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Rookies make Valuable Use of their Time


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Jets' rookies make valuable use of their time to learn the playbook and about each other

Published: Monday, June 25, 2012, 11:15 PM Updated: Monday, June 25, 2012, 11:26 PM

8487074.png By Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger


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11235764-large.jpgMarc Russinoff- Somerset PatriotsJets' linebacker Demario Davis and the other rookies have made the most of their summer. Here, he is throwing out the first pitch at a Somerset Patriots game.

Linebacker Demario Davis insists that no one beats him to the Jets facility, where he has arrived at 6 every morning since mini-camp closed.

With an offseason program in place again this year, this is the time for rookies-only instruction, a time where coaches can have individual meetings, instill nuances unfamiliar to first-year players and run them through a battery of conditioning drills.

Technically, Davis said, their arrival is set for 8 a.m. and the day lasts almost 10 hours.

A majority of the rookies arrive by 7:30 before an hour-long meeting with their position coaches, a walk-through, a two-hour workout and an additional position-only meeting before lunch.

From there, it’s special teams meetings, position coach meetings and a “player development” session.

“Then,” Davis said, “if you’re trying to get extra film in, you’re probably leaving around 7 or 8 p.m.”

He called it a bright spot amid a long summer getting used to life in the NFL. He has learned how to digest the game tape uploaded onto his iPad, as well as why linebacker’s coach Bob Sutton insists he stay attached to his hip during walkthroughs and which of his teammates he can invite over to watch the NBA Finals.

Rookie wide receiver Jordan White, it turns out, is a LeBron James fan from Cleveland. Davis loves the Thunder.

“It was definitely a blessing the way this CBA worked out,” Davis said before throwing out the first pitch at Monday night’s Somerset Patriots game. “And the extra time that the rookies have had to spend around the facility has been great for us to have the opportunity to learn the playbook like we have.”

With a majority of the rookie class is still bagged up in local hotels near Florham Park — Davis, who is getting married in two weeks, said he just settled down in Morristown — the additional time lent itself to discovering common interests.

Davis, White and sixth-round pick Terrance Ganaway plan to start a Bible study group together.

Almost all the rookies joined up for Madden sessions back at the hotel after late film, and Jets director of player development Dave Szott hosted a barbecue at his house.

Quinton Coples, Davis and a few other rookies spent some of their money at the mall.

“Man, that’s more for those big-time guys,” Davis said, laughing at his less-frugal teammates. “We all went out, shopped at a few places, just ate a little bit. Everybody has their own character, you kind of figure out who all the serious guys are and who the goofs are.”

White, who accompanied Davis and a handful of other Jets rookies to last night’s Somerset Patriots game, waited for the extra rookie week after watching OTAs and mini-camp go by at warp speed.

Sitting out with a broken foot — he no longer has crutches, a boot or a walking scooter, and hopes to start running soon — White was relegated to the back of the film room with a playbook.

Most, if not all, were well ahead of him. But now, the room is much smaller and asking questions gets easier.

“You get a little bit more of a voice, I’d say,” White said. “When a lot of the veterans are there, you might not be able to ask so many questions and it’s more up-tempo and fast paced, but now we get that one-on-one time with those guys.”

He believes they will return to training camp much less tentative, more comfortable with their surroundings. And they will know who they should avoid when it comes time for video games.

“At the end of the day,” White said, “it’s just like college.”

Conor Orr: corr@starledger.com; twitter.com/ConorTOrr

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Whats the chances Jordan White ends up being a better WR than Hill?

IMO very small, but they have the chance to be what Chrebet, and Keyshaw should have been. Players who;s styles really compliment each other

White has to be able to stay on the field first

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IMO very small, but they have the chance to be what Chrebet, and Keyshaw should have been. Players who;s styles really compliment each other

White has to be able to stay on the field first

Probably right. White is an intriguing player to me because of his college production.

Does White have an injury history or are you saying that because he's currently nicked up?

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Probably right. White is an intriguing player to me because of his college production.

Does White have an injury history or are you saying that because he's currently nicked up?

White is a 25 YO rookie.

He was red shirted 2 years because he blew up both knees on different occasions. The reason he was in the 7th round is because he played against smaller schools, but has had some of his better games against big time programs. The real concern is his injury history.

I love this kid and that's why I compared him to Chrebet. This is not a good start. He has to stay on the field

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