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Where's My Thread ecurb?


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He's probably waiting to post it at 0:dark thirty, to minimize the damage.

Dont worry. I'll find it and bump it to the top everyday for a week -- assuming that doesnt violate posting rules.

Maybe Smizzy would pin it to the top for me? (Thats probably asking to much since I assume Smizzy and I disagree about Schlegel, but a guy can dream)

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Dont worry. I'll find it and bump it to the top everyday for a week -- assuming that doesnt violate posting rules.

Maybe Smizzy would pin it to the top for me? (Thats probably asking to much since I assume Smizzy and I disagree about Schlegel, but a guy can dream)

Gibbon, The possibilities are endless. See here my good man, we can all take turns bumping the thread. A week? Think big! I'm talking a season.

Of course, keep in mind, he could get sneaky and start posting political stuff to get it locked, and then it will sink like a rock...


I'll have to thumb through my Sun Tzu book this evening to counterstrike any strategy he may employ.


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Dont worry. I'll find it and bump it to the top everyday for a week -- assuming that doesnt violate posting rules.

Maybe Smizzy would pin it to the top for me? (Thats probably asking to much since I assume Smizzy and I disagree about Schlegel, but a guy can dream)

Is there anyone who doesnt disagree with you about Schlegel? :)

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IM actually hooked on my PS3 tonight... lol

Your like the kid who says "I wasnt hungry anyway" after he gets his lunch money stolen. This is the most pathetic excuse yet.

Where is my thread you welcher!

Or at least your admission that you are a pathetic weasel to get me off your back until tomorrow.

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How the hell would Mangini know if he could play LB in the NFL since he never played him at LB in an NFL game along side NFL caliber players?

His assumption that Schlegel was the 5th best ILB on the team was the result of opinions formed in practice. Do you honestly think that Mangini watches all the LB workouts and determines the pecking order among LBs without input from the LB coach? Have you noticed that 3 of the Jets 8 LBs come from Michigan?

I'm not saying that it is the only factor or even one of the most important factors, but I dont think it helped that Schlegel was from Ohio State. But while I'm at it how would you evaluate the Jets LB play last season and this preseason. If as everyone is right in stating LB is the position with the greatest quality depth, why has the LB play been so dissapointing?

Schlegel's pink slip was signed as soon as the Jets were able to move up to get David Harris. The Jets clearly feel that he is the one of the ILB's of the future. Now let me ask you this? Whose the other one?

Barton? too old

Vilma? too small too be really effective at the position. He will be looking to renegotiate for big money next season or to get out. Do you think the Jets will pay top dollar for a guy who isnt physically capable of being an effective run stopper.

Kassell? This is year two of his two year contract do you think he is the answer long term next to Harris?

The Jets have put themselves in the position of having to draft yet another ILB in next years draft or to live with, and pay, Vilma and his nearly impossible struggle to get off blocks.

If the Jets had kept Schlegel and continued to develop him they would at the very least have had a veteran, who understood the system, and who could be effective against the run for the next three years. What will they have thats guaranteed to be better than that after this season?

I stopped reading posts in this thread after reading this one. So, yer sayin that Brian Cox, Mangini and Sutton can't evaluate linebackers, but you can. Did a wild boar kill yer baby er sumpthin? Schlegel never showed anything on the field, except for several notable screw ups on special teams. Is he the father of your dingo, or what? ;)

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I stopped reading posts in this thread after reading this one. So, yer sayin that Brian Cox, Mangini and Sutton can't evaluate linebackers, but you can. Did a wild boar kill yer baby er sumpthin? Schlegel never showed anything on the field, except for several notable screw ups on special teams. Is he the father of your dingo, or what? ;)


I really respect your posts and really appreciate all the TC reports you've submitted.

But, I didnt say I could evaluate linebackers better than anybody. All I said was that Mangini and company cut Schlegel without ever giving him a chance to play linebacker in a real game with good players around him.

For the record, with the exception of two plays in the preseason last year against the skins and the one penalty in the game against the Packers Schlegel actually played pretty well.

