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Wade Phillips (or Ray Horton)


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So, if the Texans hire Bill O'Brien, and Wade Phillips finds himself looking for a new gig... what would our defense look like with Phillips as the DC? He and Rex are 2 of the most successful implementors of the 3-4 in the past decade or so. 


Phillips seems to always know how to get to the QB, and how to fix a broken secondary. Combine that with Rex's blitzes, and run stuffing... could be pretty amazing.


Anyway, thought it would be an interesting conversation - something to discuss other than "WAHHHHH REX!!"

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So, if the Texans hire Bill O'Brien, and Wade Phillips finds himself looking for a new gig... what would our defense look like with Phillips as the DC? He and Rex are 2 of the most successful implementors of the 3-4 in the past decade or so. 


Phillips seems to always know how to get to the QB, and how to fix a broken secondary. Combine that with Rex's blitzes, and run stuffing... could be pretty amazing.


Anyway, thought it would be an interesting conversation - something to discuss other than "WAHHHHH REX!!"


Like I said in an earlier thread a move like you propose would certainly give RTex more freedom to be an actual HC rather than a DC who ignores the finer points of being a Head Coach in the NFL

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Like I said in an earlier thread a move like you propose would certainly give RTex more freedom to be an actual HC rather than a DC who ignores the finer points of being a Head Coach in the NFL


Do we really want Rex being an actual HC? By that I assume you mean actually being involved with the offense and special teams.


I am not sure that would be a good thing, or a bad thing.

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I like this idea.  Being able to delegate to an experienced DC will be an efficient way to manage Rex as a resource to the team.  I don't see it as actually removing him from the defense, but keeping him in a strategic position rather than his having to manage the details, too.   The question is: will Wade be able to handle, or even be interested in, this type of situation -- he is used to being his own man and has operated with a great deal of autonomy on that side of the ball.

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Sure why not. With MM,and Phillips you would have 2 of the top coordinators in the game. Wade would put out a nasty D with whats here and if MM gets some more talent to work with Rex could serve as a motivator / figurehead HC like Ditka did in Chi.


This was my logic.

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Hiring a non Rex DC would be the biggest step forward in his head coaching progression. He micromanages the balls off of D right now, Thurman is a puppet. I seriously wonder if he could handle it. I also seriously wonder if this is Idzik's attempt to set Rex up to lose the one thing he is best at and sew seeds of failure so he can get a new HC in here.

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Sure why not. With MM,and Phillips you would have 2 of the top coordinators in the game. Wade would put out a nasty D with whats here and if MM gets some more talent to work with Rex could serve as a motivator / figurehead HC like Ditka did in Chi.



More like a propped-up HC than figurehead.  One of Idzik's jobs is to manage his coaching personnel by putting them in a position to succeed by minimizing their weaknesses.  Keeping Rex out of the weeds with the defense should help so far being HC is concerned.

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Phone rings, Wade Phillips answers:

"Hey, Wade, how would you like a one-year deal to come be Rex's pseudo-defensive coordinator? I mean, yeah, he's still gonna be looking over your shoulder, and there's a 50/50 shot you'll get fired at the end of the year, and if the defense takes a step back we're gonna blame it on you, and...Wade? Wade? You still there?"

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Phone rings, Wade Phillips answers:

"Hey, Wade, how would you like a one-year deal to come be Rex's pseudo-defensive coordinator? I mean, yeah, he's still gonna be looking over your shoulder, and there's a 50/50 shot you'll get fired at the end of the year, and if the defense takes a step back we're gonna blame it on you, and...Wade? Wade? You still there?"


You should have listened to me all those months back when I told you that if the Jets ended up in the range of your, seemingly optimistic, 7-9 prediction it wouldn't be enough to get Rex fired.  No reason to be so bitter, it's ok to be wrong every now and then.


At least that's what I've heard, I wouldn't really know.

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You should have listened to me all those months back when I told you that if the Jets ended up in the range of your, seemingly optimistic, 7-9 prediction it wouldn't be enough to get Rex fired. No reason to be so bitter, it's ok to be wrong every now and then.

At least that's what I've heard, I wouldn't really know.

You did tell me that, but you also had to know I'd be bitter as as a ******* lemon.

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Do we really want Rex being an actual HC? By that I assume you mean actually being involved with the offense and special teams.


I am not sure that would be a good thing, or a bad thing.


Well Jacked I'm looking for Rex to have the pulse of the entire team so that if issues arise, whether they be locker room issues or issues with the coaching staff, or even the game plan, he can address them and actually be a manager. He does seem like the type of coach that would take care of a situation if one arised. We can't have what we had a few years ago when the team had major locker room issues and our Head Coach told the media he had no idea, that type of crap can create big issues and it did seem to effect that team for sure.


