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Breaking Bad Mafia - Game Over


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I just don't see how these two can both be true . 1) 80 went all out to protect JC the converter and 2) 80 can convert.. 


it seems like 2 would negate the need  for 1


From my limited experience the recruitment is lost with the recruiter. Ergo I think JC recruited someone N0 and N1.... dropped dead... and we could very well be dealing with 2 converts right now who can't convert more people.


Beyond that, I don't know what to tell you. I realize my assumption is based on JC being the only one having the ability to recruit... in which case his mates would definitely risk themselves to save him. If I'm wrong, then there could be merit to what you're saying. But there are just way too many things about 80 that don't add up imo.

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Which is when we all learned that its possible to recruit, because JC flipped Mafia recruiter.  lol.  But I still had no idea at that time that Survivors could be recruited by either side or what the mechanics were.  For all we knew at the time, the game was broken open for town when JC died.


Lee... didn't you clarify about you being able to convert on D2, before JC died?

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Blah. Walter dead. No point in living anymore. I'm a survivor and was hoping to win with Walt. Kill me and Crusher.



If survivors can be recruited I hope they pick me. Many, many people need to be avenged for the death of the one who knocks.



LOL an investigation on a Survivor will come up as not town (See:  Doggin), and apparently Leelou doesn't know who she can and cannot turn back to town if recruited.  Not to mention we can't trust that Leelou hasn't been converted.  You'll lynch me either way.  Nice case, but I'm 100 % a Survivor. 



All you'll do by lynching me is prevent me from "winning" and buy scum another night.  Fine by me.  I'll take the bullet for Walt's converts. 



Because I was hoping to save JC, who unbeknownst to me ended up being Walt.  Duh.  Seemed like a more fun route to play this game like a Mafia symp who doesn't know who the Mafia is than be a townie.



Best thing I can do is be a distraction to the town now.  Lynch me lynch me lynch me!

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From my limited experience the recruitment is lost with the recruiter. Ergo I think JC recruited someone N0 and N1.... dropped dead... and we could very well be dealing with 2 converts right now who can't convert more people.


Beyond that, I don't know what to tell you. I realize my assumption is based on JC being the only one having the ability to recruit... in which case his mates would definitely risk themselves to save him. If I'm wrong, then there could be merit to what you're saying. But there are just way too many things about 80 that don't add up imo.



right that is what i'm saying, i've been thinking we still have a recruiter, but I don't think it can be 80...


Soo, i've been leaning towards maybe we should be hunting for a recruiter... right now i am content taking the bird in hand though, as evidence by my vote

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Good question. Why aren't you? You're the biggest proponent of the possibility that she is a convert candidate. How is Crusher better?


Omg what the hell are you talking about?!  How did you get that of what I said? 


I JUST said that she sounds sincere and straightforward. It means that for the time being, I'm NOT going to finfoil on her being recruited/ lying. I have conceded that her being recruited is a possibility, generally speaking, but I also doubt it quite a bit because it doesn't make sense balance wise. And also because her posts ring true.




Now feel free to answer my question. If you're so keen on vetting her, why not contemplate lynching Crusher? Cause all you've been doing is shouting off the roof tops to lynch the cop.

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Do you guys think there's a possibility that scum can recruit anyone? ie I find it a bit hard to believe that scum would be limited to only converting survivors. Thoughts?



I think scum can convert anyone. And that if Lee is being truthful, that she can convert survivors. That's the only way that makes sense to me right now.



Likewise. We might be chasing our own tail here and there are basically just two recruitments out there who can't do squat.



It's possible. But her content sounds sincere to me so far.



How come you're not contemplating lynching Crusher to vet her?



Good question. Why aren't you? You're the biggest proponent of the possibility that she is a convert candidate. How is Crusher better?