The accidental touching of the ball after quickly reading onside kick and getting into position to make the right play was no more of a screw up than the ball bouncing funny and hitting Kassell causing a turnover the week after that.

He also did have two excellent special teams plays (one the big hit tackle he was credited with against Houston) and on several occasions on ST he was the first man to the ball carrier (once he was blocked in the back just as he made contact).

My point was that Schlegel was not given a fair chance to prove what he could do in game situations after the Washington preseason game last season, so stating that Mangini could tell he couldnt play ILB in the 3-4 was a dubious claim.

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Ecurb... In life my homie, all you have is your word and your balls, as a man if you dont have your word... You dont have anything...

You should have already made the stupid little thread since you lost the best... Lets get real here, if you dont respect a bet that you lost and actually were the one saying that no team would pick the boar hunter up, and it sounded like you were actually 100% about a 4-3 team never signing him, well then alot of people around here may start looking at you as a joke for the simple fact you have not been a man of your word...

Put it this way... What would you think of me, if the Patriots beat the Jets on Sunday. ALK wins the Bet (Then im banned for 30 days), I should be gone for 30 days... But I never leave... I say, "wait till next time they play because they got a lucky win"??? I mean get real here ECurb... It was a funny bet, it wasnt about money or anything like that, it was just a funny bet about a stupid thing... And you cant even man up to it? How can anyone ever take you serious anymore?

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I really respect your posts and really appreciate all the TC reports you've submitted.

But, I didnt say I could evaluate linebackers better than anybody. All I said was that Mangini and company cut Schlegel without ever giving him a chance to play linebacker in a real game with good players around him.

For the record, with the exception of two plays in the preseason last year against the skins and the one penalty in the game against the Packers Schlegel actually played pretty well.

The accidental touching of the ball after quickly reading onside kick and getting into position to make the right play was no more of a screw up than the ball bouncing funny and hitting Kassell causing a turnover the week after that.

He also did have two excellent special teams plays (one the big hit tackle he was credited with against Houston) and on several occasions on ST he was the first man to the ball carrier (once he was blocked in the back just as he made contact).

My point was that Schlegel was not given a fair chance to prove what he could do in game situations after the Washington preseason game last season, so stating that Mangini could tell he couldnt play ILB in the 3-4 was a dubious claim.

Little John Flowers was also cut before ever having a chance with us. So were tons of below avaerage NFL players. Hell, I could have tried out for the Jets and been cut. So your argument is simply based on that fact that he was cut before ever playing? If coaches gave every JAG out there a chance in an NFL game just to see if they deserve it, the quality of the NFL would go right down the crapper. They watch all their guys in practice every day. Based off what they see, they make their decision. Do coaches occasionally make mistakes on the 53 man roster cut, sure. But more often than not they are right. It has nothing to do with MICH-OSU, it has everything to do with them feeling that Schlegel is not nearly as good as the guys that made the roster. Guys get their chance to play in the NFL and prove themselves in real games by first proving themselves in practice. Schlegel clearly did not prove himself.

There's lots of guys that get cut, picked up, cut again, picked up again, see a little real NFL: action, get cut, and eventually quit. That is the typical path for guys like Schlegel. Sure there's always the token few that suddenly stick with regular playing time, and rarely there is a gem that develops. But 95% of them fall in the "get cut" cycle. Based on what Schlegel has done so far, that's probably where he's headed as well.

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Little John Flowers was also cut before ever having a chance with us. So were tons of below avaerage NFL players. Hell, I could have tried out for the Jets and been cut. So your argument is simply based on that fact that he was cut before ever playing? If coaches gave every JAG out there a chance in an NFL game just to see if they deserve it, the quality of the NFL would go right down the crapper. They watch all their guys in practice every day. Based off what they see, they make their decision. Do coaches occasionally make mistakes on the 53 man roster cut, sure. But more often than not they are right. It has nothing to do with MICH-OSU, it has everything to do with them feeling that Schlegel is not nearly as good as the guys that made the roster. Guys get their chance to play in the NFL and prove themselves in real games by first proving themselves in practice. Schlegel clearly did not prove himself.

