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The Red Sox might as well start it in August ( a month late) offseason thread because they are done.


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Well, the Sox head into the off season off their first losing season (most likely) since 1997.

Probably, one of the most unlikeable teams in the history of the Sox and that is saying something.

Ben was able to move a few huge huge contracts and now has a little payroll flexibility to improve the roster.

The 2013 Sox could be:

C: Salty/Lavarnawy

1B: FA-Loney

2B: Pedroia

SS: Iglesias/Circiao

3B: Middlebrooks

LF: Kalish/Nava

CF: Ellsbury

RF: Sweeney/Nava

DH: FA-Ortiz

Starters: Lester, Bucholz, Lackey, Dubront

Closer: Bailey

With the newly found payroll flexibility, I think the need to retain Ross, Loney and Ortiz is a must.

Everywhere the Sox could use a bat C, 1B, OF, there really isn't an obvious upgrade as the most attractive FA is currently on suspension. McCann would be nice behind the plate, but I doubt the Braves do not pick that option up. Loney is a decent bat (minus power) and maybe a season in Fenway can give his power a bump. Ortiz is the best DH available so do nto F around Ben. Extend him. The Sox definetly need a starter, and not Aaron Cook, to help the rotation. There are plenty of decent FAs that can pass as a 3rd-5th starter.

Bobby V. If they can get John Farrell or another hot prospect (former player not named Tek), then let Bobby retire. If the choice is another retread, then give Bobby a chance with his people.

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Morales might be in the rotation too.

Papi is a must bring back.

They'll probably explore trading Jacoby because he wants more money than he has earned (Scott Boras will see to that).

First base will be interesting.

I see a Salty/Lavarnway platoon being decent.

And Bobby V is a goner one way or another. Time to get a real manager whose time hasn't passed him by. Tek would be a great manager. Just look at what recent former players are doing now in the bigs.

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I was listening to WEEI the other day (only thing on driving through southern Maine) and I was shocked:

both hosts and several callers called in wanting SWISHER as the Sox 1st baseman next year

i hope that doesn't happen but if it does then at least we got the best of him in Yankee land from 09-12 :D

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I was listening to WEEI the other day (only thing on driving through southern Maine) and I was shocked:

both hosts and several callers called in wanting SWISHER as the Sox 1st baseman next year

i hope that doesn't happen but if it does then at least we got the best of him in Yankee land from 09-12 :biggrin:

Too much chowda. :screwy:

Morales might be in the rotation too.

Papi is a must bring back.

They'll probably explore trading Jacoby because he wants more money than he has earned (Scott Boras will see to that).

First base will be interesting.

I see a Salty/Lavarnway platoon being decent.

And Bobby V is a goner one way or another. Time to get a real manager whose time hasn't passed him by. Tek would be a great manager. Just look at what recent former players are doing now in the bigs.

Jacoby: yeah, I could see that. That is the worst part of the Crawford deal, Boras is going to start there. I like Jacoby and would like to see they keep him, but he has not shown he is worth that mucha season unless he can replicate 2011 every year.

Tek: I am not sold on that. Get him a managing job in the system and let him prove himself. As much as people want to extrapolate that he will be a good manager/leader because he was a catcher, he was on the team that pissed away 4 great months of baseball with an epic collapse. Now, it is not all his fault, Francoma, Pedroia and Ortiz I am looking at you, he should have been all over it. There were no Tek tried to pull the team together stories.

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Hard for a part time player, captain or not, to try and pull a team together.

And Swisher is a horrible idea.

For any other team, I might agree with your statement, but the Sox have handed out the Captain C to four players (5 times) over the last 88 seasons. The previous 3 are all in the Hall of Fame. Being the Sox Captain means something. He was the Captain.

Plus, only Beckett is gone from the Chicken and Beer crew. While he would have more power, they did not respect Francoma or Tek and their two rings. What makes you think they are going to respect Tek now?

