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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

I'Difficult as it is for you to accept, and despite how reluctant the CS is to let him see the field even in mop up duty, if they did finally pull Fitz before the season is basically over, they're putting Geno in.


At the beginning of the season, I would agree with you.  But as things have progressed and with some of Geno's body language on the sidelines + overall weirdness in social media I think they would go to Petty first.  Let's also add that several rookies have stepped in and performed well this year, which could add some pressure on the front office to put Petty in the pool to see if he can swim...

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I dont put a lot of stock into press conferences but since you're posting the transcripts and I'm angry with Todd Bowles stubbornness, I'm going to take my swings. 
- Nobody is laughing, Todd.
- No, you dont, Todd.  Watch the game again, focus on the best secondary in the game in Seattle and see how much zone they played.  Now, get on the practice field and give it a try once because your secondary cant cover a cardboard box for more than 1 second.  You may find that it will eliminate the long ball that's plagued this D, eliminate TE's running wild, you may actually force a turnover and maybe you'll get some coverage sacks because QB's need a little more time to figure out a zone rather than seeing Jimmy Graham being covered by Sheldon Richardson or Harris trying to cover a WR.
- This is stupid and you're stupid for saying it.  The kid gets after the QB.  He's one of the best snap per sack/snap per QB hurries in the entire NFL.  But he's not dynamic and you give him 2-3 snaps a game.  So instead, you have a 300lb interior lineman playing OLB?
- He's been terrible in the league for a long time, Todd.  I've never seen a veteran QB in a slump like this and make the mistakes he makes and leave the plays on the field he does.  10 INT's, 3 fumbles in the 3 losses.  Just because you've been around a while, doesnt mean you get a leash the length or your career.
- Chemistry?  Is he watching the ******* tape at all?  There is zero chemistry.  Probably because you announced him the start in Jan. and proceeded to let him miss all of camp and get fat while playing golf.  Meanwhile, the kids you have here were busting their ass and leading the team during his vacation. 
- Well that's just fantastic, Todd. 

Well said.

TB could be the dumbest HC in the NFL.

The guy is totally clueless.

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Difficult as it is for you to accept, and despite how reluctant the CS is to let him see the field even in mop up duty, if they did finally pull Fitz before the season is basically over, they're putting Geno in.

The facts, such that they are, do not support your assertion.  If they had as much faith in Geno as you believe they do, he'd have been played after INT #4 vs. the Chiefs.

If you don't ever plan to play Geno other than in emergency injury-replacement work, you keep him sitting no matter how bad Fitz plays.  Which is what has happened.

Geno will only play 1. if Fitz is hurt and 2. If Petty is unavailable.

if the season continues to go south, there is nothing whatsoever gained playing Geno Smith.  He was outplayed by Petty all preseason long, he's on the last year of his contract, the Jets assuredly will not look to resign him, and Petty was a Macc & Bowles selection, Geno an Idzik holdover they inherited.

There is no chance, again outside injury or Petty unavailability, that Geno becomes our starter this year.  It's Fitz till we are well and truly out of it, then Petty to test-drive the team in the late weeks as a trail for his role in 2017 (and to determine if we have to spend the farm to draft another QB in the next draft).

What does playing Geno get us?  A late garbage time win in a lost season?  Lol, you're smarter than that Sperm.

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He doesn't seem to really know what is wrong other than generalities and that is a problem.  Now that we 'have 4 good football players' and they are playing mostly a 4-3 we have drafted 3-4 backers the last two years.  Jenkins and Mauldin are more 3-4 olbs in my mind and Lee is a 3-4 ILB imo.

We now have zero outside rush at all it seems, Richardson coming back has hurt our defense, hes a good player but it's changed the dynamic and having him drop into coverage at all is stupid.