There's lots of guys that get cut, picked up, cut again, picked up again, see a little real NFL: action, get cut, and eventually quit. That is the typical path for guys like Schlegel. Sure there's always the token few that suddenly stick with regular playing time, and rarely there is a gem that develops. But 95% of them fall in the "get cut" cycle. Based on what Schlegel has done so far, that's probably where he's headed as well.

Your statements about the career path and opportunities given to most NFL players/ camp attendies/ UDFAs etc is accurate. This is the way JAGs are treated and the percentages are against them.

But here's where Schlegels case is different. The Jets didnt think he was a JAG on draft day in 06 and usually teams at least give the First Day draft picks a chance to play if only to see if they indeed wasted their pick or not. It doesnt matter if you or I or any draft "expert" or any other team felt he was worth the pick, the Jets did on draft day. Its almost like the Jets made the pick and then were convinced by all the draft experts that it was a bad pick before the season started last year and decided to try to sweep the whole thing under the rug.

Disagree with the pick all you want. Disagree with me about Schlegel's abilities. But then you have to acknowledge that the only thing more stupid than picking him in the 3rd round was picking him and then not finding out what he could actually do in a game.

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Little John Flowers was also cut before ever having a chance with us. So were tons of below avaerage NFL players. Hell, I could have tried out for the Jets and been cut. So your argument is simply based on that fact that he was cut before ever playing? If coaches gave every JAG out there a chance in an NFL game just to see if they deserve it, the quality of the NFL would go right down the crapper. They watch all their guys in practice every day. Based off what they see, they make their decision. Do coaches occasionally make mistakes on the 53 man roster cut, sure. But more often than not they are right. It has nothing to do with MICH-OSU, it has everything to do with them feeling that Schlegel is not nearly as good as the guys that made the roster. Guys get their chance to play in the NFL and prove themselves in real games by first proving themselves in practice. Schlegel clearly did not prove himself.

There's lots of guys that get cut, picked up, cut again, picked up again, see a little real NFL: action, get cut, and eventually quit. That is the typical path for guys like Schlegel. Sure there's always the token few that suddenly stick with regular playing time, and rarely there is a gem that develops. But 95% of them fall in the "get cut" cycle. Based on what Schlegel has done so far, that's probably where he's headed as well.


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But then you have to acknowledge that the only thing more stupid than picking him in the 3rd round was picking him and then not finding out what he could actually do in a game.

No, I acknowledge the pick was horrible. Obviously the coaches agree. They found out all they needed to know about him, hence he was cut. They felt he didn't deserve playing ime on the field based on his practice results, why is that so hard for you to grasp?

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No, I acknowledge the pick was horrible. Obviously the coaches agree. They found out all they needed to know about him, hence he was cut. They felt he didn't deserve playing ime on the field based on his practice results, why is that so hard for you to grasp?

So you would support the Jets in the future continuing to draft guys in the 3rd round and not give them any serious playing time before cutting them? I just want to be clear that you are ok with this as a practice.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that practices are subjective and that players who start off low on the depth chart get far fewer reps and therefor less opportunity to prove that they deserve playing time.

What we know is that the one time this preseason Schlegel got significant playing time he showed up making seven tackles and forcing a fumble. That earned him exactly nothing because the coaches had already made up their minds going in to that game that he was a cut. If he had truly been on the bubble his performance would have earned him a roster spot. Do you now see how subjectivity in this case limited Schlegel's opportunities to the point where nothing he did would earn him a roster spot?

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So you would support the Jets in the future continuing to draft guys in the 3rd round and not give them any serious playing time before cutting them? I just want to be clear that you are ok with this as a practice.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that practices are subjective and that players who start off low on the depth chart get far fewer reps and therefor less opportunity to prove that they deserve playing time.