80 - Nyn, Jif, AJ, CTM, Leelou (5)

Leelou - Smash, King (2)

King - 80 (1)


With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: Tuesday 11AM PST





I caught scum


unvote vote Nyn

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right that is what i'm saying, i've been thinking we still have a recruiter, but I don't think it can be 80...


Soo, i've been leaning towards maybe we should be hunting for a recruiter... right now i am content taking the bird in hand though, as evidence by my vote


I'm not going to lay off 80. We don't even know if there's a recruiter out there.... so not sure how we're supposed to hunt for one. Who exactly do you suspect?

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I'm not going to lay off 80. We don't even know if there's a recruiter out there.... so not sure how we're supposed to hunt for one. Who exactly do you suspect?



I think if there's a second recruiter they've learned from JC's error and are laying back.. Smash, Halia.. maybe andre

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She has been wifoming the sh*t out of the last 5 pages about Lee's potential to be recruited - brought the idea up herself - suggested lynching Crusher to prove it - sitting on an 80 vote anyway - she's ******* scum book it.


I'm busy today - just do the obvious here Town and keep this game moving.

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I think if there's a second recruiter they've learned from JC's error and are laying back.. Smash, Halia.. maybe andre

if that's the case and even if Leelou is the other mafia recruiter I think only survivors caN be recruited and I don't see how 80 hasn't been at some point...
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so on Nyn... uncharacteristic game from her.. Looking for speed lynches, gets agro when confronted (happened earlier too)



Could see her as being on second scum team.. 


feel a bit better about Lee

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She has been wifoming the sh*t out of the last 5 pages about Lee's potential to be recruited - brought the idea up herself - suggested lynching Crusher to prove it - sitting on an 80 vote anyway - she's ******* scum book it.


I'm busy today - just do the obvious here Town and keep this game moving.


omg you ******* moron. I wasn't suggesting to lynch Crusher at any point. You were screaming to lynch Lee at the top of your lungs and it pinged hardcore because it's not the only way to vet her. YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME.

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if that's the case and even if Leelou is the other mafia recruiter I think only survivors caN be recruited and I don't see how 80 hasn't been at some point...



well, if you were running a team is 80 a first round draft pick or do you wait till the end and still pick the short fat kid with glasses over him?

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so on Nyn... uncharacteristic game from her.. Looking for speed lynches, gets agro when confronted (happened earlier too)



Could see her as being on second scum team.. 


feel a bit better about Lee


Oh so first...... I don't discuss stuff enough about Lee. Now that I'm trying to talk and speculate I'm getting FoSed.



That's fine. Don't think I didn't notice you trying to deviate 80's lynch just now. If he flips scum, you and me are gonna have a little talk the next day.

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Oh so first...... I don't discuss stuff enough about Lee. Now that I'm trying to talk and speculate I'm getting FoSed.



That's fine. Don't think I didn't notice you trying to deviate 80's lynch just now. If he flips scum, you and me are gonna have a little talk the next day.


Great, I'll bring the wine

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Oh so first...... I don't discuss stuff enough about Lee. Now that I'm trying to talk and speculate I'm getting FoSed.



That's fine. Don't think I didn't notice you trying to deviate 80's lynch just now. If he flips scum, you and me are gonna have a little talk the next day.





You're scum - don't be a see you next Tuesday about it

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You're scum - don't be a see you next Tuesday about it


Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?   I am not voting Lee. I said I wasn't going to tinfoil on her for the time being. I said she sounds sincere so for so I'm going to run with her claim. This means, unequivocally, that I am NOT GOING TO BE VOTING HER TODAY,  NOR WILL I BE VOTING CRUSHER. I asked you about Crusher because you were raving about lynching her, which implies that you don't believe her. So I wanted to hear why you were ignoring the other option to vet her.


Are we clear now? no? I don't care. GFY

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well, if you were running a team is 80 a first round draft pick or do you wait till the end and still pick the short fat kid with glasses over him?

True but it would be easiest path of resistance...

Not knowing the dynamics and nothing in any scene doesn't help...

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