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33 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Hr doesn't seem to really know what is wrong other than generalities and that is a problem.  Now that we 'have 4 good football players' and they are playing mostly a 4-3 we have drafted 3-4 backers the last two years.  Jenkins and Mauldin are more 3-4 olbs in my mind and Lee is a 3-4 ILB imo.

We now have zero outside rush at all it seems, Richardson coming back has hurt our defense, hes a good player but it's changed the dynamic and having him drop into coverage at all is stupid.

Yep.  And who's the 4th he was referring to McLendon?  Since when is he dynamic?  He hasnt done dick since the Cinci game.

Meanwhile, Maudlin a snap here and there and you always seem to see him running  down the QB.

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4 minutes ago, JiF said:

Yep.  And who's the 4th he was referring to McLendon?  Since when is he dynamic?  He hasnt done dick since the Cinci game.

Meanwhile, Maudlin a snap here and there and you always seem to see him running  down the QB.

Mauldin played 6 snaps against the Seahawks. Between Simon and McClendon they played 54 of 60 snaps. Just a hot mess really. For a team that wanted to feature speed on defense this season they sure have a funny way of showing it (ie Harris played 60 of 60 snaps).

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38 minutes ago, Warfish said:

The facts, such that they are, do not support your assertion.  If they had as much faith in Geno as you believe they do, he'd have been played after INT #4 vs. the Chiefs.

If you don't ever plan to play Geno other than in emergency injury-replacement work, you keep him sitting no matter how bad Fitz plays.  Which is what has happened.

Geno will only play 1. if Fitz is hurt and 2. If Petty is unavailable.

if the season continues to go south, there is nothing whatsoever gained playing Geno Smith.  He was outplayed by Petty all preseason long, he's on the last year of his contract, the Jets assuredly will not look to resign him, and Petty was a Macc & Bowles selection, Geno an Idzik holdover they inherited.

There is no chance, again outside injury or Petty unavailability, that Geno becomes our starter this year.  It's Fitz till we are well and truly out of it, then Petty to test-drive the team in the late weeks as a trail for his role in 2017 (and to determine if we have to spend the farm to draft another QB in the next draft).

What does playing Geno get us?  A late garbage time win in a lost season?  Lol, you're smarter than that Sperm.

The "facts" are that they kept Geno over Petty as the #2. 

I am not rooting for Geno to take over no matter how much you think otherwise. I do not ideally want Geno to take over no matter how much you've cried "Geno lover" at me. The recent Instagram (or Twitter or whatever) photo alone shows that in season 4 he's still not mature or (socially) smart enough to be the team's leader. 

A young+experienced, former high draft pick, backup QB can say nothing good. He can't even say something supportive that others on the team can say, like he still believes in Fitz, because it would be transparently disingenuous: any simple fool would know he wants Fitz's job for himself, and understandably so. So he can say nothing that wouldn't have poor consequences for himself, and he doesn't even know this much.

I think he can play a little, even if often badly, and am not 100% convinced we'd be worse at the position from a QB'ing standpoint (particularly since I kind of think Fitz stinks anyway). But it's pointless endeavor since even if he is an on-field improvement (which is no sure thing), he's not enough of an improvement to bother dipping a toe into that water. The only legit reason to do so would be punishment of Fitz: to show the team that no one - not even Fitz - has a secure starting job if playing this poorly, and if something has to be done and Petty's too far away from being an option. But with Petty so close to returning I think they may as well wait another week or two at this point. Double bonus that it gets the harder teams out of Petty's way at the same time. 

It's not that it's what I believe should happen. It's that I believe that is what will happen unless the QB change doesn't occur until the 2nd half of the season. If Fitz is benched prior to that point, Bowles can/will use the rationalization of Petty's still getting back up to football speed (which may have some actual validity now; it's not like he's an experienced veteran coming off injury).

