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bitonti's blueprints


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how I would bring the team back...

this is what I would do...


Restructure as many as possible of the following: Mawae, Martin, Coles, Chad, Drob, Ellis.

Cut Fabini, Law, Kendall. Let Goodwin, Baker go UFA.

Franchise Abe, Resign Bryan Thomas. Keep Barrett. Keep Bollinger until it becomes apparent he's the 4th QB, then cut him too.

For the defensive line try to sign a fat FA like Sam Adams or Maake Kemoeatu, maybe some CB depth after cutting Law.

Find some sort of decent backup QB option if possible (probably not - let's be honest we are apparently rolling the dice with Chad... again)


Use the first rounder on an ELITE OT such as DBrickashaw or Eric Winston - maybe McNeil or Justice - cut that scrub Fabini - stick with Adrian Jones at LT for 2006 - Morely/Cavka as possible starters for this year and work the rookies in where you can... Keep Kendall only if he restructures - long term the plan is flip Jones back to RT and put the 2006 draft pick on the blind side for the next decade.

use the 2nd round on the BAP - best available player, regardless of position

...Could be RB like Calhoun or any of the other 9 possible first day RB.

...Could be a TE like Marcedes Lewis, Pope, Davis (one of the three should slip out of the round)

...Could be an LB like Thomas Howard, Demeco Ryans, Bobby Carpenter or D'Qwell Jackson (they all can't be first rounders)

...Could be a CB Alan Zemaitis, Jason Allen or WR/CB like Will Blackmon or Devin Hester (if he really run's that 4.2)

my point here is that the high second is a pick that doesn't have to be targeted by position, just look for borderline first rounders that slipped. It's really like an extra late first rounder.

depending on compensatory picks use one of the 3rd rounders on the center if Mangold or Eslinger are around, if not that's where you pick up underrated but good QB's to develop like Omar Jacobs, Charlie Whitehurst, Kellen Clemens - (croyle? Gradowski? whoever they like best)

use some of those extra 4th round and 5th picks on 1 of the following big bruisers for the interior of the line

OG Mark Setterstrom - Minnesota (could be gone by then)

OG Fred Matua - USC (a quick monster who declares today)

OG Taitusi Lutui - USC

OG Charles Spencer - Pitt

OG Tony Palmer - Missouri (could be too early but will be very good)

use the other 4th and 5th on BAP to fill holes not filled by the 2nd round pick (LB, CB most likely) - i would look for KR/WR Jeremy Bloom here as well especially if he has a good Turino... it would be a marketing coup, plus he's a playmaker and brings speed to the offense.

if no Bloom use the other late round picks (if there are any left after Morely/Pete Hunter deals) on super deep WR sleepers like Marques Colston - Hofstra, Todd Bergeron AFL, etc. boom or bust guys that are relative unknowns but could be players.

if we think about all the injuries the Jets could be decent if Barton, McClover return to form - Andre Maddox is still a decent young safety we didn't see a whole lot of... Harry Williams was injured most of the year he has potential.

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Omar Jacobs would be an excellent pick, especially in the third. One of those MAC QB's, and he can move.

I don't disagree with the plan. The only amendment I'd make is attempt to trade down, as there is depth at the offensive tackle position in this draft. If you can move down to 12-15, pick up an extra second and later round pick, and draft McNeil, Winston, Scott, or whomever, that might work just as well as staying put and drafting D'Brick.

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I agree with just about everything on that list except...

We should cut Curtis Martin. Its time tp put his place in the past and move on. He'll never be anything more than average from this point on. He's done, and we save money cutting him. Let him go.

I would LOVE to grag Mercedes Lewis in the 2nd rd. Or georgia road grader max jean gilles to sure up the interior Oline.

A dream draft would be DBrick, Gilles and Eslinger with the 1st 3 picks, and BAP with the rest of our draft picks including our comp 3rd round pick.

Free Agency would be a good place to land that big nose tackle we need, as well as Colts linebacker David Thornton who I really like.

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Cutting Martin, I don't think, is logical, at this point, with the accelerated hit.

no you are right the move is to hold your nose and restructure - even if he breaks the all time rushing record as a 3rd down back in a wheel chair 3 years from now it's good press for the franchise. plus i would win a bottle of whiskey from Savage69 if that happens =D>

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Restructure as many as possible of the following: Mawae, Martin, Coles, Chad, Drob, Ellis.

What makes you think any of these guys would be willing to restructure and for what reason?

Other than this pipedream, the rest of your blueprint is pretty damn solid.

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sorry to forget - yes i would franchise Abe - stay with the status quo for another year

By franchising Abe for another year, the Jets will take a pretty signicicant cap hit during that year.

