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thanks to whoever silenced that pig CTM. as others have said that doesn't mean sh-t about his alignment tho. Crusher and his band of bumbling idiots tried to silence one of their own in the stupid apes goonies game which backfired miserably.

EP is trying too hard and I'll vote there (preferably the hammer) but in the meantime I want to go back and Vote Hess

the fact that Crusher voted him is very interesting to me.

Hess, Crusher, CTM, EP looks good to me right about now.

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thanks to whoever silenced that pig CTM. as others have said that doesn't mean sh-t about his alignment tho. Crusher and his band of bumbling idiots tried to silence one of their own in the stupid apes goonies game which backfired miserably.

EP is trying too hard and I'll vote there (preferably the hammer) but in the meantime I want to go back and Vote Hess

the fact that Crusher voted him is very interesting to me.

Hess, Crusher, CTM, EP looks good to me right about now.


Pac the comedian. Gold.

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The last hammer vote I remember seeing you drop was a self-hammer as scum. Pussy.

you see the trained killer in my avy? unless you want to feel the blind rage of one of Hess' umpa lumpa dogs I suggest you watch your tone.

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yeah here's a joke for ya.

what do you call 2 idiots who fly into a tropical storm to kick off a vacation?

Pac and Ladyfriend.

dammmnnnnn...that blows dude :/ how long are yall down there for?

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I'm sorry, Christine, but confirmed town, you aren't. Just saying you are is pinging me a bit. Everyone (JN regulars) knows that self-silencing is a scum tactic here, so maybe y'all added a layer and stole your vote, too. I'm not saying it is. I'm saying it could be.

I know I need to place a vote somewhere, but nothing's particularly sticking out at me. I need to reread more, I guess. I've already read all of day 2 and got nothing. Lynching Nolder twice has really messed with the usual dynamic.

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dammmnnnnn...that blows dude :/ how long are yall down there for?

not that bad actually - heard it was much worse yesterday. just sh*tty enough weather-wise to have taken away what he had planned today and perhaps tomorrow too. Wed on looks solid though and that's when we make our way to orlando, then st agustine, then Savannah, then back home next monday.

weather cannot defeat me. nothing can.

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Thanks for the clarrification, Christine

I did read them. Are you referring to Verbal and his CTM silence discussion? That's the basis of your suspicion?

no the basis was he completely missed the possibility of scum CCing and sacrificing one of their own to have a chance to put the numbers up to 6 dead townies to 1 dead scum with a useless Nolder dead in there somewhere meaning the scum will have the upper hand if the doc and cop donot get lucky. but it looks like the scum team did not take the oppurtinity so my point is wasted.

Slow afternoon. C'mon ****ers, I need to get to night phase.

You the odd night SK? Or perhaps Mafia with a target in mind?

No reason.....

read: "I'm gonna kill you tonight"

Agreed. Still catching up though...

Meh. Either he's really silenced, or this is a brilliant fake out following the play I just dreamed up in my previous post.

That's just untrue. Every time I **** up in a game, I apologize. Every time I'm too big an a$$hole, I apologize. Every time I let down my team (like by not scum hunting aggressively in this case), I usually apologize.

I don't like to let people down.

I'd think everyone here knows that about me by now. I don't like this subtle nudge, since it's based on bullsh*t.

Vote Hess

CTM gets silenced, Hess floats in and asks "who was CTM voting for yesterday?"

As if that is a reliable barometer for who might have silenced CTM? It's more likely CTM was silenced so that Hess could swoop in and frame one of the people CTM was willing to vote. EP, SMC or me.


80, why would I want your love, when I seem to have CTM and AVM?

you have all the M's

I'm probably gonna die tonight, since I'm confirmed town.

Hey scum, I would consider it an awesome favor if I didn't die tonight. I kinda like chit chatting. I'll give y'all a cookie, or something.

Not buying the whole "confirmed townie" routine, nice try though.

A couple of people have already said it...

And I was silenced. And I had my vote stolen.


So yeah. Probably not scum.

nobody said you were confirmed, people seem to think you might be town but I've yet to see anyone confirm you as 100% town

Since there is still plenty of time and no one case in particular is truelly sitting big with me at the moment, I'll wait until I get to work to cast my vote.

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So my direct supervisor at work just got laid off. Not altogether surprising. I'm currently working on trying to get his job. It'd be nice to go from 26 and living paycheck-to-paycheck to 26 and making enough to afford a mortgage and nice car.

