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The Knicks are awesome!


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Well I guess Reggie Miller was right when he called the Knicks a "League Wide Joke".

Isiah, Marbury can't be gone fast enough.

This is what happens when you take everyone's trash. From top to bottom this team is pure and utter garbage.

I never though I would hate someone as much as Kotitte, but Dolan, Thomas and Marbury are making Kottite look like Belicheat,

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I can't deal with whats going on over there anymore. I have 1/2 season tix to the knicks and it may be the WORST thing I ever did. This team is a joke, there players open there mouths when they have zero to say, there head coach/president ruined this franchise, the owner thinks he plays hardball when in reality he makes himself like like an a$$hole. This is sickening. Watching this team is a utter joke. Im speechless for the first time when it comes to this team, I have nothing.....

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I don't get to listen to Mike and the Dog as much as I used to but you would think they would be killing the Knicks at every freakin turn.

This team is about as embarassing as the Yankees were late 80's early 90's or the Jets 94-96 or the Giants the past couple of years.

I can remember the Knicks in late 70's when they had guys like McAdoo and Spencer Haywood and they were problems at the time and they brought down the entire team. MSG became a ghost town for a while then.

Just pull the trigger already and get rid of Isiah, get rid of Marbury, get rid of Curry, Crawford and anybody else that has been related to this debacle the past 5 years and start from scratch. I don't care if it takes 20 years to rebuild it.

When you go out there and don't even make an effort then it is time to blow things up and start from scratch. That is where it is at. They couldn't play for Brown, they won't play for Isiah, this group wouldn't even play for Phil Jackson or Pat Riley.

Get rid of them all.

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I've had enough from this abortion of a franchise. The sooner Isaiah goes back to devoting his time to kissing Magic Johnson, the better. I hope this pile of trash never gets another job in the NBA. Crackbury can gtfo too. 5 years of embarassing basketball is more than enough.

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