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Who Here Has A Little Jets Fan in Size 6-9 Months Clothing (Or Will Be By September)

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My son is now 2 1/2 years old and growing like a weed. My wife & I recently went through bins of old clothes for donation purposes and during the review, came across my son's former Jets outfit. Gray shirt with the letters NY Jets, matching pants, and even a matching skull cap.

I'd much rather give it away to a fellow Jets fan who has a son in that clothing range and give them something to wear for the upcoming Super Bowl season.

If you're interested, please let me know. If there are multiple people, I'll put names in a hat and have my wife draw the winner. Clothing will be shipped free of charge.


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Happy 4th..

My youngest is a sophomore in college..so she is out, but the rest are either pregnant, or they are toddling..

Sure is a nice gesture though..

Is she? Tell us more. I'm not even sure I can believe this without pics.

Sorry, I'm a POS. At least that's not much.

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