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Sign Benson, Trade Greene for a RT


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So Cedric Benson makes Green Bays offense that much more dangerous. But MJD is a bad move for the Jets who scare no one with a backfield full of slow RBs and pussies. But hey we're grond and pound baby .

Adding MJD in a vacuum is a brilliant move. Adding a 27 year old, potentially out of shape, RB at the cost of draft picks and $8M/year is not.

MJD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedric Benson, too, but you didn't see the Packers go after him, either. Haven't heard a peep about anyone showing any interest in a trade for him, actually. Why is that? Maybe because he's 27, has a lot of miles on him, and the Jags and the player need to much compensation in return... ?

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I wanted the Jets to Draft Turbin and Sign Benson then dump McKnight and get a RT

What did the Jets do ?

Signed two starting safeties, and drafted two rookies to sit behind them.

Drafted one of the top WR's.

Drafted Bart Scott's replacement.

Improved their pass rush with one of the top talents at DE.

Traded for a young, athletically gifted player that has a playoff win under his belt as a QB and can contribute to the team at multiple positions, even while he's a backup QB.

But yeah, other than that... :winking0001:

Traded the 4th round pick for Tim Tebow not bother to even look at Eric Winston at RT and let Cedric Benson move along. May have also been nice to Sign Braylon Edwards rather than the constantly injured Chaz Schilens but when have we known the Jets current front office to do anything worth a sh*t sice Mangini left ?

Yep, the team hasn't done much in the past three offseasons.

Wait, what?

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Adding MJD in a vacuum is a brilliant move. Adding a 27 year old, potentially out of shape, RB at the cost of draft picks and $8M/year is not.

MJD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedric Benson, too, but you didn't see the Packers go after him, either. Haven't heard a peep about anyone showing any interest in a trade for him, actually. Why is that? Maybe because he's 27, has a lot of miles on him, and the Jags and the player need to much compensation in return... ?

When the wheels come off MJD, it's going to happen lightening fast. There is a reason the Jag's are unwilling to renegotiate and extend him. He has been ridden hard and put up wet.

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So Cedric Benson makes Green Bays offense that much more dangerous. But MJD is a bad move for the Jets who scare no one with a backfield full of slow RBs and pussies. But hey we're grond and pound baby .

Benson makes GB's offense better because it's a pass-first offense with an elite QB with great targets. He's a different kind of weapon that cost the Packers nothing in terms of draft picks or players (especially since the Pack had the cap space to sign him).

MJD wouldn't help the Jets because the Jets lack a viable downfield passing game. Teams will put 8 in the box and stop the run whether it's Greene or Jones-Drew until Mark Sanchez develops the male equipment to throw downfield, which doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon. Furthermore, MJD would NOT only cost the Jets draft picks, they would have cut players to be able to afford him. Why is this so hard to understand?

The fourth we traded (108) not high enough to get ahead of Seattle who took Turbin at 106...I liked Turbin as well...

The bigger foul in my eyes was trading the fourth rounder instead of looking at the OT talent available...the depth of this past draft...Bobbie Massie or Zebri Sanders were both good value at that point.

QFT. This was the draft to stock the OL, and several teams did just that. There were OLers, and especially OTs, available all through the draft. Pitt spent their first two picks on OL: DeCastro (who is as advertised) and Mike Adams. The Bills took three: OT Cordy Glenn in the 2nd; OT Zebrie Sanders in the 5th; and OG/C Mark Asper in the 6th. Miami took OT Jonathan Martin in the 2nd. All three of these teams have also taken OLers in the first round since 2008: Miami: Jake Long, 1st 2008 and Mike Pouncey, 1st, 2011; Bills: Eric Wood, C, 2009; Pittsburgh: Maukise Pouncey, C, 2010.

Unless your team has young Pro Bowl OLers already, it has to keep investing in them -- and higher draft picks than 6th and 7th rounders.

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Yep, the team hasn't done much in the past three offseasons.

Wait, what?

First off read my post, is says "anything worth a sh*t sice Mangini left " Worth a sh*t and doing "nothing" are two different things if you think the drafts this team has had the past three years and the misfits has beens and criminals they have signed on offense while our OL deminished before our eyes are good moves then your not paying attention.

Our RB situation is also a joke and we tout ourselves as Ground an pound ? LOL were lucky if we break 110 yards a game on average. When we were a REAL running team we were putting up 170 and 150 respectively down to 105 in year 3 .

Also I happen to be talking about the offense so this conversation has nothing to do with signing 2 Safeties and drafting a LB and a DLmen who some here have already anointed as god knows what.

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Benson makes GB's offense better because it's a pass-first offense with an elite QB with great targets. He's a different kind of weapon that cost the Packers nothing in terms of draft picks or players (especially since the Pack had the cap space to sign him).

MJD wouldn't help the Jets because the Jets lack a viable downfield passing game. Teams will put 8 in the box and stop the run whether it's Greene or Jones-Drew until Mark Sanchez develops the male equipment to throw downfield, which doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon. Furthermore, MJD would NOT only cost the Jets draft picks, they would have cut players to be able to afford him. Why is this so hard to understand?

