They cut deep.

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Night falls, and there is only one death tonight.

"I know what you are. I already nabbed one of you last night. And you're the last of them. You're the Trinity Killer."

"I regret that I didn't find you before you did me. You son of a bitch, one day you'll get what's coming to you. I got away with murder for over 30 years. How long have you been killing?"

"Enough to know what I'm doing."



Hess, aka Arthur Mitchell, aka "The Trinity Killer" (SK, kills three phases in a row, then skips two phases), is dead.

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80 you forgot the ape


1. Vic

2. Brett (SK, day killer) -- lynched D2

3. Lily

4. Jetscode

5. Pac

6. JiF (town, 2nd deputy, 1-time BPV) -- killed D1, revived N2, killed again D2

7. SMC

8. AVM (town, tracker) -- killed N1

9. Leelou

10. Crusher

11. CTM (scum, watcher) -- lynched D1

12. Optimus Primate (FBI Fag) Worthless LD

13. Sharrow

14. Nolder

15. Hess

16. Smash (SK, night killer) -- killed N1

17. Song

18. Verbal

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1. Vic

2. Brett (SK, day killer) -- lynched D2

3. Lily

4. Jetscode

5. Pac

6. JiF (town, 2nd deputy, 1-time BPV) -- killed D1, revived N2, killed again D2

7. SMC

8. AVM (town, tracker) -- killed N1

9. Leelou

10. Crusher

11. CTM (scum, watcher) -- lynched D1

12. Optimus Primate (town, Lie Detector, 1-time BPV)

13. Sharrow

14. Nolder

15. Hess (SK, kills 3 phases in a row, takes off 2 phases) -- killed N2

16. Smash (SK, night killer) -- killed N1

17. Song

18. Verbal

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Night falls, and there is only one death tonight.

"I know what you are. I already nabbed one of you last night. And you're the last of them. You're the Trinity Killer."

"I regret that I didn't find you before you did me. You son of a bitch, one day you'll get what's coming to you. I got away with murder for over 30 years. How long have you been killing?"

"Enough to know what I'm doing."



Hess, aka Arthur Mitchell, aka "The Trinity Killer" (SK, kills three phases in a row, then skips two phases), is dead.

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I still killed 5 people this game.

you miserable pig!

I feel better now.. you using the apes logic against me as a survival instinct. I thought you were really buying that bs.

take it to the dead thread you joke.

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