You are looking at this as a fan, not as a first-time HC (or HC/GM combo) interested in his own self-preservation. More wins = better for Bowles, even if fans know they're useless garbage time wins. In hindsight, a HC's overall record gets quoted as is, not with the * attached that 3 games were garbage time so they don't count. Biting the bullet to get Petty some live reps - even though it's the right thing for the team - is not better for Bowles. He can always still go with Petty next year if he's playing well in preseason, but even his own agent is surely telling him getting as many wins under his belt as possible is the name of the game as an NFL HC. Few NFL HC's are secure enough to put their job on the line (by favoring tryouts over win attempts) to see whether Bryce Petty has it or not. 

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1 hour ago, peekskill68 said:

At the beginning of the season, I would agree with you.  But as things have progressed and with some of Geno's body language on the sidelines + overall weirdness in social media I think they would go to Petty first.  Let's also add that several rookies have stepped in and performed well this year, which could add some pressure on the front office to put Petty in the pool to see if he can swim...

Read what I said above to Warfish.

I agree with you completely it's the right move. I simply don't believe it will happen. Even if we're 1-5 I will be shocked if Petty starts week 7.

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1 hour ago, CrazyCarl40 said:

Mauldin played 6 snaps against the Seahawks. Between Simon and McClendon they played 54 of 60 snaps. Just a hot mess really. For a team that wanted to feature speed on defense this season they sure have a funny way of showing it (ie Harris played 60 of 60 snaps).

So what he's telling us is that 2, 300lb jag DT's are more dynamic than a young OLB who happens to do his job really well when actually given the opportunity.

We are so ****ed with this guy.  OMG.  This franchise. 

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1 hour ago, JiF said:

Yep.  And who's the 4th he was referring to McLendon?  Since when is he dynamic?  He hasnt done dick since the Cinci game.

Meanwhile, Maudlin a snap here and there and you always seem to see him running  down the QB.

Is there such thing as too much of a rotation?

This may be naive, but it's as-if there are so many nice pieces to play with on defense, that the coaches are getting too cute moving them around. Just put guys on the field and let them build chemistry together, and shut sh*t down.


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2 hours ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Reps against players another team is about to cut, with no serious gameplanning or desire to win in mind, is not more valuable than reps against one's own backups who aren't going to get cut. 

If they were so hellbent on bringing back Fitz at this amount, it means he is the starter all year long because he gives them a chance no one else on the roster does. I think this massively overrates him, but this is (or was) their belief. Once this fantasy is over, though, an experienced HC who isn't in full self-preservation mode says the season is over without him so it's then time to focus on the future.

It terrifies me that they truly believed that this team with Fitz had a realistic shot of going to the superbowl this year. Ultimately, this is the reason they kept Geno, on the off-chance Fitz got injured very early in the season. It doesn't make literally zero sense, but it's pretty close. If they had that much confidence in Geno's ability then why chase Fitz and Hackenberrg (not to mention Goff and Wentz)? If they had this little confidence in Geno, then why carry two QBs behind him?

Again, it can be narrowly rationalized if such reasoning is really drawn out, but it's still stupid unless just a narrow "what if" injury scenario occurred. The way Fitz is playing it's an insignificant improvement over him being injured outright, if it's any improvement at all, where Geno isn't even getting garbage time snaps under the guise of protecting the starter. So it makes little to no sense keeping him as the #2 in the first place.

Ultimately, I think we agree. Geno is likely the replacement, and I think it's a bad move. I'm sure you've maybe seen what I've posted about Fitz here, and know my opinions about him, and I think that the entire situation is terrifying as well.

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2 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

Is there such thing as too much of a rotation?

This may be naive, but it's as-if there are so many nice pieces to play with on defense, that the coaches are getting too cute moving them around. Just put guys on the field and let them build chemistry together, and shut sh*t down.


No.  There's not.  It's what smart coaches do. If you've got the talent, rotate them and keep them fresh and dont play DT's at OLB.  Play your OLB at OLB.  Seems elementary. 

And who the **** said McLendon was dynamic?  He's a ******* DT for **** sake.  

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