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Revis took in Steelers game from the bar


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I'll have to check that out, it's hard to find it on tap anywhere, but my cousin's husband works for a beverage distributor and gets some bottles from some place down in Brooklyn. I've only been able to have their cali-belgique, self-righteous and ruination, all which were awesome. The Ruination was a bit bitter for me, but still pretty damned good. A bar up here in Troy is having a tap-takeover by Dogfish head and bringing something around 20ish beers. I was at their brewery down in deleware this summer and it was phenomenal, so I'm pretty stoked for that.

It's one of the #1 benefits of the Midwest. You get all the beers on draft from this area, (which are second to none; Great Lakes, Goose Island, Half Acre...etc), and also both all the east and west coast beers on tap regularly as well. Certainly helps deal with winter a little bit.

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The 17 sundays during the fall/winter have to take a collective two years off my life every season.

Sidenote: We had a giant conference recently on antioxidants and the "french paradox," which basically recommends one to four glasses of red wine or dark beer (including IPAs) a night. The polyphenols they have in them have pretty much every positive effect on your body you could want. I was waiting on the edge of my seat for them to mention fried, battered or smothered foods in the reports...but why would life be that awesome.

so is it recommended to have 4 glasses of red wine or dark beer a day or was the paradox disproved?

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so is it recommended to have 4 glasses of red wine or dark beer a day or was the paradox disproved?

Nope, it's definitely still recommended. The french paradox is basically, how do the french have such a low mortality rate with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, when they consume such high proportions of heavy creams, sauces, cheeses etc. It was this paradox that lead to the studies of the benefits of red wines. It's shown that ethanol itself has many health-benefits when used in moderation, but also their high content of polyphenols (the natural substances that give the antioxidant effect) that makes red-wines and darker beers that much better.

They say that 1-4 glasses is moderate and offers significant health-benefits, including cognitive function in older patients, however they have shown increased signs of mortality towards heavier consumption. So roughly, your casual drinker who will have a couple glasses of wine or beer with dinner or at night is seemingly doing himself a huge benefit, but the person that takes in the 6,7...etc beers/wine per night actually will see the opposite effects. Like anything, it's all in moderation.

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It's one of the #1 benefits of the Midwest. You get all the beers on draft from this area, (which are second to none; Great Lakes, Goose Island, Half Acre...etc), and also both all the east and west coast beers on tap regularly as well. Certainly helps deal with winter a little bit.

I've always heard Chicago was a beer-haven; I remember about a year ago or so a buddy of mine who lives up there was bitching about Goose Island being bought out by Anheuser-Busch, did the product go downhill at all?? Hope not, because the few sample packs he brought home were amazing. Still haven't had any in over a year, but granted I haven't been looking too hard considering my new cousin brings over free beer constantly, so I drink what he brings.

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I've always heard Chicago was a beer-haven; I remember about a year ago or so a buddy of mine who lives up there was bitching about Goose Island being bought out by Anheuser-Busch, did the product go downhill at all?? Hope not, because the few sample packs he brought home were amazing. Still haven't had any in over a year, but granted I haven't been looking too hard considering my new cousin brings over free beer constantly, so I drink what he brings.

F**K Chicago. Oh, wrong conversation?

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Nope, it's definitely still recommended. The french paradox is basically, how do the french have such a low mortality rate with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, when they consume such high proportions of heavy creams, sauces, cheeses etc. It was this paradox that lead to the studies of the benefits of red wines. It's shown that ethanol itself has many health-benefits when used in moderation, but also their high content of polyphenols (the natural substances that give the antioxidant effect) that makes red-wines and darker beers that much better.

They say that 1-4 glasses is moderate and offers significant health-benefits, including cognitive function in older patients, however they have shown increased signs of mortality towards heavier consumption. So roughly, your casual drinker who will have a couple glasses of wine or beer with dinner or at night is seemingly doing himself a huge benefit, but the person that takes in the 6,7...etc beers/wine per night actually will see the opposite effects. Like anything, it's all in moderation.

great, i am going to replace my vitamin rack with a wine rack! does maddog 20/20 count as red wine?

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Well, heavy consumption of alcohol yea. Most reports actually show amazing effects of moderate ethanol use on cardiovascular conditions, cholesterol and brain function etc. And for what it's worth, most of these studies have moderate alcohol consumption at something around 1-4 glasses a day. The only stipulation is that red wine and the darker beers (stouts, lagers, IPAs etc.) are the ones who offer the most benefits, as they have more natural antioxidants in them then the light beers that have just regular ethanol. Sooo for all you dogfish head fans out there, :cheers:

I read that drinking a beer after an intense work out is actually beneficial for you in regard to your muscles healing. So cheers to that.

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