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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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2 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Oh Spoot... Is this your first game as scum? I don't think forcing a potential PR into a reveal on D1 is particularly good for town.

unvote vote Spoot


My understanding is that once it's hinted at that someone is a PR, than they are automatically in the crosshairs of scum. Might as well let the town know if we can lynch them or not.

And, for the record, I don't necessarily think that she is. I just noted that it's been hinted at--by one person. And PR doesn't explicitly mean townie, too.

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Official Vote Count

Leelou (3) - no penis, JiF, Spoot

Lily (3) - CTM, Verbal, Leelou

AVM (1) - Ape

Ballin (1) - AVM

Verbal (1) - Hess

CTM (1) - Crusher

Spoot (1) - Brett


Not Voting (4) - decker, Pac, Lily, Ballin


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.

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2 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

Official Vote Count

Leelou (3) - no penis, JiF, Spoot

Lily (3) - CTM, Verbal, Leelou

AVM (1) - Ape

Ballin (1) - AVM

Verbal (1) - Hess

CTM (1) - Crusher

Spoot (1) - Brett


Not Voting (4) - decker, Pac, Lily, Ballin


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.

Check your votes , honey ; LOULOU should have more !!!

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10 minutes ago, Leelou said:

Um what? 

In a nutshell, I think there's more to learn from pressuring you rather than Lily, at this point. Admittedly, not eloquently stated. But, yeah.

I so need coffee, but I'm trying to quit. :D

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7 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Is this guy for real

I think this is just his way of trying to fit in. He found one poor victim (Leelou) and made a couple jokes. Because he got some funny responses, he dug in, hoping to be accepted. I honestly don't yet think that it has anything to do with alignment. He's just ******* around.

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42 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Oh Spoot... Is this your first game as scum? I don't think forcing a potential PR into a reveal on D1 is particularly good for town.

unvote vote Spoot


...weren't you just voting her?

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3 hours ago, BallinPB said:

I am a townie.  In this game and real life.  

Check your spirit at the door lady.  


3 hours ago, BallinPB said:

oooo you dirty girl.  

Ballin's trolling has me strangely aroused, I must say..




1 hour ago, Integrity28 said:

You guys, AVM.

I'm kind of honored, kind of annoyed by this new-found infatuation.  Can't decide if I want to omgus vote you for tunneling on someone not named CTM or if I should continue ignoring you.

really want to OMGUS and give you a reason to keep voting me, see where this is going

19 minutes ago, Leelou said:

LOULOU flipping no penis off



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3 hours ago, AVM said:


Ballin's trolling has me strangely aroused, I must say..




I'm kind of honored, kind of annoyed by this new-found infatuation.  Can't decide if I want to omgus vote you for tunneling on someone not named CTM or if I should continue ignoring you.

really want to OMGUS and give you a reason to keep voting me, see where this is going


Another either/or response, again tiptoeing around whether to ignore or engage.

you scum.

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4 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:


My understanding is that once it's hinted at that someone is a PR, than they are automatically in the crosshairs of scum. Might as well let the town know if we can lynch them or not.

And, for the record, I don't necessarily think that she is. I just noted that it's been hinted at--by one person. And PR doesn't explicitly mean townie, too.


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Official Vote Count

Leelou (3) - no penis, JiF, Spoot

Lily (3) - CTM, Verbal, Leelou

AVM (1) - Ape

Ballin (1) - AVM

Verbal (1) - Hess

CTM (1) - Crusher

Spoot (1) - Brett


Not Voting (4) - decker, Pac, Lily, Ballin


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.

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On March 23, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Verbal said:
On March 23, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Verbal said:

I don't even know what's going on right now.

What do these things have in common?  CTM is concerned with Brett, and Brett isn't voting him.


Ok, I can accept that (I didn't pay attention to confirm or anything), but why bother stating it?  Like, what is the point?

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On March 23, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Verbal said:

Really?  Can you explain that to me, then?


On March 23, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Verbal said:

^ I doubt Brett is scum here, folks.


On March 23, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Verbal said:

As much as it pains me to say this, I got your back on this.


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^^^^So multi-quoting sucks now but there's zero content until page 16. Verb even posts on like, page 13 "doesn't even know what's going on". bc nothing is going on. 

Loulou brings up Brett and CTM, Verb pushes the idea away as meaningless as if it's not D1 and every idea isn't meaningless, Lily votes Brett and Verb basically declares Brett town on page 16 with zero game content 1-15.  


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On March 23, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Leelou said:

Only thing CTM has really been commenting on so far is Brett. Never questioned why anyone was voting him. I just find it a weird thing. I'm one of the people voting for CTM, no reason stated and he never asked me why. Actually, no one did. Then Crusher and no penis piled on. Only person he addressed was Brett who said he'd be down to vote him. You don't find that odd, like at all? 


On March 23, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Leelou said:

I don't think Brett's scum at this point. 

Page 16 was chalk full of eyebrow raises

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On March 23, 2016 at 3:00 PM, CTM said:

Are you serious?

You are trying to fos me for not taking 3 joke votes seriously?

sounds about right but I swear he starts to ping somewhere around here. 


On March 23, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Verbal said:

Not really, no.



If he's not and you're not, then Lily needs some pressure, pronto.




On March 23, 2016 at 3:06 PM, Lily said:

You know what? I'm not getting a scum vibe from Brett at this point either. I just wanted to see what shook loose. 

 assumptions over to Lily


On March 23, 2016 at 3:04 PM, Leelou said:

Brett was responding to me asking if anyone would be down for a CTM vote. I made an observation of what you commented on. Brett jumped all over me. 

I'm town, yo. Lily seemed to jump way too easily. 

I'm fine. ;)

Leelou now over to Lily


On March 23, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Leelou said:

unvote, vote Lily


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