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Geisha Wars Mafia


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On the topic of the ".", like I said, I'm pretty sure he had to do that to abide by the silence. He likely can't post at all today. Christine, please confirm.

To check on the vote counting, we could always self-vote to check. That way there isn't an "accidental" train under the guise of checking for the votes......JC.......

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On the topic of the ".", like I said, I'm pretty sure he had to do that to abide by the silence. He likely can't post at all today. Christine, please confirm.

To check on the vote counting, we could always self-vote to check. That way there isn't an "accidental" train under the guise of checking for the votes......JC.......

Wee bit nervous for one vote...lol.


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Duh. Who was CTM voting yesterday?

He stated that he would vote either SMC or Ape this game if that is what you are getting at, I completely disregaded CTM's vote on me as it was one voice against pretty much the majority,

and way to give the mafia a way to counter the claim by giving them the oppurtunity of not posting. It would sacrifice one of their own but it would give another free kill if you lynched the wrong one first, you Verbal have jumped up my list

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He stated that he would vote either SMC or Ape this game if that is what you are getting at, I completely disregaded CTM's vote on me as it was one voice against pretty much the majority,

and way to give the mafia a way to counter the claim by giving them the oppurtunity of not posting. It would sacrifice one of their own but it would give another free kill if you lynched the wrong one first, you Verbal have jumped up my list

LOL he was voting you? Figures.
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So I see Verb went back to ghey. That's cool.

If I want your ****ing opinion, I'll give it to you.

Wee bit nervous for one vote...lol.


Just thinking ahead. Try it sometime.

He stated that he would vote either SMC or Ape this game if that is what you are getting at, I completely disregaded CTM's vote on me as it was one voice against pretty much the majority,

and way to give the mafia a way to counter the claim by giving them the oppurtunity of not posting. It would sacrifice one of their own but it would give another free kill if you lynched the wrong one first, you Verbal have jumped up my list

Huh? Another free kill? If scum decides to fake it and we kill the wrong one, the next day we get scum. That is a 1-for-1 trade....totally in town's favor.

I've "jumped up" your list? Forgive me if I don't think highly of your list.

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Yea but like i said the initial vote was posted without a reason, and then he posted some flimsy excuse. The rest of the time he spent discrediting the Nol train. So I didn't really think he was to much of a bother, however I'd look to those he said he'd vote today, SMC and APE there has been some wierd interaction going on between those 3 based on the night 1 results. Ape halfassing his reason for voting SMC when he was calling out SMC for something CTM said, SMC for getting all up in arms about it, and then CTM pretty much ignoring the whole thing mostly wasn't CTM trying to get me lynched last game too? when I was unable to devote fully to the game. Like i said though I didn't really view CTM as a threat at all still don't I'd like to know what his thoughts are currently tbh...

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He stated that he would vote either SMC or Ape this game if that is what you are getting at, I completely disregaded CTM's vote on me as it was one voice against pretty much the majority,

Of course you do.

CTM said he'd vote either me or Ape next day phase, but he remained on you and criticized the Nolderp lynch.

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If I want your ****ing opinion, I'll give it to you.

Just thinking ahead. Try it sometime.

Huh? Another free kill? If scum decides to fake it and we kill the wrong one, the next day we get scum. That is a 1-for-1 trade....totally in town's favor.

I've "jumped up" your list? Forgive me if I don't think highly of your list.

not really, think about it, there were 2 kills night one, 1 last night, we know Tina didn't kill herself and we can assume she didn't kill smash so I'm thinking there will possibly be 2 kills tonight, so we lynch the wrong "silenced" and we will possibly be down 6 town come day 3 in worst case scenario 6 town sacrificing 1 mafia would still be ideal for the mafia and you not seeing that really bothers me.

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SMC and the ape's name have come up by quite a few people now. The ape seems to be a lot of things to me this game, but I didn't really find him scummy. The weekend comment was odd though, as generally there isn't a ton of activity at all over the weekend...so I doubt any of us would have thought twice about it. Ape's rarely one to apologize for something too :D

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If I want your ****ing opinion, I'll give it to you.

Just thinking ahead. Try it sometime.

Huh? Another free kill? If scum decides to fake it and we kill the wrong one, the next day we get scum. That is a 1-for-1 trade....totally in town's favor.

I've "jumped up" your list? Forgive me if I don't think highly of your list.

There's the new Verbal.

Of course you do.

CTM said he'd vote either me or Ape next day phase, but he remained on you and criticized the Nolderp lynch.

I'd be willing to vote for CTM if not for the potential silencing. Can't afford to risk him being doc/cop...though I've been on scum teams that liked the silence one of our own strategy (and I feel more like that's the case here).

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not really, think about it, there were 2 kills night one, 1 last night, we know Tina didn't kill herself and we can assume she didn't kill smash so I'm thinking there will possibly be 2 kills tonight, so we lynch the wrong "silenced" and we will possibly be down 6 town come day 3 in worst case scenario 6 town sacrificing 1 mafia would still be ideal for the mafia and you not seeing that really bothers me.

And therein lies your problem.

You also ignore potential viewings, protections, etc etc. Stop firing from the hip and think first.

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Hess sort of brought up Verbal being more "verbal of old" we'll call it then immediately he comes back in with a new persona. Don't like.

Dumbass. He was referring to my response to JC and Leelou. You actually using that as a case? No wonder Vic abandoned that fusion sh*t.

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You lost me. You just spent like 5 posts on CTM , Smc and Ape. What's Verb deal? You and all these threats. Lulz.

I actually had a little back and forth with Verb did you skim passed it in your tunneling?

And therein lies your problem.

You also ignore potential viewings, protections, etc etc. Stop firing from the hip and think first.

that is a possibility but I did say worst case scenario because it is also possible to lynch correctly first, I just thought it was sloppy you giving them a way to lynch a townie, 50/50 odds are good for both parties.

well I'll be on early in the morning my time so I should have time to check in and vote before anything goes down unless we have a scum viewing. in which case it'd be safe to say that it will be wrapped up before I get on.

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If that was the case I'd prefer CTM respond to confirm (unless the silencing prevents him from posting at all. Other silencing lets you post, so you can post with a "." or a smilie).

@Christine, you claim to be silenced. Were you prohibitted from posting anything or just from speaking?

Verbal, I agree that everyone should post to lessen the possibility of being faked. I don't think we can rule it out because we don't know if the player doing the silencing can do it everyday.

I was told no posting, at all.

I'm still suspicious of AVM. His tantrum on Day 1 from two votes was absurd.

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Dumbass. He was referring to my response to JC and Leelou. You actually using that as a case? No wonder Vic abandoned that fusion sh*t.

Your words hurt :( :(

LOL AVM, Verb's right. I was totally joking. I was just pushing verb's buttons for laughs.

Ape's right. I'm dumb. unvote.

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Thanks for the clarrification, Christine

read my posts in which I was talking to verb, am I using invisible font today?

I did read them. Are you referring to Verbal and his CTM silence discussion? That's the basis of your suspicion?

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