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Picking up the Pieces: Post 1-1


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Fine - the good things about yesterday:

- The team hit the QB. They landed 3 sacks on Roethlisberger and on a normal QB would have went down much more often.

- Wilkerson is a legit monster against the run.

- Bart Scott made a play early. It was against the run, but still good to see him alive.

- The offense started off really well. Don't know wtf happened, but it started off really well. Holmes needs to catch the ball, yes, but the catches he did make were done easily by both QB and WR.

- A couple of JAGs look like they'll be giving the Jets some production. McIntyre, Lankster, Bell is looking like a better signing than I thought, beyond the pass he didn't turn around for he's been alright, that guy Gates looked competent making his one catch, McKnight...

- Bitches luh mah dyiiiick.

- The OL has yet to suck.

- Sanchez sucked but didn't look incompetent at all doing it. He even memorably broke a sack.

- Pouha senses the presence of Kenrick Ellis. Came right off his missed game and played very well from the start. This is the best competition between starter and backup on the roster right now.

- The P might have a leg.

I think I know what the problem is.

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In all fairness, back when the whole "Schotty's route designs don't help WRs get open" point was first being made, we had receivers like Cotchery out there who would make the catches if they got open. So the argument was valid, Schotty's route tree was easily stifled by defenses. I've seen it broken down over the years by analysts, I know there is validity to it.

HOWEVER... Now we have a different situation, we have a rookie who doesn't know how not to be bumped out of his route, and a veteran A-hole who likes to break off his routes so he can look open when the ball sails over his head and throw a fit. When he runs his routes and the ball goes to him, he misses easy catches.

Agreed. So glad Schotty gone...wish we had kept Cotchery...and got rid of Holmes...on the rook...he's raw...he'll learn...expect him to get better...with that...still wonder how the hit on Sanchez impacted his play yesterday...was he woozy but didn't wanna see TimBow in or what? Not making excuses for him...just curious.

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Agreed. So glad Schotty gone...wish we had kept Cotchery...and got rid of Holmes...on the rook...he's raw...he'll learn...expect him to get better...with that...still wonder how the hit on Sanchez impacted his play yesterday...was he woozy but didn't wanna see TimBow in or what? Not making excuses for him...just curious.

I think there's some possible truth to that, but in reality - Sanchez's passes weren't terribly off. I'd have to re-watch the game, but it looked like 5-10 passes were straight up dropped or off-the-mark because WRs were out of their routes. Our WRs were getting mugged, symptom of the replacement refs I think.

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First post on here....didn't see any intros section so straight in it is......

This thread went onto a 2nd page before Teeblow got a mention?

A yard less than Greene on just 1 run.

Pick up the pieces in Miami by giving the big god-botherer the ball tell him which way to run. Simple.

1-1.....we can win the whole thing from here!

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Picking up the poop in Miami doesn't mean jack. Because this team is being coached and is playing the same as last year. A roller-coaster 8-8 season filled with heartburn, disappointment and disillusionment. I'm already having way too many flashbacks, and we are only two games in.

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