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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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To be fair, I've said wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwombat is scummy this whole time.


You've also stated that you'd use your vote (and presumably an suspicion you cast) for misdirection. To be fair.


My mind. It's pretty much spelled out in my posts.

I was agreeing that maybe Lily could use some pressure and then I saw Wombat flailing a bit so I thought if he's going out of his way to defend Lily maybe they're both scum. But, as per giving Lilly benefit of the doubt for now, that leaves me with just voting Wombat.


You seem to be picking out people for "defending" each other, but it's D1, and we don't know anyone's alignment. Usually looking for who defended who is effective after you've seen some dead scum. I find it odd that you aren't looking as much at people who are trying to manipulate and nudge things. 




Hess put it best, I'll let him do the honors.



Okay, but the part about Arsis. Save me from having to have to re-read, how did he stall his own train exactly. Summarize. I'm literally catching up from the bathroom, as soon as I'm done pooping, I have to get off the computer and be a husband for a few hours. I may be back on later tonight. 

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Okay, but the part about Arsis. Save me from having to have to re-read, how did he stall his own train exactly. Summarize. I'm literally catching up from the bathroom, as soon as I'm done pooping, I have to get off the computer and be a husband for a few hours. I may be back on later tonight.

I realized we might all be town today and figured Smash figured it out right away.

I unvoted and voted NL. Verbal asked me wtf I was doing and I told him it'd be more fun to sit back and watch than to tell.

Arsis came in and said what I was thinking and immediately the entire conversation shifted from Arsis to setup talk.

DPR has confirmed (you can PM him yourself) that there is a mafia team present already and as you know if you're town we all have the ability to form mini cults later in the game. So setup talk ended and now the subject is more Wombat/Lily/Verbal/Leelou.

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I realized we might all be town today and figured Smash figured it out right away.

I unvoted and voted NL. Verbal asked me wtf I was doing and I told him it'd be more fun to sit back and watch than to tell.

Arsis came in and said what I was thinking and immediately the entire conversation shifted from Arsis to setup talk.

DPR has confirmed (you can PM him yourself) that there is a mafia team present already and as you know if you're town we all have the ability to form mini cults later in the game. So setup talk ended and now the subject is more Wombat/Lily/Verbal/Leelou.

Nahh, people came off my train before that.

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LOL wut?


What advice am I not following? Letting discussion of Crusher's "lunch" joke play out? I jumped on Nolder for trying to make a case on a joke. I'm not speaking for anyone else. I'm just doing what I do. I'm railing on Nolder to get reads on the rest of the field. Nolder being scum would be the icing for me, but this has been standard format scum hunting for me. 


How is that lost on you? Or is it lost on you?


This looks like a pile on that you just dressed up in multi-quotes to make it look like you put in effort. Going back to the Arsis post where he says you and Crusher are scum, but then votes me... this makes me lean towards you being his mate.



You are misrepresenting logic here. "Players going hard after Nolder" wouldn't equate to scum. Scum, especially this early, don't need to or want to stick their necks out. They live in the shadows on D1. That's why it's insane that people are accusing me of defending Crusher. D1 is all over the place, scum knows that town will find a new shiny object and they aren't going to put a spotlight on themselves the way some people are implying. The fact this is being discussed is very remedial.


So... why are you Piggy-backing Verbal's thoughts instead of coming up with your own? Is it scum opportunism? Or is it you still being awful at this game?





This may be true for most players, but I've never seen you hide in the shadows, regardless of alignment. 

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What did?



I have to do more than skim, lol ... wtf you talking about?


His reveal, clearly?


I seriously don't even like thinking about it tbh.


Don't worry, friend.  I'll prove myself to you soon enough.

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Mother****er. I let both of these idiots make me redundant to the point where I'm drowning myself out. None of you see how Verb pointed out that I'm being sloppy as an extra log on the fire, so to speak, but he then flat out says that I'm not sloppy as scum?

NOBODY sees the ******* contradiction in that? Morons.


Sloppy in your casing, not in your (in)ability to count.

