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Arkham Villains - Game Thread


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Ape - you started day 2 with a vote on Crusher. Hess followed you. Crusher and Lily voted Hess. Then Nolder came in and soft claimed, saying Crusher is scum and Hess is town. Ishy then voted Crusher, followed by me. Then you decided to unvote and vote Darthe instead. Why?  You then move on with a vote on Lily. It´s first when Nolder tell about his result that you decide to hammer Crusher. 


Yesterday you were the third one voting Ishy but when he claimed vanilla you decided to vote Nae instead. Then you vote Darthe. It´s not until later that you hammer Ishy too. To me it looks like you were trying to save them both. 

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Jif - why are you voting Hess? The "too clean" argument? 


Yeah.  Too clean = scummy, theory.


Bragging about his voting record.  IMO some transparent distancing with Crusher and Ishy and then he had a ping post during the night phase last night.


Its about 40% gut, 40% too clean, 20% scum tells.


Everyone left in the game has played pretty clean.  I'm an instinctual player, the best in the game really.  I typically depend on them down the stretch and though town might not always win when I'm left to end game, I'm pretty much always right.

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Ape - you started day 2 with a vote on Crusher. Hess followed you. Crusher and Lily voted Hess. Then Nolder came in and soft claimed, saying Crusher is scum and Hess is town. Ishy then voted Crusher, followed by me. Then you decided to unvote and vote Darthe instead. Why?  You then move on with a vote on Lily. It´s first when Nolder tell about his result that you decide to hammer Crusher. 


Yesterday you were the third one voting Ishy but when he claimed vanilla you decided to vote Nae instead. Then you vote Darthe. It´s not until later that you hammer Ishy too. To me it looks like you were trying to save them both. 


Townies DON'T know how to avoid doing things that make them look scummy later in game. Scum does.


Darthe reveals cop, says he had Ishy, Lily immediately votes Ishy. THAT is how scum plays it because they know Darthe ain't lying.


I pause and wait for a possible counter-claim because that is how town plays it, because town has to consider all possible variables.



Vote Lily


I'm sorry you cannot see past a remedial understanding of the game's logic. You are wrong about me, and just like I say above, as soon as I flip town it'll make you look scummy. It happens every game. That is why at this stage of the game I start looking at who avoided the circumstances that would have made them look dirty, here on JN we very, very rarely seem scum defend scum. 


Anyway, if you are going to crater on a case on me, fine. I'm not arguing it further.

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Yeah.  Too clean = scummy, theory.


Bragging about his voting record.  IMO some transparent distancing with Crusher and Ishy and then he had a ping post during the night phase last night.


Its about 40% gut, 40% too clean, 20% scum tells.


Everyone left in the game has played pretty clean.  I'm an instinctual player, the best in the game really.  I typically depend on them down the stretch and though town might not always win when I'm left to end game, I'm pretty much always right.


This entire post is retarded. Nobody looks clean you moron.

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As of page 30 I can't believe how well I've played this game. Ape, JiF, Lily have all played horrible. Out of the 3 Ape and JiF pinging the slightly more than Lily but Ape and Crusher have either done well with enough distancing votes or more likely, aren't playing on the same team. I will say at times I get what Ape would be doing as town, but then he also looks really....really scummy. JiF is just tunnel visioned on me and doing his usually trolling. Nae has just been, more about playing from the outskirts...i.e. hiding. J

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As of page 36, still the same thing more or less. One issue is that the PR's reveal too early or hint too hard which would have made it too easy for scum to manipulate their votes...most looking at Lily on this one. Still could be any four but tbh, less of Ape imo, Not saying he couldn't easily be scum but I tend to reward the players who if they are scum, I can salute on a job well done. Nae and Lily I waver back and fourth and again, on JiF, he doesn't give you anything to work on.

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I think I've only ever played with Nae once, here or on DM, so your meta argument doesn't really resonate with me much. If anything, Jif being quiet is much more of an anomoly to me. Would also happily kill Darthe.

Vote Jif.



Lulz, okay.


Vote Ishy


page 37. This looks somewhat legit. But once again, does scum have an inkling Darthe is the cop by now? Whatever though, not gonna wifom myself into oblivion like JiF and Ape do every game, hence they suck. JiF drops down the order a bit, with a nod at good play if he is scum.

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page 40 and lost as ever. Usually on a reread I can narrow it down. Again, Ape, JiF, and Lily have played bad this game and Nae has been hiding all game.


I'm going to tip the cap to JiF, if he spotted Darthe as scum early and then did a gambit thing with Ishy, as scum, well, good job, you deserve the win. And if as Batman, sorta funny.


So my scum list is now down to the 3 of, Ape, Lily or Nae. But really, in no particular order. 

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All I can say to that, Hess, is that I never play particularly well, but I feel I've done more this game than usual. 


Oh **** him.  Dont defend yourself to that bastard.  What has he done?  Follow a couple votes from roles who had something on scum.  lol

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All I can say to that, Hess, is that I never play particularly well, but I feel I've done more this game than usual. 


Wasn't fair to clump you in with JiF and Ape who both notoriously suck at mafia. I don't think anyone left has played well. Except me. It's like, my first good game in a really long time. 

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Hess, this is some of the worst trolling I've seen in a long time. Shameful.

You two rejects have been on me non stop all game. I've made attempts for serious posts and in return get spam. I reread the game and shared my thoughts with honesty and get snide spam in return from who else but you two. So I troll back at your trolling. I haven't even done anything peculiar this game except supply you two with a dose of your own medicine. At this point my final answer is Nae.
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O.o what the heck happened in my absence?


Obviously you guys need me




Cause I'm the best




Probably the best ever









...now I'm gonna eat some bacon



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Knew I forgot something....


We may finish last in C-USA.  We're awful.  Like...ECU bball awful.  Only ECU bball isn't THAT bad anymore.  ECU baseball is this years ECU bball.


That's the most painful thing I've ever written on the interwebz.  And I remember Kliff Kingsbury playing QB for the Jets.

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