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The GoB Honorary Limerick Thread


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Oye hermano, Mean Papi Green is right here

so sit back and watch and grab yourself a beer

The Papi is no joke so do not laugh

I'll slice off your tats and you'll need a skin graph

The papi is ready holding his dick

your a$$ or your wife's......which one should i pick??

Your Limericks are as lame as your game

ask your girl ,she will tell you the same

Or is she a he ?

cause she stands when she pee's & has hairy knees

and told you love her "Main Vein"

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Your Limericks are as lame as your game

ask your girl ,she will tell you the same

Or is she a he ?

cause she stands when she pee's & has hairy knees

and told you love her "Main Vein"

what the hell kind of name is Smizzy

i'll slap you around till you gets dizzy

watch you fall down and than take a whizzy

you really dont want none of dis my nizzy

i'll stomp you out and then grab your beotch and get bizzy

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what the hell kind of name is Smizzy

i'll slap you around till you gets dizzy

watch you fall down and than take a whizzy

you really dont want none of dis my nizzy

i'll stomp you out and then grab your beotch and get bizzy

OH SNAP! Its a Fight!

Everyone is gonna get lit tonight!

Razor Blades and Guns

Men squeezing the other's buns?

Damn, Gayness is just not right...


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OH SNAP! Its a Fight!

Everyone is gonna get lit tonight!

Razor Blades and Guns

Men squeezing the other's buns?

Damn, Gayness is just not right...


so you get a job with Deloitte and Touche

then jump in and act like a douche

i've been wanting to tell you the Mets such very Mooch

signing pedro to five years is like screwing the pooch

but then again he and Piazza can always smooch

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oh okay so now you wanna do nationalities

thats no problem smizzocrates

your people created the pythagorean theorom

but you still have some hairy a$$ women

A little fur never hurt nobody and lets not pretend latin chick aren't hairy.

Ive seen thinker mustaches on latin women than men in brooklyn.

But...like i said ... a little fur never hurt nobody :wink:

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I know some suckers who root for the Jets

You poor b**tards haven't figured out yet

The Jets don't stand tall

they teabag my balls

you're crazier than that Bernard Goetz

here comes a guy without his own name

calls himself a player but is really lame

has identity issues but feels more secure

hiding behind the name Richard Seymore

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A little fur never hurt nobody and lets not pretend latin chick aren't hairy.

Ive seen thinker mustaches on latin women than men in brooklyn.

But...like i said ... a little fur never hurt nobody :wink:

hey man, that sh!t dont rhyme

sit back and think bro, take your time

maybe you should give that bong a try

or am i blowing you out...please dont cry

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so you get a job with Deloitte and Touche

then jump in and act like a douche

i've been wanting to tell you the Mets such very Mooch

signing pedro to five years is like screwing the pooch

but then again he and Piazza can always smooch

He changed his name to Mean Papi Green

That name sucks like getting hit in the spleen

Works like a Animal

Wife at home getting done like Hannibal

And Papi cries like a teen



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