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why this billboard is detremental for our team.


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i believe that the fire idzik billboard will end up causing more harm than good. i understand everyone is frustrated that our team is having a horrific season but is putting up a billboard to have our gm fired really going to help anything? yes it might persuade Woody to fire Idzik and i know the majority of you would love every second of that but something to remember is that every future potential gm out there is watching this, they are going to see how the fans of this team treat our staff and because of this i expect that by putting up this billboard we are going to deter some of the potential gms who could actually be great for us. just think for a second if you were a potential gm next year would you want to come to a team where your fans are going to put a billboard up calling for the owner to fire you after being on the team for one full year and change because you were unable to figure out each and every problem and flawlessly fix it?

LOL, dude, you think a billboard will stop someone from taking the GM job?


Nope...what can stop them taking the job is if the parameters of the Job are dictated in dreadful ways by the owner. You can be the GM BUT you must trade Revis (our best player) and keep Rex (although he sucks). A GM who is working with very little conditions wise and with no limitations would see this as a great opportunity. Plus if you have a personality that is better than Idzik (he has the personality of a shoe) then you are already ahead.


The billboard has ZERO effect on any possible GM candidate.

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Why the fuk are people making such a big deal out of the banner and billboard being so outlandish and "detrimental"? Fans are pissed and they are just blowing off a little steam. It's their money. If they want to spend it on this stuff God bless ya.

As for it being "detrimental", please we're friggin 1-8. One...and...eight. Beyond the record, the team is full of scrubs and being run by a mail room guy.

Because it serves the opposite effect than it intends. Now the jets are less likely to fire Idzik because they are scared of looking like they caved yo public opinion. It gives The impression the inmates are running things.

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When the Giants were really bad is the 70's the fans got fed up. The Mara's were fighting all the time and the team was in shambles. I want to say it was 1978 or 1979 somebody flew a plane over Giants Stadium during a game that said "15 years of lousy football we have had enough".


Not long after that with Mara's unable to agree on a GM Pete Rozelle stepped in and "recommended" George Young. 


The rest they say is history. 2 Super Bowl winners and stability for a franchise that needed it in the worse way.


Maybe Woody should pay attention

It's funny how Giants fans forget this stuff. If that was too long ago what about the early and mid 90's? They've been a crappy team for most of their 95 years, but every so often they pull a SB out of their ass... Inexplicably

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it's making jets fans look like crybabies


in fact, it was a topic on lupica's show, jets fans are crybabies


txs for that

If you are looking to be a fan of a franchise that will make its fans look respectable or in any good light at all the New York Jets were a BAD choice.

When I became a Jets fan in the mid 80's (I was like 8 or 9) I simply didn't want to follow the crowd. Everyone I knew in North Jersey was a Giants fan including my whole family. I liked rooting for the underdog. By 95 and 96 I was out of high-school and ready to give up on this team. It was nothing but an embarrassment. But then Hess finally decided to spend some money and Parcells turned this franchise around. Then when Hess died, this rich guy I never heard of showed up and promised us our own stadium. Then a couple years later Pennington emerged... and I started to believe things would change. But we all know what happened in the years that followed.

Now I simply hold on, not because I can ever feel a sense of pride wearing my Jets gear, but because it's been nearly 30 years ( in the blink of an eye) and I stubbornly have dug in, clinging to the faint hope that this team will win a Super Bowl before I die. I doubt I will ever sit in a stadium that is exclusively for Jets fans, but maybe, by accident, the stars align and I get to see a parade in honor of the world champion NY Jets.

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The worst prerequisite on this job was trading Revis.


Hi welcome to the Jets. You have to trade the team's best player. 


Woody chose cap space over Revis. 



revis is an expensive luxury this team couldn't afford. you can't spend 16 mil/year on a ******* cornerback

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