It is sad that I need to keep saying this.

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Sloppy in your casing, not in your (in)ability to count.

It is sad that I need to keep saying this.


My case was perfectly fine, people were buzzing my name, and you swept in with a garbage case and a vote on me. That's what I cased you on. Either way, I viewed what you did as a momentum play. This is what most of my cases are based on, catching scum making momentum votes/nudges/influencing statements... so, explain why that part of it is sloppy. Please, indulge me...


I assume, this is where you are going to try and scramble things up by pointing out that I said "scum doesn't stick their neck out" and then insist that you were sticking your neck out, when in fact you abandoned the worthless talk about Smash to slap a vote on me when everyone started buzzing about me? 


You had to "tack on" the thing about the vote count, because the initial case was garbage and you were losing ground.


So, once again we find ourselves looking at this: you know I'm not sloppy as scum, yet your case on me is that I did something sloppy.


Here is the cherry on top... you said I play the left/right of situations and don't commit, and yet, I've dug in on Nolder, you and given a clear-cut list of my top 5. I've done more to flush out scum than any other 2 players at this point. 

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Ape for the sake of making yourself useful what do you think of the following people:







I'm not looking for detailed analysis just off the top of your head impressions.

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I've made it to the bottom of page 27 and now I have to go check out a gym and see if I want to join this one. I should be caught up in an hour or so of when I get back. Sorry, guys. I know it's frustrating. 

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My mind. It's pretty much spelled out in my posts.

I was agreeing that maybe Lily could use some pressure and then I saw Wombat flailing a bit so I thought if he's going out of his way to defend Lily maybe they're both scum. But, as per giving Lilly benefit of the doubt for now, that leaves me with just voting Wombat.


Maybe you should think about the totality of my play.

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Ape for the sake of making yourself useful what do you think of the following people:







I'm not looking for detailed analysis just off the top of your head impressions.


Lily - said she was going to read and give thoughts, I'm genuinely having a hard time determining if that actually happened if it hasn't, I'd not it has been a scum tell on her in the past


Wombat - lost in the idiocy or scumminess of you and Verbal making dickbrain cases on me, is the fact that both Wombat and I were way ahead of the rest of you on why "no lynch" made us lean town on Smash, but go ahead... you and Verbal don't need important observations for your sh*t cases on me, you just need to say false sh*t over and over until the dumb town sets in and follows, amiright?


Arsis - his reveal doesn't matter, i feel like was begging to be put into a reveal situation - if he really wanted to die, then why reveal? felt he was scum and put him on my list before the reveal, best i can do for him as of now is move him down a bit


SMC - need to see more, if he's scum I'll see it, case him and you all will ignore me while he gets me to rathole myself on semantics, it's par for the course when I scumhunt him


AVM - need to see more, if he's scum I'll see it with him as well, he and SMC are strong reads for me - but AVM is the one I can actually get y'all to lynch


Pac - he's on my list, opportunistic sh*t pokes his head out when I'm getting heat, then scurries off when the opportunism window fogs up from his hot panting breath


Yeah, sorry - but GFY if you don't want detailed analysis, then you aren't really asking for the purpose of scum hunting, are you? If I leave out details, then I leave out logic. If I leave out logic, then how are you to evaluate my point of view? 

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Mother****er. I let both of these idiots make me redundant to the point where I'm drowning myself out. None of you see how Verb pointed out that I'm being sloppy as an extra log on the fire, so to speak, but he then flat out says that I'm not sloppy as scum?


NOBODY sees the ******* contradiction in that? Morons.


I saw it.



Is this the same Nolder that chastised everyone and their brother for "pointless rhetoric" and "not scum hunting"? 

Yeah, that's what I ******* thought.


Yep lol.



Here comes the sh*t flinger to "save" the day.


Proving Ape's point.

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I've made it to the bottom of page 27 and now I have to go check out a gym and see if I want to join this one. I should be caught up in an hour or so of when I get back. Sorry, guys. I know it's frustrating. 




Keep at it, I want to see some "thoughts". :)

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I realized we might all be town today and figured Smash figured it out right away.