Then use your first paycheck to get a vasectomy. If not you will be living paycheck to paycheck again before your 35. REALTALK (DCL)

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vote: Crusher

Please explain why I SEEM scummy. I would vote you back but Im afraid you might get cry again. Im more concerned with Hess seeming so Townie to you especially after the way his train stalled day 1. Your crying and his train dying stand out like that plus EP's little number are the things I see the most.

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vote teh crusher, ape. It's the right move.

Vote Hess

CTM gets silenced, Hess floats in and asks "who was CTM voting for yesterday?"

As if that is a reliable barometer for who might have silenced CTM? It's more likely CTM was silenced so that Hess could swoop in and frame one of the people CTM was willing to vote. EP, SMC or me.


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thanks to whoever silenced that pig CTM. as others have said that doesn't mean sh-t about his alignment tho. Crusher and his band of bumbling idiots tried to silence one of their own in the stupid apes goonies game which backfired miserably.

EP is trying too hard and I'll vote there (preferably the hammer) but in the meantime I want to go back and Vote Hess

the fact that Crusher voted him is very interesting to me.

Hess, Crusher, CTM, EP looks good to me right about now.

Actually I silenced myself. SUCKED

Hess and I on the same list? Makes sense. We did run one of the most awesome gambits of all time.

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You KNEW I was town after ONE POST hommie!!! That's hardcore Austin Powers type mojo.

Yet you don't think he is scum based on this? So basically you are both scum then?

There's a silencer and someone who stops votes from counting. Let's see if they struck again.

Vote: EP

I hate to agree with Verbal, just cus it's funny to see him riled up and sh*t, but that is a pretty scummy reason to put a vote on someone else there buddy. I could understand testing it on yourself but really?

Vote Hess

CTM gets silenced, Hess floats in and asks "who was CTM voting for yesterday?"

As if that is a reliable barometer for who might have silenced CTM? It's more likely CTM was silenced so that Hess could swoop in and frame one of the people CTM was willing to vote. EP, SMC or me.

I hadn't thought about it this way I was looking more at CTM of possibly hitting the mark on one of you 2 and then getting silenced because of it, did not think of the framing scenario.

I'd like to vote AVM though, his whole mental meltdown earlier in the game, and his whole "knowing Hess was town" thing I just don't really buy it.

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My enlightenment didn't reveal Hess as scum. Surely you can trust that and vote elsewhere.


UNC Wilmington topples ECU, 10-1

Apr 18, 2012

Greenville, N.C. — UNC Wilmington (21-16) grabbed a 3-0 lead early against No. 24 East Carolina (25-11-1) and never looked back as it notched a 10-1 victory over the Pirates in non-conference action Tuesday night at Lewis Field inside Clark-LeClair Stadium.


I appreciate your consideration. Incorrect as you may be, I respect your right to be incorrect.

1. PAC

2. CTM

3. Nolder - lynched D2

4. EP

5. Ape

6. Crusher

7. Christine

8. Verb

9. Leelou

10. Jif - killed N2

11. 80

12. SMC

13. Tina - 3 shot vig - Samurai - NK night 1

14. JC1

15. Smash - vanilla - Wealthy merchant - NK night 1

16. AVM

17. Lily

18. Hess

AVM, Hess, Pac and Lily with SMC on the bubble.

EDIT: I'd put EP on that bubble too. Yeah, yeah, half the game... I know. This is how I play.

Let's not either of us bring us baseball...fair enough? Too many bad memories... :(

I didn't read any of that babbling retardation. This comes across as cop hinting.

You posted what looked like a cop hint at 10:43.

I posted that it looked like a cop hint at 10:46.

You then back-pedalled to make it sound like most people were interpreting it as "AVM being AVM". To which I responded, "it just happened" most people haven't seen it.

You then say that as many as 5 people were posting when you said it.

After you said it, 80 was the only one to make a post before I pointed it out as a possible hint. He posted something retarded about college baseball.

So, like I said last night - the post had not been seen by most at the time I pointed it out as a possible hint, so I stand by pointing out your non-factual excuses and back-pedalling.

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I'm probably gonna die tonight, since I'm confirmed town.

Hey scum, I would consider it an awesome favor if I didn't die tonight. I kinda like chit chatting. I'll give y'all a cookie, or something.

Don't like how you are selling this "had my vote ability taken away = confirmed town" bullsh*t, especially when you add the heaping pile of whoa-is-me I'm probably going to die tonight...

So far, we've seen JIF get his vote taken away, and killed to flip town, now you get yours taken away, and you are selling that you are confirmed town because of it... the question now becomes. ARE YOU SO BAD AT MAFIA THAT YOU'D DO SOMETHING THIS TRANSPARENT?

