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Who is this girl??


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I saw a picture of this girl on teh Facebook page; one of those hip new inspirational pictures all the girls are using to motivate themselves to get in the gym and stop eating fast-food and startbucks every single day. At first she looks like just another gorgeous Ralph Lauren model, but she peaked my curiosity so I decided to spend a minute or two seeing if I could figure out who she was. I failed.

I then had a thought, I wonder how long it would take all the "dirty old men," (some in this category by age....others by mindset) at JN to find out who she was. I'm putting the over under at 24.5 hours. If no one figures it out, it's at least something nice to look at, while taking breaks from pontificating the landing place of Manning.


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I know what you mean dude. Hard to ignore those big hazel eyes. :biggrin:

I looked at that picture for a solid minute or two before responding. If you had offered me a million dollars to guess her eye color, i'm not sure I would have even noticed if she were wearing a patch on one of them.

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