The Jets either need to workout a long term deal where the cap hit can be spread out over the length of the contract or workout a trade.

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What makes you think any of these guys would be willing to restructure and for what reason?

Money money money money, money [x6]

Some people got to have it

Some people really need it

Listen to me y'all, do things, do things, do bad things with it

You wanna do things, do things, do things, good things with it

Talk about cash money, money

Talk about cash money- dollar bills, yall

For the love of money

People will steal from their mother

For the love of money

People will rob their own brother

For the love of money

People can't even walk the street

Because they never know who in the world they're gonna beat

For that lean, mean, mean green

Almighty dollar, money

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no you are right the move is to hold your nose and restructure - even if he breaks the all time rushing record as a 3rd down back in a wheel chair 3 years from now it's good press for the franchise. plus i would win a bottle of whiskey from Savage69 if that happens =D>

Hey... at least that's something good to come out of it, yeah? :lol:

But, then it goes back to my original question, about the uncapped year. Are teams going to get to keep it, sort of as a get out of jail free card? And, then the cap goes up, so players can get bigger contracts (sort of like you do this for me, I'll do this for you, and what not)? Cause, if that's the case, I'd consider cutting him, Penny, and whatever else needs to be done.

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I know we will all regret it, but Abraham has earned a long term contract.

He played a full season; and that was the pre-reqrisuisite.

As for all the other stuff, look...

Let's slow down, ok? We got into this mess in the first place "trying to re-build on the fly" for five years.

I think we need to lower our expectations and let the new HC do this right. I've really had enough of the "we can win the super bowl this year" every April. Woody could have cleaned house in 2003, but that water under the bridge. This team has so many holes to fill, I just don't see how anybody can turn around in one year the mess Herm and Woody made in five.

So let's be patient.

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Bit....solid plan. I am not sure I am ready to get rid of Kendall though. By my own admission I am one of these, they can compete next season guys though. Part of me want to see Jones and DBrickashaw at Tackle. Moore and Kendall back at Guard with Mawae back at Center. I know there is some age there but I think that could still be a good line.

I really believe what Cimini said the other night... if Mangini comes here Abe is gone. I don't see them spending that much on one position.

Plus Mangini would want to put his stamp on things, what better way to do that by getting a few extra draft picks.

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I really believe what Cimini said the other night... if Mangini comes here Abe is gone. I don't see them spending that much on one position.

Plus Mangini would want to put his stamp on things, what better way to do that by getting a few extra draft picks.

New coaches tend to "make an example" out of one guy, so Abe strikes me as the obvious choice.

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Actually, the Dolphins are finally headed in the right direction. But let's not turn this into a race, to keep up with the Joneses. They had a head start.

sh*t... then who's going to become the Offseason champions? I just assumed that the Phins would keep the title for eternity...

and yeah, they seem to be heading in the right direction. Hopefully, playing catch up won't take too long.

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Money money money money, money [x6]

Some people got to have it

Some people really need it

Listen to me y'all, do things, do things, do bad things with it

You wanna do things, do things, do things, good things with it

Talk about cash money, money

Talk about cash money- dollar bills, yall

For the love of money

People will steal from their mother

For the love of money

People will rob their own brother

For the love of money

People can't even walk the street

Because they never know who in the world they're gonna beat

For that lean, mean, mean green

Almighty dollar, money

how great is it that bit is posting lyrics =D>

ok it is a wee bit scary that it is backstreet boys.. :shock: not that there is anything wrong with it...

ok maybe it is a little wrong... but it is lyrics! :lol:

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Bit....solid plan. I am not sure I am ready to get rid of Kendall though. By my own admission I am one of these, they can compete next season guys though. Part of me want to see Jones and DBrickashaw at Tackle. Moore and Kendall back at Guard with Mawae back at Center. I know there is some age there but I think that could still be a good line.

I really believe what Cimini said the other night... if Mangini comes here Abe is gone. I don't see them spending that much on one position.

Plus Mangini would want to put his stamp on things, what better way to do that by getting a few extra draft picks.

The problem is I would hate to cut ABE and just let him go for nothing.

IMO if we aren't gonna give him a deal we have to Franchise Tag him and hope some other team offers him a contract.

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Agree with most of it, but not Bloom. Guy is basically Vinny Sutherland with skis-a small fast PR and not much else.Instead use a 3 or 4 on a QB who might be a player, or an RB. Key is D'brick if one of the top 4 doesn't slip. Stabilizes the line, makes everyone better. It's not sexy but it's a no brainer.

And cut Martin. There's no point. he's too expensive, slowed, will likely get injured, he's at best a 3rd down RB and not much else. He has no business getting 300+ carries. let Blaylock, Houston adn who ever divy it up.

