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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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Because I know exactly what he's referring to.

If you don't odds are very high you're scum.

Bullsh*t. I'll quote my town pm to prove you are both scum. I'll take the modkill to have two scum go down with me.

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Pac and Nolder are bullsh*ting to try to get town to reveal something new. It's nonsense. I am not falling for it. If you're town go and read your pm and try to figure out wtf they're hinting at. It's obvious obfuscation to try to confuse an already all over ythe place game.

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Bullsh*t. I'll quote my town pm to prove you are both scum. I'll take the modkill to have two scum go down with me.

Why are you so bad....


You need 80 as a full time mentor. Seriously.

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Pac and Nolder are bullsh*ting to try to get town to reveal something new. It's nonsense. I am not falling for it. If you're town go and read your pm and try to figure out wtf they're hinting at. It's obvious obfuscation to try to confuse an already all over ythe place game.

^trying to sound like Wombat but failing.

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Why are you so bad....

You need 80 as a full time mentor. Seriously.

I don't care if I am good as long as I have fun. You and pac are still fear mongering bullsh*ters. Oh no, he'll reveal super secret pro town info that doesn't exist. While you jump in and stir it up.

You're both scummy.

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^trying to sound like Wombat but failing.

It's wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwombat and no, I would rather ape ape's style. You and pac and fear mongering. Selling wolf tickets.

Guy has no point but to try to confuse the whole game and throw out insults. You're obvious. Go sell wolf tickets somewhere else I'm not buying them.

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Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think scum can do jack sh*t with the info and as soon as it's out there I plan on trolling the **** out of Wombat and Pac over it.

But in the meantime I'll just sit here and chuckle to myself at their fear mongering.

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Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think scum can do jack sh*t with the info and as soon as it's out there I plan on trolling the **** out of Wombat and Pac over it.

But in the meantime I'll just sit here and chuckle to myself at their fear mongering.

Backpedalling once I called you out. You were the dude in the background making ghost noises and saying "spooky"

That's how obvious and cheesy you were being with the instigating pac's fear mongering. You were like a Scooby-Doo villian.

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wtf are you talking about? I've been calling them retards for two days.

There is something in the town PMs that's not stated in the OP but it's not a big deal.

If you can't see that you're an idiot or scum. Read the OP and read your PM. Word for word there is more information in your PM.

If you don't have it and you still think you're town you may want to ask DPR wtf is wrong with your PM.

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wtf are you talking about? I've been calling them retards for two days.

There is something in the town PMs that's not stated in the OP but it's not a big deal.

If you can't see that you're an idiot or scum. Read the OP and read your PM. Word for word there is more information in your PM.

If you don't have it and you still think you're town you may want to ask DPR wtf is wrong with your PM.

Nothing in my pm that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread. It might have been buried but nothing groundbreaking out there that would hurt the town.

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Nothing in my pm that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread. It might have been buried but nothing groundbreaking out there that would hurt the town.

Exactly. I've been saying that all along so wtf is your problem?

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Now arsis is going tard? Townies should know what I'm talking about. Fear mongering? I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

Giving scum fear is kinda the point of the game and stuff.

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Nothing in my pm that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread. It might have been buried but nothing groundbreaking out there that would hurt the town.

You need to work on nuance. What you perceive to have no bearing could make scum sloppy. That lesson was free.. you're not getting another.

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Now arsis is going tard? Townies should know what I'm talking about. Fear mongering? I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

Giving scum fear is kinda the point of the game and stuff.

You're not trying to scare scum you're trying to scare the town.

Do you have a point besides be afraid of your super secret bullsh*t information and that you think everyone else is a moron?

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Current Vote Count:


Verbal (1) - Crush

Pac (4) - 80, Ape, SMC, Hess

Hally (2) - Lily, Lizard

Nolder (3) - Pac, AVM, Arsis, Wombat

AVM (1) - Smash

Wombat (2) - Nolder, Leelou, Hally


With 18 players, it takes 10 (and apparently an act of God) to lynch.