I unvoted and voted NL. Verbal asked me wtf I was doing and I told him it'd be more fun to sit back and watch than to tell.

Arsis came in and said what I was thinking and immediately the entire conversation shifted from Arsis to setup talk.

DPR has confirmed (you can PM him yourself) that there is a mafia team present already and as you know if you're town we all have the ability to form mini cults later in the game. So setup talk ended and now the subject is more Wombat/Lily/Verbal/Leelou.


I like how you completely ignored my role in all of this.  Good job.

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I've been thinking a lot about your play actually.

I go back and forth on you but right now I'm leaning pretty solidly scum.




I want to grab you by the ******* throat and hammer down on the top of your head with my fist until I bash a hole in it, then I will eat your brains Temple of Doom style and drink your blood... so I can piss it into Verbals face and watch him drown in piss blood from my dick.




That sounds like the best ******* death either of you could ever deserve.

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Wombat - lost in the idiocy or scumminess of you and Verbal making dickbrain cases on me, is the fact that both Wombat and I were way ahead of the rest of you on why "no lynch" made us lean town on Smash, but go ahead... you and Verbal don't need important observations for your sh*t cases on me, you just need to say false sh*t over and over until the dumb town sets in and follows, amiright?


Amazing isn't it?

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Wtf does Arsis' reveal have to do with anything? Everyone already knew people would have gifts from signups.

Yeah, but how would I know the wording used for town's pm? Ahh, I caught you being scum. I knew it all along. You didn't even recognize that I used the exact specific wording.

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I want to grab you by the ******* throat and hammer down on the top of your head with my fist until I bash a hole in it, then I will eat your brains Temple of Doom style and drink your blood... so I can piss it into Verbals face and watch him drown in piss blood from my dick.




That sounds like the best ******* death either of you could ever deserve.


I support this plan.

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Yeah, sorry - but GFY if you don't want detailed analysis, then you aren't really asking for the purpose of scum hunting, are you? If I leave out details, then I leave out logic. If I leave out logic, then how are you to evaluate my point of view?

Thank you. I appreciate the reads even if you think they're useless without context.

I am trying to get a clearer picture of where you stand with me and figuring out what you think of others helps that along. I still don't feel good about you right now but I feel better than I did so that's something.

As an aside, I don't really believe you figured out why Smash & Wombat chose NL. At least not when you and I were arguing. Neither of you decided to share your thoughts on the subject, which could have saved a lot of bickering. Wombat realized it was a wrong idea but why was he going to leave Smash out to dry? And you...if you actually did figure it out why didn't you vote NL? Or why didn't you comment on Wombat voting NL and then changing? And why didn't Smash for that matter? Or am I supposed to believe you both figured it out separately and then confirmed with DPR it was an incorrect idea and neither of you bothered to bring it up because...why? I wasn't going to say anything because I liked the theatrics and didn't want to spoil DPR's fun but I have a hard time believing both you, Wombat, and Smash would all do the same. Yeah I have a lot of concerns when it comes to you three and I don't know where to being to unravel the issue.


Smash poking his head back in the thread might go a long way towards clearing things up though.

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Proving Ape's point.

More like he continues to prove mine.

He wont let the Smash/Crusher deal go even though it's been shown to be an even stupider argument than originally thought. It has no value and in fact is detrimental. Not only that but even if he wanted to continue arguing semantics, the thread has moved on and no one cares anymore including me. Why he's clinging to this fight is beyond my comprehension but every time he flings sh*t I will point it out. It's all I can do at the moment.

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More like he continues to prove mine.

He wont let the Smash/Crusher deal go even though it's been shown to be an even stupider argument than originally thought. It has no value and in fact is detrimental. Not only that but even if he wanted to continue arguing semantics, the thread has moved on and no one cares anymore including me. Why he's clinging to this fight is beyond my comprehension but every time he flings sh*t I will point it out. It's all I can do at the moment.


Wtf are you even talking about?  Ape is talking about you and Verbal, not Smash and Crusher.

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