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Just watched "61*" for the first time


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Wow, great movie. I had no idea what Maris went through, just an absolutely amazing story. Very disheartening at the end though, with Mcgwire/Sosa...and just the knowledge that Barry Bonds is now considered the greatest HR hitter by some.

Pathetic--Maris and Ruth both deserve the record if you ask me. Ruth on the shortened schedule, and Maris of course with 62. I know some say split it up into era's, but a cheater is a cheater, and they should be recognized as nothing more than such.

One of the better sports movies I've seen in a while though

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Excellent movie. Nice to see the story of a pure athlete , non roid user. I can only imagine what a guy like him and Mantle would've done if able to use HGH and roids. Mantle would make Gayfraud look like a little leaguer.

And what was the deal with the thing with Mantle's hip? I've never been big on Yankee history, obviously, lol...so I have no clue. Anyone with more knowledge than myself mind giving me a story, or a link of some sort to explain what was going on there, and how/if it effected him for the rest of his career.

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That is probably one of the best movies I have seen.

Billy Crystal did a GREAT job putting that story together. Even the uniforms were vinatage 1961.

The stadiums were setup the way they were in 61 (Well at least Yankee Stadium was) Even if alot of it was done with computer enhancements it was just so well done you felt like you there.

Plus Barry Pepper is a great character actor. He did a great job as Maris and he did a great doing Earnhardt in 3.

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And what was the deal with the thing with Mantle's hip? I've never been big on Yankee history, obviously, lol...so I have no clue. Anyone with more knowledge than myself mind giving me a story, or a link of some sort to explain what was going on there, and how/if it effected him for the rest of his career.

He had an abscess on his hip...Mel Allen, one of the Yankee announcers at the time recommended this doctor to the Mick...doc gave him a shot and he got a bad reaction from it.

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Wow, great movie. I had no idea what Maris went through, just an absolutely amazing story. Very disheartening at the end though, with Mcgwire/Sosa...and just the knowledge that Barry Bonds is now considered the greatest HR hitter by some.

Pathetic--Maris and Ruth both deserve the record if you ask me. Ruth on the shortened schedule, and Maris of course with 62. I know some say split it up into era's, but a cheater is a cheater, and they should be recognized as nothing more than such.

One of the better sports movies I've seen in a while though

Very good movie.....Joe D was his usual prick self and interesting how the Yankee fans even back then rooted against their own player to ensure their star or fan favorite(Mantle) didn't lose any superiority in the publics eye.

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i coudln't believe his hair was falling out, i guess i didn't know that really happened to people under great stress. Sort of off topic, but you can see the difference in Abe Lincoln's face as the war went on as well. Pretty drastic stuff.

Barry Pepper looked just like him too, that was a pretty amazing fit.

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He had an abscess on his hip...Mel Allen, one of the Yankee announcers at the time recommended this doctor to the Mick...doc gave him a shot and he got a bad reaction from it.

Yeah man, that was sick. If it was anything like that in reality(and I'm sure it was, as the movie seems very accurate), then I can't imagine how he played through it as long as he did.

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Do you think Manny would play through that?

I dont think there's a single current day player that would play through that. The players back then were of a totally different breed. It's not a knock on even the "tough" guys like Jeter, or whoever else is considered tough.

#1--guys these days think about their futures more, I think. #2, as a general rule, they just aren't tough as nails like those old school guys like Mantle, Cobb, exc.

After that movie I do have a new found respect for the Mic though, not that I didn't respect him before.

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Do you think Manny would play through that?

Depends how hung over he was. As was stated in the movie by Maris.....we will always wonder what Mantle could have done if HE had taken better care of himself.

Manny is in his own world but he works as hard as anyone at his craft. The Mick may have hit 750 HR's with THAT attitude.

Money and short term contracts led players to play through those type injuries. Asking if Manny or anyone today would do the same is naive.

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I dont think there's a single current day player that would play through that. The players back then were of a totally different breed. It's not a knock on even the "tough" guys like Jeter, or whoever else is considered tough.

#1--guys these days think about their futures more, I think. #2, as a general rule, they just aren't tough as nails like those old school guys like Mantle, Cobb, exc.

After that movie I do have a new found respect for the Mic though, not that I didn't respect him before.

Guys "back then" needed the stats to not receive a pay demotion the next year. Watch the movie...."Yankees" back then required the WS share to help make ends meet so naturally they played through injuries....there was no players union etc......but like today money was the driving force.

We hear it first hand when the 3rd room mate, (Moose I believe), tells Maris how he's counting on the WS share and tries to put off surgery.

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Guys "back then" needed the stats to not receive a pay demotion the next year. Watch the movie...."Yankees" back then required the WS share to help make ends meet so naturally they played through injuries....there was no players union etc......but like today money was the driving force.

We hear it first hand when the 3rd room mate, (Moose I believe), tells Maris how he's counting on the WS share and tries to put off surgery.

Yep, I remember that. Said he might be done after the year and he "had to have the $8,000(?)" to win the series. 8k was a lot of money back then, no?

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Yep, I remember that. Said he might be done after the year and he "had to have the $8,000(?)" to win the series. 8k was a lot of money back then, no?

Yes . Most players if not all had off season jobs.....Ralph Kiner used to lead the league in HR's and I think if I recall the story, deliver beer during the off-season. So as most contracts were year to year players played through any injuries they could as they needed the stats come negotiation time.

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Yes . Most players if not all had off season jobs.....Ralph Kiner used to lead the league in HR's and I think if I recall the story, deliver beer during the off-season. So as most contracts were year to year players played through any injuries they could as they needed the stats come negotiation time.

How things have changed. Can't imagine what some of these guys would have done if they had less than 2 million a year to provide with, lol :P

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Yep, I remember that. Said he might be done after the year and he "had to have the $8,000(?)" to win the series. 8k was a lot of money back then, no?

You coulda bought a Cadillac with that, and still had some left over for dinner at 21.

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Years ago, when DiMaggio was still alive, he was asked what kind of money he would be making compared to these millionaire .270 hitters. His reply was classic..."I would go into Steinbrenner's office and great him with...how you doing partner".

:P Thats great!

Can you imagine if the Babe, Ted Williams, or Ty Cobb were around today?

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