I think you are. Excuse me, I've got to reshuffle my list a bit.

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thanks to whoever silenced that pig CTM. as others have said that doesn't mean sh-t about his alignment tho. Crusher and his band of bumbling idiots tried to silence one of their own in the stupid apes goonies game which backfired miserably.

EP is trying too hard and I'll vote there (preferably the hammer) but in the meantime I want to go back and Vote Hess

the fact that Crusher voted him is very interesting to me.

Hess, Crusher, CTM, EP looks good to me right about now.

*sound of screeching tires*

so you're confirmed town huh? says who?

A couple of people have already said it...

And I was silenced. And I had my vote stolen.


So yeah. Probably not scum.

Who else suggested it?

Scum using powers like this on fellow scum is more advantageous to make them look town, than using it on people nobody listens to in the first place like you and JIF.

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I'm sorry, Christine, but confirmed town, you aren't. Just saying you are is pinging me a bit. Everyone (JN regulars) knows that self-silencing is a scum tactic here, so maybe y'all added a layer and stole your vote, too. I'm not saying it is. I'm saying it could be.

I know I need to place a vote somewhere, but nothing's particularly sticking out at me. I need to reread more, I guess. I've already read all of day 2 and got nothing. Lynching Nolder twice has really messed with the usual dynamic.


Especially the part about lynching Nolder twice. If we had lynched Pac twice, then we'd be getting somewhere...

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Yet you don't think he is scum based on this? So basically you are both scum then?

I hate to agree with Verbal, just cus it's funny to see him riled up and sh*t, but that is a pretty scummy reason to put a vote on someone else there buddy. I could understand testing it on yourself but really?

I hadn't thought about it this way I was looking more at CTM of possibly hitting the mark on one of you 2 and then getting silenced because of it, did not think of the framing scenario.

I'd like to vote AVM though, his whole mental meltdown earlier in the game, and his whole "knowing Hess was town" thing I just don't really buy it.

So even though you agree with the point I made when I voted Hess... you are voting AVM, and by doing so putting your vote towards an 1-person train rather than the competing train dynamic that we've got developing between you and Hess and even Crusher?

Official Vote Count

EP - 4 - Hess, Verb, SMC, 80

Hess - 3 - Crusher, Ape, PAC

Crusher - 1 - AVM

AVM - 1- EP

Ape - 1 -

14 alive means 8 to lynch

For clarification, is someone voting me and you forgot to write their name in? Or is someone voting me and invisible on my train? Or do I have no votes and this is a mistake?

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Christine, while because what "happened" to you would increase the chances you are town, it does not confirm or vet you. The reason being that even if both happened (1) scum could use that as a vetting tool if, in fact, scum had the vote steal & silencer OR (2) if a townie(s) had such ability, they could have targetted scum and scum been silenced and have vote stolen.

As to EP, you're as good a lynch as any, considering your reaction to the Hess train and you trying to use the CTM "silencing" to your advantage by saying he intented to vote for me or Ape today while ignoring the fact that he was voting you the last phase and still had you on his scum list.

Other scum candiates are AVM with his erratic behavior. Hess is a possibility because it's still unsettled how he got out of the D1 lynch. We need to learn more and getting scum sooner rather than later will provide more info.

As to the kills of the chick, dude & tweener, I'm not sure if that provides any clues. We can make wild assumptions, but they would be just that--wild assumptions.

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Christine, while because what "happened" to you would increase the chances you are town, it does not confirm or vet you. The reason being that even if both happened (1) scum could use that as a vetting tool if, in fact, scum had the vote steal & silencer OR (2) if a townie(s) had such ability, they could have targetted scum and scum been silenced and have vote stolen.

As to EP, you're as good a lynch as any, considering your reaction to the Hess train and you trying to use the CTM "silencing" to your advantage by saying he intented to vote for me or Ape today while ignoring the fact that he was voting you the last phase and still had you on his scum list.

Other scum candiates are AVM with his erratic behavior. Hess is a possibility because it's still unsettled how he got out of the D1 lynch. We need to learn more and getting scum sooner rather than later will provide more info.

As to the kills of the chick, dude & tweener, I'm not sure if that provides any clues. We can make wild assumptions, but they would be just that--wild assumptions.

Agree with this.

EP agreed with comments I made about Hess too, but chose to vote AVM, even with there being competing trains between EP himself and Hess, he didn't vote Hess.

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