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Lily's Angry Melons mafia game thread


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What is your reason for voting me? Mine for voting you really hasn't changed.

Simple math. As I've repeatedly said, I've trusted AVM from the beginning of today. Since that's the case, I consider five players vetted now (that number includes me). It's reduced the pool of potential scum to fire into. As Hess, who is one of the five, seems to suspect you, I'm willing to take a shot and see.

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Simple math. As I've repeatedly said, I've trusted AVM from the beginning of today. Since that's the case, I consider five players vetted now (that number includes me). It's reduced the pool of potential scum to fire into. As Hess, who is one of the five, seems to suspect you, I'm willing to take a shot and see.


News flash for you - Hess always thinks I'm scum. Dumb reason and no one is fully vetted yet until I see AVM flip town. 

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Remember that untimely death I mentioned Hess?  It's here.  You must now carry on my awesomeness as only you can.  You....are the new AVM.


DPR -- There's only enough room for one damn dirty pirate on this damn dirty ship, and it seems that pirate is you.  *downs remaining rum* And just in time...I have no desire for a ship with no rum.


Teh vicious -- I know you're out there somewhere.  I miss you my friend.  If you were here, we totally would have got paid.  And laid.  Not necessarily in that order.


Leroy...oh dear Leroy.  We'll always have Wednesdays.


Crusher -- I wish you bacon.  Nothing else...just bacon.


80 -- Really wishing I had reserved calling you a sea chicken for this spot.  Hate having regrets :(


JiF -- Batman the s*** out of this game.


Verb -- You suck, h8u.  But in a respectful way...maybe.


Pac -- I really enjoyed taco tuesday this week.  Thanks.


SuluG III -- thanks for telling me I wasn't crazy.  I mean, I am...but thanks anyways.


Mish -- Hang in there, kiddo.  You'll fit in in no time.  Or we'll scare you off and you'll run away.  Either way...cheers!


JC -- Spirits and magic 8 ball and stuff***


Lily -- I'll miss you most of all, my love.  Take care...and don't miss me too much.


There.  That's everyone.



***JC -- since I'm actually kinda sorta thinking you MIGHT be town...you may want to check out JiF.  Never seen him do the whole "I'm so lost O.o" bit before, and though I obviously confused everyone...it just sticks out to me.  Thanks.























OH WAIT!  How could I forget!


Nolder...dearest Nolder -- I know we argued, didn't see eye to eye, and generally didn't get along very well this game, but I just want you to know....when I said GFY -- I meant it from the bottom of my heart <3




Peace, bitches


Yes, my brother...don't understand the whole JiF/Pac dynamic...I'll do what I can...

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Seems solid. If enough people feel the 80 lynch, I'll switch. Never have, and still don't, want to lynch AwesomeVM. Dude's play has been tight.


Ugh.  No, it was a sloppy setup in the beginning, but he did pull it together by the end.  Still, his death does vet several other players.  That would make his contribution to the game huge.

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You are playing dumb..  it doesn't matter how "tight" AVM's play has been..  at this point his death serves the greater good as far as the town is concerned.  You eliminate a wifom and clear 2 players who have been catching heat.


Use that 5 lb lump of flesh sitting on top of your shoulders for something other than shoving food into.


Still don't like it.  I wouldn't have played this way.  

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Simple math. As I've repeatedly said, I've trusted AVM from the beginning of today. Since that's the case, I consider five players vetted now (that number includes me). It's reduced the pool of potential scum to fire into. As Hess, who is one of the five, seems to suspect you, I'm willing to take a shot and see.


****, man.  As I know scum will pick up on this (I would, obviously).......this is just a bad softclaim of Cop.  "Since the beginning of today"?  Really?  Why not let him die, vet other people, and provide a smaller pool to view/lynch from.

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What JiF/Pac dynamic?  He's declaring me town.  I know nothing about him.  I wanted to run him up to L-2 (not lynch, Mish you scummy little thing you) because running up Pac and getting town, pretty much clears 4 players after we lynched AVM.  And to AVM's point, I'm not confused.  I laid out perfect logic.  I was lost around the time of his reveal for obvious reasons. 


Vote AVM

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****, man.  As I know scum will pick up on this (I would, obviously).......this is just a bad softclaim of Cop.  "Since the beginning of today"?  Really?  Why not let him die, vet other people, and provide a smaller pool to view/lynch from.


He can't be soft claiming cop as another individual already did so.  If he was, I'd like to think one of the two of them would have pushed for me use my power on the other

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****, man. As I know scum will pick up on this (I would, obviously).......this is just a bad softclaim of Cop. "Since the beginning of today"? Really? Why not let him die, vet other people, and provide a smaller pool to view/lynch from.

The beginning of today as in, the beginning if this whole conversation over how/if he used his role. Definitely not a Cop softclaim, although after you pointing it out, I can see how you'd interpret it that way. My fault with the wording there.

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He can't be soft claiming cop as another individual already did so.  If he was, I'd like to think one of the two of them would have pushed for me use my power on the other


I know - 2 bad softclaims.  Bush league.

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The beginning of today as in, the beginning if this whole conversation over how/if he used his role. Definitely not a Cop softclaim, although after you pointing it out, I can see how you'd interpret it that way. My fault with the wording there.


Ok, np.  I retract my bush league comment on your softclaim that was not a softclaim.  You're still wrong on thinking AVM played that tight, but hey - at least you're not wrong again, right?

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****, man.  As I know scum will pick up on this (I would, obviously).......this is just a bad softclaim of Cop.  "Since the beginning of today"?  Really?  Why not let him die, vet other people, and provide a smaller pool to view/lynch from.


Why call it out and make it easier on them? 

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I agree that AVM played it right. Just that town is too paranoid to let it ride and eventually wash itself out. Especially with other inv roles probably still out there. Whoever is town voting AVM it's totally bush league.


If you can't understand that fact that his death vets SEVERAL people and gives town a smaller pool to scumhunt from, then there is no hope for you.

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Vote count:


AVM (7) – Verb, Pac, Nolder, AVM, 80, Leelou, JiF

Mish (1) – DPR

Leelou (2) – Hess, Ishy

80 (1) – Crusher


Not voting: Mish, JC



It was a busy day for the band and co. A groupie, who had
been the girlfriend of several of the band members, at one time or another, was
upset and believed in Hess’ innocence with a surety she probably had no right
to have. When the group had almost decided to kill him off, she danced. Oh, how
she danced! The moves that girl had made every man stop and forget what he had
been doing.



Many people said that an ability like that couldn’t come
from a pure heart, but others thought it very well could. She wasn’t a bad
girl, really, she just loved love (and music.)


Later in the day, she danced again. This time she danced for
Crusher, the sexiest man ever born.


But finally, the band was tired of being manipulated by her
feminine wiles. They gave her a couple of hits of the finest acid they had,
took her to the tallest building around and let her enjoy a few seconds of free
falling. She giggled all the way to her death.


AVM, town groupie/girlfriend, lynchstopper, was lynched



It is now night 2. Please have your night actions in by noon
MST/3PM EST tomorrow. Some time today would be even better. 

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