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Wade Phillips (or Ray Horton)


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keep in mind Jacked Rex Himself said he didn't realize there was a locker room issue . I doubt if Rex knew the situation he would have just let it go on without doing something


I'm no Rex supporter by any stretch but I would like to see how he responds with a real DC . If he fails and this team still has the same issues of Bad clock management, excessive pre snap penalties, issues getting 11 men on the field then you give him the boot mid season if need be


Yeah, I don't buy it. I think it was a quarrel between two of his loves, Santonio and Sanchez, and he did not want to get in the middle.


I am not sure how the rest of the world knew that was going on and the HC did not. I think he was full of it.

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Yeah, I don't buy it. I think it was a quarrel between two of his loves, Santonio and Sanchez, and he did not want to get in the middle.


I am not sure how the rest of the world knew that was going on and the HC did not. I think he was full of it.

Probably so.


What will be interesting is who Idzik brings in I think that will tell us a lot as related to CTM's suggestion

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Phone rings, Wade Phillips answers:

"Hey, Wade, how would you like a one-year deal to come be Rex's pseudo-defensive coordinator? I mean, yeah, he's still gonna be looking over your shoulder, and there's a 50/50 shot you'll get fired at the end of the year, and if the defense takes a step back we're gonna blame it on you, and...Wade? Wade? You still there?"

LOL  Exactly. It's a lose lose. If the D is a monster its him running Rex's D. If it's less than top tier it's Wade's fault and he ruined Rex's stout D.  This makes no sense from the Wade camp's perspective. 

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LOL  Exactly. It's a lose lose. If the D is a monster its him running Rex's D. If it's less than top tier it's Wade's fault and he ruined Rex's stout D.  This makes no sense from the Wade camp's perspective. 


I don't think Wade's credit will go to Rex.  Everyone saw our defense get torched this past year even with our stud DL.  Phillips is too well-known as being a top DC to have other people refer to him as Rex's puppet. For someone like Pettine, who had never made a name for himself, that was the case.  Hell, it was even the case for Belichick before he went to NE (Jets fans forget that at the time it wasn't nearly unanimous that losing him as HC to NE was even necessarily a bad thing).


But Phillips? If that side of the ball goes from great DL to great D, Phillips will get plenty of credit.  Will some of it pass on to Rex (justified or not)? Yes.


Of course Phillips may also think that teaming up with Rex is another smart defensive coach to bounce things off and will only serve to help him field that killer D.  


He may not agree or feel that way, but I can absolutely see him think this is a good situation for him.  Plus Rex is still somewhat on the hot seat and he'd be in a good position to take over in case he does get fired.


That's 3 legitimate reasons it doesn't "make no sense" to come here.

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I don't think Wade's credit will go to Rex.  Everyone saw our defense get torched this past year even with our stud DL.  Phillips is too well-known as being a top DC to have other people refer to him as Rex's puppet. For someone like Pettine, who had never made a name for himself, that was the case.  Hell, it was even the case for Belichick before he went to NE (Jets fans forget that at the time it wasn't nearly unanimous that losing him as HC to NE was even necessarily a bad thing).


But Phillips? If that side of the ball goes from great DL to great D, Phillips will get plenty of credit.  Will some of it pass on to Rex (justified or not)? Yes.


Of course Phillips may also think that teaming up with Rex is another smart defensive coach to bounce things off and will only serve to help him field that killer D.  

He may not agree or feel that way, but I can absolutely see him think this is a good situation for him.  Plus Rex is still somewhat on the hot seat and he'd be in a good position to take over in case he does get fired.


That's 3 legitimate reasons it doesn't "make no sense" to come here.

Valid points and I was originally going to use the situation with Belicheck and Parcells as an example here to illustrate my point.


 While I see your side, I still think that there are many other situations where he wouldn't have to go and deal with the dynamic that already exists here which is that Rex is a Defensive mastermind. I wouldn't be against the move from our standpoint, but don't see it as a realistic option and just as they say when you have two starting  Qb's you really have none, Wade thinking of having another D mind to bounce things off of would more realistically be another strong personality to argue with. One who is the HC, has been here for 5 years and will most likely win any disputes. 

Don't see it happening no matter how much sugar we sprinkle on it. 

Wade will go somewhere where his stamp can be placed on a team IMO

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Valid points and I was originally going to use the situation with Belicheck and Parcells as an example here to illustrate my point.


 While I see your side, I still think that there are many other situations where he wouldn't have to go and deal with the dynamic that already exists here which is that Rex is a Defensive mastermind. I wouldn't be against the move from our standpoint, but don't see it as a realistic option and just as they say when you have two starting  Qb's you really have none, Wade thinking of having another D mind to bounce things off of would more realistically be another strong personality to argue with. One who is the HC, has been here for 5 years and will most likely win any disputes. 