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For the defensive line try to sign a fat FA like Sam Adams or Maake Kemoeatu, maybe some CB depth after cutting Law.

Find some sort of decent backup QB option if possible (probably not - let's be honest we are apparently rolling the dice with Chad... again)

you give me kemoeatu and Marcus McNeil and Ill be a happy man this offseason.

Great blueprint Bit!

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Bit - a lot depends on the new HC. if mangina accepts the job you will most likely see a 3-4 defense. i don't know about abe in the 3-4, would rather see him traded for 1st or 2nd rd pick.

2. i wouldn't want to pay #4 $$ to a T, even a franchise LT. trade down from 4 and add picks, there is not that huge of a drop off from the #1 OT to the 2nd or 3rd off the board. no more big $$ contracts to unproven players, that is what helped create this mess in the first place.

3. still need a QB, how about putting a package together for Schaub?

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Bit - a lot depends on the new HC. if mangina accepts the job you will most likely see a 3-4 defense. i don't know about abe in the 3-4, would rather see him traded for 1st or 2nd rd pick.

I've been for trading Abe for a few seasons, only because it's far too much money to put into the defensive line. Especially after his healthy season, he can get a good return. He's an elite defensive pass rushing end. He should be able to get a first and a third, at the very least.

As for the switch to the 3-4... right now, it's not probable. They don't have the personel. It'd be somewhat easy, just needing another outside linebacker (AJ Hawk?) and a big DT (Gabe Watson?). DRob would be a good 3-4 end, as he's way too small to be a 3-4 DT. And there's Shaun Ellis. Right now, it'd be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, ala Steve Marriucci.

2. i wouldn't want to pay #4 $$ to a T, even a franchise LT. trade down from 4 and add picks, there is not that huge of a drop off from the #1 OT to the 2nd or 3rd off the board. no more big $$ contracts to unproven players, that is what helped create this mess in the first place.


3. still need a QB, how about putting a package together for Schaub?

Atlanta is not going to trade Schaub. Jacksonville isn't going to trade Garrard. The only "high profile" back up that seems to be avalible is Billy Volek.

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John Abraham in the 3-4 is a great fit. I dont know why Mangini would want to get rid of him.

If Vrabel can play OLB in the 3-4, so can Barton.

Ellis is a good fit. Drob needs to get smaller to play DE in a 3-4 (complete waste, imho), and sign a 3-4 nose tackle.

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John Abraham in the 3-4 is a great fit. I dont know why Mangini would want to get rid of him.

Because his value to the team isn't what it is on the open market. I'd trade him in a heartbeat, if the offer is right. He won't be easy to replace. He's not worth 8 million bucks. Not at this time.

What I'd love to do is attempt to trade him to Denver and get their two firsts. Or somewhere between 9 and 17. If I can put on the fantasy GM cap. Depending on the team, they might even be able to squeeze out a second pick. A one, two, and a four, or something like that. It never hurts to have as many tickets as possible, in the lottery.

But, that's just me. I figure the team isn't going to be all that good next year. My expectations are low. So, if I were the GM, I'd take the hit all in one year. As in getting rid of all the high priced talent that I was able to, without crippling my cap and replacing them with hard working talent. Say... getting DE/OLB Player A, who won't have 10-15 sacks, but will get pressure, have 6-8 sacks, and have 80-100 tackles, at half the price of what Abe would cost. Maybe Kalimba Edwards? While he's lazy and doesn't bust his ass on every play... he had some of the worst coaching ever, since he came into the league. He needs someone to light a fire under his ass. Maybe Mangini, Henderson, or whom ever ends up running this team, the defense, can light that fire. I mean... he was a second round pick for a reason.

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i think you are overestimating abe's value. the jets will be lucky to get any first rd pick for him and will probably end up with a 2nd or 3rd.

I think you're underestimating his value. And you have to have the ability to sell your players, if you're going to trade them, otherwise they do you no good.

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...Could be a TE like Marcedes Lewis, Pope, Davis (one of the three should slip out of the round)

We paid such a high price for Jolley, I don't think we need any more TE until he gets more of a shot to prove himself. I'd rather keep Baker unless he wants too much $.

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I think its an okay blueprint..

I would cut Barett, McCariens, Blaylock, and Martin though..

I wouldn't mind if we drafted an offensive lineman, but I don't want D'Brickashaw Ferguson.. He can't play Right Tackle, and thats what we need..

Our number 1 pick should be

1st choice-Either Young, Leinart, Bush(if they fall)

2nd choice-AJ Hawk/Mario Williams

3rd choice-D'Angello Williams

4th choice-Jonathen Scott

5th choice-Jay Cutler

I would be happy with all five of these players as our #1 pick..

I doubt anybody will respond to this post, but Ill post it anyway..

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