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unvote. Vote Nolder

To me on page 10ish :"stop fence sitting. You will scum hunt or die."

To me page 98ish :"trolling is pro town "

To wombat: "I've done less than I should but more than you're giving me credit for. I've prodded lk, smc and lily' - yes he prodded me. Those other two are hardly even posting.

Kill him

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All you did was quote some stuff. You'll need to provide some explanation/context.

You can ignore me if you really want but I'm not the only one who's going to end up questioning you.

Also given that your case is against me It's obvious I would be your harshest critic. If your case is so weak you have to hide it from me that doesn't exactly project confidence in the case.

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All you did was quote some stuff. You'll need to provide some explanation/context.

You can ignore me if you really want but I'm not the only one who's going to end up questioning you.

Also given that your case is against me It's obvious I would be your harshest critic. If your case is so weak you have to hide it from me that doesn't exactly project confidence in the case.

It's day 2 with no lynch. You stink. I'm scum hunting. Your a self admitted troll taking joy in your efforts, even though in early game you were trying to kill people for same. The prime candidates you hunted besides me are people who are barely contributing. You went emo meltdown on not being the first to die which stinks. At worst you're scum, at best you're a flailing idiot. You're of no value to town and killing you will yield info.
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Sudden Death occurs when each player is required to post a name to vote. No case - just a name.


I will evaluate the thread at lunch and if play seems unproductive (all bickering and no voting/casing) we will move directly to SD. 

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It's day 2 with no lynch.

That's my fault?

You stink.

Conclusion before the evidence indicates some bias.

Not sure what your beef with me is but I can tell you it's misplaced.

I'm scum hunting.

I'm not sure if you even understand what this means yet.

Your a self admitted troll taking joy in your efforts,

Pretty much everyone here trolls to some degree.

Have you even been paying attention?

even though in early game you were trying to kill people for same.

I never made any case on anyone that included trolling (although I probably could have for Wombat) so I dunno what you're talking about here.

The prime candidates you hunted besides me are people who are barely contributing.

Holy sh*t are you actually still upset that I told you to participate or die?

God you really have been ruined as a mafia player. You have no idea how to function in the early game without tons of guns floating around. If what I said bothered you you should examine why. The answer you're looking for is no one is going to be able to make judgments about you if they don't know where you're coming from. Obviously this should be upsetting to you because you want people to know you're town. If you're reading my prodding you as a scumtell you need to have your head examined.

You went emo meltdown on not being the first to die which stinks.

You mean I went emo thinking I would be first to die and **** yes I did.

I didn't get wrapped up in 100 pages worth of gameplay to be killed because someone else rage quit.

If everyone had apparently been convinced by wombat or something I wouldn't care as much but being lynched due to what amounts essentially to outside influence will piss me the **** off yeah.

At worst you're scum, at best you're a flailing idiot. You're of no value to town and killing you will yield info.

You're a god damn idiot.

A well playing scum is more value to the town than you are at this point.

Read some tutorials and learn to play the damn game. Your first game was not indicative of how mafia normally goes.

I thought that would have sunk in by now but apparently not.

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Lol @ confirmation bias. You asked me to expand on my original post you twat. The no lynch comment was simply that without having anyone flip we need to use our best instincts and what we can gather from logic to make our best guess. you knew that, of course. Your whole reply is a joke. A whole lot of nothing. Cry to the thread about how you can't die yet.

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Competing trains, Pac and Nolder. While you can argue Pac has been quiet, it's been explained, and not a valid reason alone or we should have already lynched Hally and lia who've been more quiet and less useful. You can say his meta is off, I think he's made town posts.

My case for Nolder is above. Contradiction, trolling, high post count and minimal value. If this is our set of options than I look specifically at those earlier making comparisons for whom is more valuable and I leave it up to you.

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