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Plus, only Beckett is gone from the Chicken and Beer crew. While he would have more power, they did not respect Francoma or Tek and their two rings. What makes you think they are going to respect Tek now?

was the chicken and beer crew (nice term btw) just pitchers?

i remember Lackey and Lester were part of it but anyone else?

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That was the most amazing few weeks I have ever witnessed for the Sawx

Fans killing everyone

Front office back stabbing players

Players ripping their manager

The Manager completely clueless as to the daily comings and goings

The fans SPINNING a trade where the team, which just a year ago was "going to be the best of all time" unloaded their best player, an injured FA bust, and a former hero for a bucket of balls

All while I sat back and watched it unravel.....I mean, pure unadulterated JonE Bliss.....lol

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Adrian Gonzalez would have lead this team to the playoffs too

I mean, they got the guy for free.....and in the end, the guy they traded him for, ends up with the guy that traded him in the first place....now in Chicago

Can't make this stuff up...lol

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I mean, they got the guy for free.....and in the end, the guy they traded him for, ends up with the guy that traded him in the first place....now in Chicago

Can't make this stuff up...lol

The Sox did not get him for free. They gave away two very good prospects, Rizzo is in Chicago now, but he is doing pretty wel.. Also, Casey Kelly pitched 6 shutout innings in his major league debut the other day. But try not to actually do any research or anything. Glad to see nothing has changed with you.

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The Sox did not get him for free. They gave away two very good prospects, Rizzo is in Chicago now, but he is doing pretty wel.. Also, Casey Kelly pitched 6 shutout innings in his major league debut the other day. But try not to actually do any research or anything. Glad to see nothing has changed with you.

Lets be honest....the guy the Sawx got surely wasn't even remotely worth Rizzo, and Casey Kelly.......what a bust

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Adrian Gonzalez wasn't an All Star until 2008 when he was 26. So both players have some time. Your arguments are terrible.

Gonzo = proven all star

those guys = young prospects

prospects = suspect until proven otherwise

just my opinion but gimmie the guy who is proven. oh and Gonzo had 2 solid seasons before he was an AS...those two years it was impossible to get a spot on ASG at 1st unless you were Pujols and Howard

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any MLB team can afford him, the owners are all billionaires

Weak argument.

As Jesse Ventura said, "they did not get rich by being stupid."

The Padres make money. Not as much as the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers or any large market team with their own multi-million dollar TV contract, but they make a profit. Otherwise those teams would be contracted because no billionaire is going to spend money on a losing venture and MLB is not going to waste money on a team(s) that cannot make money. Pittsburgh, KC, San Diego and all small market teams make money. Just because they make a profit does not mean they can compete with the Yankees year in and year out. A billionaire would be broke within 10 years trying to subsidize the difference between the Yankees 197 million dollar payroll and the Padres' 55 million dollar payroll.

And for arguments sake lets say the Padres' owner(s) footed the extra 21 million a year for Gonzo. The Padres are pulling 25K this year. They pulled in 26K Gonzo's last year and that was a 90 win team. Would they be better? Of course, but would they be pulling that many more fans? No. Would they be neck and neck with the Giants, Dodgers or other wildcard teams? Maybe. Would spending 154 million be justified in the end? Doubtful.

However, they can turn Gonzo into Rizzo and Kelley. Then flip Rizzo for another pitching prospect (Cashner) who has been pretty good for them this year. It sucks for them, but that is their means to an end.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure why you want to trade Miller, but moving Ellsbury is going to be looked at because he is going to want lots of money and he hasn't shown consistency enough to warrant it. It will be interesting but they need some star power too.

Because I'm not a Red Sox fan and I think Miller should get thrown into the rotation to be the Cubs' next starter to reliever to starter conversion. Love the arm and what the Red Sox have done to his mechanics. His stuff actually matches the hype it had out of college.

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they need to resign Ellsbury unless they go after Hamilton

I doubt it happens. The Crawford signing bumps Ellsbury's starting price to 20+ million. I doubt he gives the Sox a discount especially with his agent.

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