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My Thoughts On MVP


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I know he won't win it but while he's slipping down the scoring charts due to his injury, Alfredsson's time away from the Senators has made it more clear than ever that he must be one of the leading candidates in the league for MVP, if not the front-runner. The team looks lost without him out there. Any of these fools who thought that he shouldn't be the team captain should look at what the Senators are doing on the ice and the complete lack of leadership there without him in the lineup. Guys like Heatley seem to be really ineffective without Alfredsson there to run the offense and lead the team.

If he comes back in a reasonable amount of time, continues to score, and the Senators improve with him in the lineup (which I'm sure will happen), he will probably have my non-existent MVP vote, depending on what some others like Jagr do during the same time period.

Just my 2 cents.

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