What we know is that the one time this preseason Schlegel got significant playing time he showed up making seven tackles and forcing a fumble. That earned him exactly nothing because the coaches had already made up their minds going in to that game that he was a cut. If he had truly been on the bubble his performance would have earned him a roster spot. Do you now see how subjectivity in this case limited Schlegel's opportunities to the point where nothing he did would earn him a roster spot?

for gods sake, drop it or stop being a Jets fan..

u r implying the coiaches cant make judgements based on practice..

thats their job,, get over it,, the guy is a bust and now he has been hired as practice fodder by another team,,big deal..

I am sur eour coaches gave him every opportunity to show his stuff in practice,,,

if u dont think that , then u think mangini isnt doing his best for jets,,u were wrong about this guy from day one nad continue to be,, he got cut,, u were wrong, ,quit trying to resurrect your bad judgement..hey., u were wrong in his talent and the jets were wrong in drafting him that high..u r in good company

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So you would support the Jets in the future continuing to draft guys in the 3rd round and not give them any serious playing time before cutting them? I just want to be clear that you are ok with this as a practice.

No, I'm in support of a coaching staff that doesn't automatically give a 3rd rounder playing time simply for the fact that he's a 3rd rounder. I'm in support of a coaching staff that makes players earn a spot by outshining others in practice. I support a coaching staff that is willing to admit draft mistakes and move on, rather than force a mediocre player into action to justify their pick at the team's expense.

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No, I'm in support of a coaching staff that doesn't automatically give a 3rd rounder playing time simply for the fact that he's a 3rd rounder. I'm in support of a coaching staff that makes players earn a spot by outshining others in practice. I support a coaching staff that is willing to admit draft mistakes and move on, rather than force a mediocre player into action to justify their pick at the team's expense.

potw nominee

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for gods sake, drop it or stop being a Jets fan..

u r implying the coiaches cant make judgements based on practice..

thats their job,, get over it,, the guy is a bust and now he has been hired as practice fodder by another team,,big deal..

I am sur eour coaches gave him every opportunity to show his stuff in practice,,,

if u dont think that , then u think mangini isnt doing his best for jets,,u were wrong about this guy from day one nad continue to be,, he got cut,, u were wrong, ,quit trying to resurrect your bad judgement..hey., u were wrong in his talent and the jets were wrong in drafting him that high..u r in good company

So, if I understand you correctly here (sorry, its a little hard to follow. Some punctuation, capatalization etc would be nice next time), you're saying that if I were a Jets fan I would blindly accept every move the coaching staff makes/ made on the assumption that because they coach my favorite team they cant possibly be wrong?

I think Mangini is doing his best for the Jets and on the whole I think he is doing a good job. Forgive me if I think it might make more sense to keep a guy who hasnt gotten opportunities to play for your team (and who, when given the chance has been impressive) than a guy (Kassell) who has and has not been particularly effective.

Got news for you good teams and good coaches make mistakes.

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So, if I understand you correctly here (sorry, its a little hard to follow. Some punctuation, capatalization etc would be nice next time), you're saying that if I were a Jets fan I would blindly accept every move the coaching staff makes/ made on the assumption that because they coach my favorite team they cant possibly be wrong?

I think Mangini is doing his best for the Jets and on the whole I think he is doing a good job. Forgive me if I think it might make more sense to keep a guy who hasnt gotten opportunities to play for your team (and who, when given the chance has been impressive) than a guy (Kassell) who has and has not been particularly effective.

Got news for you good teams and good coaches make mistakes.

lord, give it up,, the guy was a 7th round/free agent at best...

query me this,, and i think the true answer to your guys quality is in this question,,

who played on each side of schegel in college???

name the two players that flanked ole tony?

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No, I'm in support of a coaching staff that doesn't automatically give a 3rd rounder playing time simply for the fact that he's a 3rd rounder. I'm in support of a coaching staff that makes players earn a spot by outshining others in practice. I support a coaching staff that is willing to admit draft mistakes and move on, rather than force a mediocre player into action to justify their pick at the team's expense.

You still dont get it.

How can a guy outshine another player in practice when the other player gets up to twice as many reps?

Why doesnt a player standing out in the only preseason game he really gets any opportunities to play in count for anything?