I think if Rex can focus on areas like game management clock management and overall game plan he could be a much better HC than he is now. Trying to be a DC putting together a defensive game plan and focus on the overall picture is just not going to work with Rex I'm not sure anyone can deny that.

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Phone rings, Wade Phillips answers:

"Hey, Wade, how would you like a one-year deal to come be Rex's pseudo-defensive coordinator? I mean, yeah, he's still gonna be looking over your shoulder, and there's a 50/50 shot you'll get fired at the end of the year, and if the defense takes a step back we're gonna blame it on you, and...Wade? Wade? You still there?"



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You should have listened to me all those months back when I told you that if the Jets ended up in the range of your, seemingly optimistic, 7-9 prediction it wouldn't be enough to get Rex fired.  No reason to be so bitter, it's ok to be wrong every now and then.


At least that's what I've heard, I wouldn't really know.

BG remember is the beginning of the year when Rex was throwing red flags all over the field losing us Timeouts and just doing a poor job with clock management ? If that kind of stuff continued do you think it would have had a big effect on the decision Woody and Idzik made even if the team was 7-9 or 8-8 ? I think it would have .


You would think the evaluation would have focused on Rex's actual coaching win or lose. Hell Marty Shottenheimer got canned going 14-2 after some felt he was too conservative in a playoff loss.

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Well Jacked I'm looking for Rex to have the pulse of the entire team so that if issues arise, whether they be locker room issues or issues with the coaching staff, or even the game plan, he can address them and actually be a manager. He does seem like the type of coach that would take care of a situation if one arised. We can't have what we had a few years ago when the team had major locker room issues and our Head Coach told the media he had no idea, that type of crap can create big issues and it did seem to effect that team for sure.


I think if Rex can focus on areas like game management clock management and overall game plan he could be a much better HC than he is now. Trying to be a DC putting together a defensive game plan and focus on the overall picture is just not going to work with Rex I'm not sure anyone can deny that.


Im not sure I agree with you that he seems like the type of coach that would take care of a situation once it arose.


We have seen multiple situations that he did not take care of, and I personally think it's a bit convenient to say it's because he was only involved in the defense.


I am not trying to be anti-Rex when I say this, although it will surely come off like this, I just don't think the best use of Rex is anywhere other than the defense. He has shown me nothing at all to imply he has any understanding of offensive football, and do I really want him telling MM what to do on offense?


I mean if a HC could have meaningful input on both sides of the ball, it would be great, I just don't believe he can.


I think Rex has 2 assets as a HC, one is his defense, two is his ability to rally the troops.


I think rather than trying to get him to do something he is not good at, I would prefer they use him to his strengths, and fill in the gaps with others for his weaknesses, a la MM on offense.


Just my $0.02

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Phone rings, Wade Phillips answers:

"Hey, Wade, how would you like a one-year deal to come be Rex's pseudo-defensive coordinator? I mean, yeah, he's still gonna be looking over your shoulder, and there's a 50/50 shot you'll get fired at the end of the year, and if the defense takes a step back we're gonna blame it on you, and...Wade? Wade? You still there?"



while it sickens me to agree with this dingbat, the gayne is right. Nonsensical thread

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Im not sure I agree with you that he seems like the type of coach that would take care of a situation once it arose.


We have seen multiple situations that he did not take care of, and I personally think it's a bit convenient to say it's because he was only involved in the defense.


I am not trying to be anti-Rex when I say this, although it will surely come off like this, I just don't think the best use of Rex is anywhere other than the defense. He has shown me nothing at all to imply he has any understanding of offensive football, and do I really want him telling MM what to do on offense?


I mean if a HC could have meaningful input on both sides of the ball, it would be great, I just don't believe he can.


I think Rex has 2 assets as a HC, one is his defense, two is his ability to rally the troops.


I think rather than trying to get him to do something he is not good at, I would prefer they use him to his strengths, and fill in the gaps with others for his weaknesses, a la MM on offense.


Just my $0.02

keep in mind Jacked Rex Himself said he didn't realize there was a locker room issue . I doubt if Rex knew the situation he would have just let it go on without doing something


I'm no Rex supporter by any stretch but I would like to see how he responds with a real DC . If he fails and this team still has the same issues of Bad clock management, excessive pre snap penalties, issues getting 11 men on the field then you give him the boot mid season if need be

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BG remember is the beginning of the year when Rex was throwing red flags all over the field losing us Timeouts and just doing a poor job with clock management ? If that kind of stuff continued do you think it would have had a big effect on the decision Woody and Idzik made even if the team was 7-9 or 8-8 ? I think it would have .


You would think the evaluation would have focused on Rex's actual coaching win or lose. Hell Marty Shottenheimer got canned going 14-2 after some felt he was too conservative in a playoff loss.


They need to hire an assistant HC, and make Rex focus on defense.. not hire a DC to make him focus more on the things he's bad at. Play to your strengths

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