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Saleh end of season press conference (live now)

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On 1/8/2024 at 9:55 AM, Bugg said:

Big Picture though remains; 1. smart football people want nothing to do with Robert Wood Johnson 69, 2. he isn't willing to blow smart football people out of the water to come here with big $ and total control. So we'll be back in the shallow end of the GM and coaching pools about 1 year from today all over again. 


THIS is the best summary of the current and future state of the Jets.  When you are on a never ending carousel of C and D level front office types and coaches, you are going to continue to get C and D level decision making and results. As long as Woody owns the team, they have virtually no chance of sustained success.  

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On 1/9/2024 at 10:15 AM, batman10023 said:

did you just become a Jet fan in 2022?


How anybody could think that the most disappointing year in Jets history

It absolutely is considering the enormous expectations before the season began. The talk about this team was SB or bust before Rodgers went down and to have a worse season than last year makes this season and unmitigated disaster. Oh and I have been watching this team for 55 years so I have seen it all. 

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Note from McVay to Coach Slogans:

1:55 mark

”As we’ve seen this season, the preseason stuff [talk] doesn’t mean sh-t”

”You have to go out there and earn it.”

Saleh talked like a guy who expected Aaron Rodgers to come in and solve everything and instead got badly exposed as a fraud HC with no control over his team and no answers.


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