You act as though Brad Kassell when he has played has been clearly superior to Schlegel when he has played, despite all the evidence of Kassell's mistakes (hit by the ball on a kick off turnover, biting on play action on the goal line in a clear passing situation and giving up the go ahead TD). We're not talking about giving Schlegel the opportunity to show that he is better than Vilma, Barton or Harris. We're talking about giving Schlegel the opportunity to show that he is better than Kassell. Do you really think the future of the team would have hinged on letting Schlegel play a few series instead of Brad Kassell?

Finally, you dont know if he is mediocre or not because you dont know how he would perform against front line players in a game. We know for sure that Kassell is mediocre. We know for sure that Schlegel is better than most of the guys he got to play with and against because when he played he made plays (not just tackles plays). That should earn a guy a shot at playing at least one series at his position, against 1st stringers in at least one game. Schlegel never got that. You cant tell me that a guy the staff was high enough on to choose in the third and by all accounts busts his ass every day at practice, doesnt at least deserve that shot.

If you can say that then say high to Reverend Jim Jones for me when you go up front to get your glass of Koolaide.

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lord, give it up,, the guy was a 7th round/free agent at best...

query me this,, and i think the true answer to your guys quality is in this question,,

who played on each side of schegel in college???

name the two players that flanked ole tony?

jeopardy theme playing

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You still dont get it.

How can a guy outshine another player in practice when the other player gets up to twice as many reps?

Why doesnt a player standing out in the only preseason game he really gets any opportunities to play in count for anything?

You act as though Brad Kassell when he has played has been clearly superior to Schlegel when he has played, despite all the evidence of Kassell's mistakes (hit by the ball on a kick off turnover, biting on play action on the goal line in a clear passing situation and giving up the go ahead TD). We're not talking about giving Schlegel the opportunity to show that he is better than Vilma, Barton or Harris. We're talking about giving Schlegel the opportunity to show that he is better than Kassell. Do you really think the future of the team would have hinged on letting Schlegel play a few series instead of Brad Kassell?

Finally, you dont know if he is mediocre or not because you dont know how he would perform against front line players in a game. We know for sure that Kassell is mediocre. We know for sure that Schlegel is better than most of the guys he got to play with and against because when he played he made plays (not just tackles plays). That should earn a guy a shot at playing at least one series at his position, against 1st stringers in at least one game. Schlegel never got that. You cant tell me that a guy the staff was high enough on to choose in the third and by all accounts busts his ass every day at practice, doesnt at least deserve that shot.

If you can say that then say high to Reverend Jim Jones for me when you go up front to get your glass of Koolaide.

When will you get it? Are you to expect me take your opinion of Schlegel over our coaches? Did you personally count his reps over Kassell's? If our coaches feel Schlegel was worse than Kassell, I shudder to think how bad he really must have been. Ray Ventrone busted his ass more than anyone it would seem, yet he didn't mke te team. Sometimes busting your ass isn't enough. At some point you have to be good.

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jeopardy theme playing

Oh, yeah sorry. The answer is AJ Hawk and Bobby Carpenter.

Now let me ask you some questions?

Who recorded over 110 tackles, 10 TFL, 3 sacks, and one pick, including 19 tackles against Notre Dame and Virginia Tech during his Sophomore year at the Air Force Academy?

Who led the Buckeyes in tackles for loss in 04 (when all three LBs were on the team)?

Who had more sacks in 04? Hawk, Carpenter, or Schlegel?

Who was second on the team in tackles to AJ Hawk in 05?

How many college teams lead the nation in rushing defense having faced 5 of the the top 25 rushing teams in the nation with an MLB that cant play? The answer to that one is none.

You're out of your league if you want to get into an argument with me about Schlegel at Ohio State. Stick to Schlegel with the Jets if you want to have a chance.

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lord, give it up,, the guy was a 7th round/free agent at best...

query me this,, and i think the true answer to your guys quality is in this question,,

who played on each side of schegel in college???

name the two players that flanked ole tony?

jeopardy theme playing


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