Don't see it happening no matter how much sugar we sprinkle on it. 

Wade will go somewhere where his stamp can be placed on a team IMO


I agree with you.  As a DC, he can go pretty much anywhere he wants, to any vacant - and some non-vacant - DC positions (just like Rex if he'd gotten fired this week).  But it would only be a negative factor for Phillips if it was about ego to him (and it may very well be).  If all he wants it to do is succeed, then he won't care if Rex will necessarily get some credit for his efforts.  If it's more important that he succeeds as the only defensive "genius" on the staff AND that everyone showers him with accolades as savior, genius, etc., then the Jets' DC job will be of no interest to him.  Rex will clearly get some credit that would have otherwise gone to just Wade alone.


One situation isn't better than the other for him.  I could make a good argument that teaming with Rex - a defensive-minded head coach who makes defense a top (or the top) priority and has more influence wth the GM than he would as a DC alone - would make his job as DC much easier and therefore more likely to be amazing and not merely good or generally successful.  If that isn't as big of a deal to him as getting 100% of the credit, even if it might lower his chances of success, then this would be a terrible fit.


Whether our DC position is of interest to him depends on what's more important to him (assuming Woody is willing to pay him whatever he could get elsewhere, naturally).  Only Wade can answer where his priorities are in this regard.

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So, if the Texans hire Bill O'Brien, and Wade Phillips finds himself looking for a new gig... what would our defense look like with Phillips as the DC? He and Rex are 2 of the most successful implementors of the 3-4 in the past decade or so. 


Phillips seems to always know how to get to the QB, and how to fix a broken secondary. Combine that with Rex's blitzes, and run stuffing... could be pretty amazing.


Anyway, thought it would be an interesting conversation - something to discuss other than "WAHHHHH REX!!"


I just saw this:



CBS Sports' Jason La Canfora reports the Browns are expected to hire Jim Schwartz as their defensive coordinator.

What the Browns are doing, we have no clue. Rob Chudzinski assembled a star-studded coordinator pairing in OC Norv Turner and DC Ray Horton last offseason. Horton is one of the brighter defensive minds in the game. The Browns have told him he can seek employment elsewhere, and he'll have zero trouble landing on his feet. Schwartz worked with the Browns as a scout from 1993-1995 when Bill Belichick was the coach. Current Browns GM Mike Lombardi was also on that staff. Schwartz coordinated the Titans defense from 2001-2008. Of course, the Browns have no idea who their next head coach will be.
So, same question posted  - but for adding Ray Horton.
My logic here, is we have Rex, he's good at what he does - mostly - but we A.) need a defensive coordinator, because I'm not a fan of the job Thurman did, and B.) need someone that can fill in where Rex fails, specifically closing games out on defense, which seems to be the biggest issue with Rex's teams, they play great D for 3.5 quarters and then give up the game winner in the final minutes.
(Also, it's pretty awesome when CobraVerde neg reps a thread started purely as a conversation piece, in between starting one idiotic thread after another. Gotta love the posters here... :) )
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I don't think Wade's credit will go to Rex.  Everyone saw our defense get torched this past year even with our stud DL.  Phillips is too well-known as being a top DC to have other people refer to him as Rex's puppet. For someone like Pettine, who had never made a name for himself, that was the case.  Hell, it was even the case for Belichick before he went to NE (Jets fans forget that at the time it wasn't nearly unanimous that losing him as HC to NE was even necessarily a bad thing).


But Phillips? If that side of the ball goes from great DL to great D, Phillips will get plenty of credit.  Will some of it pass on to Rex (justified or not)? Yes.


Of course Phillips may also think that teaming up with Rex is another smart defensive coach to bounce things off and will only serve to help him field that killer D.  

He may not agree or feel that way, but I can absolutely see him think this is a good situation for him.  Plus Rex is still somewhat on the hot seat and he'd be in a good position to take over in case he does get fired.


That's 3 legitimate reasons it doesn't "make no sense" to come here.


Good points, there seems to be a theme to the responses of "it makes no sense" ... most of the point of view in them is more concerned with "how it will look" and not with winning. If Phillips priorities winning over selfish endeavors, then I think he (or any top defensive minded coach) would see the benefits to working with Rex.


I'd think that if I were a defensive coach, coming to a situation where there is a clear-cut bias for defensive football would be a good thing... but hell, what do I know I started a thread about Wade Phillips, passing up a perfectly good opportunity to start threads about "NOT BUYING THE HYPE" or whatever.

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