QFT. This was the draft to stock the OL, and several teams did just that. There were OLers, and especially OTs, available all through the draft. Pitt spent their first two picks on OL: DeCastro (who is as advertised) and Mike Adams. The Bills took three: OT Cordy Glenn in the 2nd; OT Zebrie Sanders in the 5th; and OG/C Mark Asper in the 6th. Miami took OT Jonathan Martin in the 2nd. All three of these teams have also taken OLers in the first round since 2008: Miami: Jake Long, 1st 2008 and Mike Pouncey, 1st, 2011; Bills: Eric Wood, C, 2009; Pittsburgh: Maukise Pouncey, C, 2010.

Unless your team has young Pro Bowl OLers already, it has to keep investing in them -- and higher draft picks than 6th and 7th rounders.

LOL MJD would not help the Jets ? After reading that I basicly stopped reading.

If anyone wants to make the missing training camp point I can somewhat agree with that because there has been a history with NFL players getting hurt while missing training camp. But thats why you pounce on these situations early. However the longer this drags on the better the deal may become, if so and if a team does go and get MJD, they would be smart to check his physical condition and work him into the line up slowly. Rather than throwing him out there right away.

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First off read my post, is says "anything worth a sh*t sice Mangini left " Worth a sh*t and doing "nothing" are two different things if you think the drafts this team has had the past three years and the misfits has beens and criminals they have signed on offense while our OL deminished before our eyes are good moves then your not paying attention.

Basically, the idea of our offensive line "diminishing" is this: everyone (not just the FO) seemed to want Faneca out, so he was out. They plugged up the spot with a sixth rounder that has filled in nicely. Then Damien Woody retired, leaving them in the lurch. So the team went to war with Wayne Hunter, who had been respectable up to that point. Despite his earlier success, Hunter failed last year. That combined with Mangold and others missing time caused the offensive line play to deteriorate.

So they went into this off-season needing upgrades to: right tackle, the pass rush, the safeties and a wide receiver.

They found the wide receiver with an early pick. They found a pass rusher in Coples with their first pick. They fixed the safety problems by signing not one, but two starters and drafting two late picks to compete for depth. Basically, they had 4 major problems and they fixed 3.

It is what it is, if they chose to take a tackle with the 2nd pick and not a WR, we would be in desperate need of a starting receiver. Unfortunately, as with all teams, they have their holes.

We're going to have to disagree about guys like Hill, Edwards, Holmes, Kerley, etc. I personally like them all, though Holmes is definitely overrated.

And the entire criticism probably goes away, but not for the fact that they screwed up with the Ducasse pick. That really backfired.

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LOL MJD would not help the Jets ? After reading that I basicly stopped reading.

If anyone wants to make the missing training camp point I can somewhat agree with that because there has been a history with NFL players getting hurt while missing training camp. But thats why you pounce on these situations early. However the longer this drags on the better the deal may become, if so and if a team does go and get MJD, they would be smart to check his physical condition and work him into the line up slowly. Rather than throwing him out there right away.

Supposing the Jets can make the move, would you be willing to sign him to a long term deal?

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Supposing the Jets can make the move, would you be willing to sign him to a long term deal?

yes I would. Because I feel within the next 2 years he gives us and our offense enough fire power to compete for a SB. IMO he would open things up for this offense and give us instant respect we currently do not have.

So if your asking me would I trade 1 SB victory for a 5 year deal I would say yes. And I also think MJD could be the type of back that could last another 4 or 5 years if we dont run him into the ground. In year 3 we sign a back to work under him or take over after a year and MJD can tail out his career part time. Hell if we sign him and keep Greene it could give us the 1-2 punch this year that would put us back on top as a rushing offense. 2 fresh backs in the 4th Quarter is a nice thing to have. Remeber what a fresh Greene did for us his rookie year ? I thin MJD has the potential to put hp HOF numbers the next 2 years easily

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yes I would. Because I feel within the next 2 years he gives us and our offense enough fire power to compete for a SB. IMO he would open things up for this offense and give us instant respect we currently do not have.

So if your asking me would I trade 1 SB victory for a 5 year deal I would say yes. And I also think MJD could be the type of back that could last another 4 or 5 years if we dont run him into the ground. In year 3 we sign a back to work under him or take over after a year and MJD can tail out his career part time. Hell if we sign him and keep Greene it could give us the 1-2 punch this year that would put us back on top as a rushing offense. 2 fresh backs in the 4th Quarter is a nice thing to have. Remeber what a fresh Greene did for us his rookie year ? I thin MJD has the potential to put hp HOF numbers the next 2 years easily

I like MJD, and I could see your point if this was a QB, but realize that the risk of being tied to that contract means we probably couldn't make a big FA upgrade for a few years, especially with Revis due up soon. If it's Peyton Manning, or heck, even if it's Matt Shaub, yeah I throw all the chips in the pot and take my chances... but MJD? Eh.

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