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Barry Bonds Did Steroids


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I am so sick of this guy. He is such punk. Not because he is a jerk. It's the fact that this POS is allowed to pollute the records books with his steroid-driven home run records. It's a joke. No way is this guy as good as Willie Mays and Hank Aaron. He's a punk bitch.

And I don't want to hear about how he still has to put wood on the ball. That's the standard line all Bonds apologists say. F*ck that. Steroid use increased his bat speed which allowed him more time to look at a pitch and decide whether or not he was going to swing at it. I bet if he never did roids he would have hit around 600 home runs and ESPN wouldn't be riding this guy's shrunken balls with their whole "Chasing Aaron" bs.

Nor do I want to hear about this being a racial thing. That is a load of garbage too. I think Mark McGwire and Jason Giambi are both punks too. McGwire's records should be thrown out the window that guy is a joke. No way should he be in the Hall of Fame.

F*ck Barry Bonds and his stupid tainted records.

steroids.gif, 04BondsBarryStudioPlus.jpg

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Its done, I don't give a **** anymore, its not even worth arguing about. I can't believe I am rooting for A Rod, but come on people, this taint already has had 5 years worth of 5 minute segments on Sportscenter daily, whats done is done. I find it mighty humorous though that the one who obsessed over JBF is calling people cry babies. You know, there is an ignore button! Unlike Barry these past five years, who was the biggest sports media whore, whether it was his fault or that of TV networks, you couldn't put him on ignore, WELL, GUESS WHAT! NOW YOU CAN, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE! Isn't it just human nature to be blind hypocrites?

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Its done, I don't give a **** anymore, its not even worth arguing about. I can't believe I am rooting for A Rod, but come on people, this taint already has had 5 years worth of 5 minute segments on Sportscenter daily, whats done is done. I find it mighty humorous though that the one who obsessed over JBF is calling people cry babies. You know, there is an ignore button! Unlike Barry these past five years, who was the biggest sports media whore, whether it was his fault or that of TV networks, you couldn't put him on ignore, WELL, GUESS WHAT! NOW YOU CAN, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE! Isn't it just human nature to be blind hypocrites?


TLDR = Too long Didn't Read

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You're saying Barry grew a vagina from all the steroids he was taking?

Speaking of steroids-affected gentilia. Have you ever seen a picture of Chyna's clitoris on Google Image search? Oh my God!


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Ok, shortened, If you bitch a lot, don't call other people bitches and no one has to care about Barry anymore, its done. And I bet you read it and you just wanted to be funny. What am I, a ****ing clown? Do I amuse you?

you're exactly right about everything you said in this post. I think that avatar is getting to you man, it's like a plague, BURN IT BURN IT!

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No, I just liked the tiger bunny, but it coincided with the fact that people obsessed over JBF when they should have just blocked him and he would have either reformed or just left. I am not defending JBF, but some posters here deserved the same fate over JBF's posting life, why were his topics like 8 pgs long? If you didn't like him, block him. I tried that with Barton, but I unblocked him because either he isn't as Chad obsessed anymore, or he just doesn't post anymore, which really doesn't matter to me anyway.:) I think you Yankee fans ego's are going to get smaller this year when the "other" New York team wins the whole thing. (As long as the Mets don't have to play Atlanta in the playoffs.:character0269:)

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No, I just liked the tiger bunny, but it coincided with the fact that people obsessed over JBF when they should have just blocked him and he would have either reformed or just left. I am not defending JBF, but some posters here deserved the same fate over JBF's posting life, why were his topics like 8 pgs long? If you didn't like him, block him. I tried that with Barton, but I unblocked him because either he isn't as Chad obsessed anymore, or he just doesn't post anymore, which really doesn't matter to me anyway.:) I think you Yankee fans ego's are going to get smaller this year when the "other" New York team wins the whole thing. (As long as the Mets don't have to play Atlanta in the playoffs.:character0269:)

each post you make with that avatar makes less and less sense, I'm telling you it's takinf over your body.

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It is amazing the emotion that Barry Bonds can generate.

I'm not going to jump up and down and proclaim Barry Bonds the greatest home run hitter of all time and I don't think he was the worst.

What should have been a great moment in baseball history really became just a "UH okay" type of moment.

Bud Selig and the rest of his cronies are more to blame for this anyone. They turned their backs to this and just decided to go along with the flow as long as we continued to come to the ballpark and keep putting money in their pockets and the only reason they are even remotely addressing this is that they had to go up to Capital Hill and face questions from congress. If it wasn't for Congress I sincerly doubt Selig would have even done anything about it.

I hate Bonds not because he broke the record and most likely was on the juice. I hate Bonds because he is pretty much acted like a prick his entire career.

I despise Selig and the rest of the owners for letting this get out of hand and only when they were called out on it by Congress did they even try to do anything about it.

Bonds to me is nothing more the Centerpiece to Bud Selig's reign as commisioner.

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