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NHL - Chris Simon Fate Today


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I didnt see the play, only heard the radio description, but if he is this out of control, he should be suspended indefinitely until he can prove he is worthy of playing in the NHL.

As an Islander fan I was disgusted with what he did last year and was disappointed they brought him back this year. Now I am embarrassed by his actions.. It makes the whole organization look like sh!t.

I hope he gets whatever help he needs off the ice. I hope he never returns to the ice. He doesnt deserve another chance.

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that suspension is deserved. I would have been ok with a lifetime ban. I agree with Colin Campbell when he said:

"It's not something that happened, like we always say a hockey play gone bad," Campbell said. "This was something totally away from the play and nothing to do with the game of hockey."

It was a dangerous play. Totally uncalled for. Totally classless.

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He should have been banned from the game. If I tried to hurt someone at my job I would be fired and charges would be brought against me. It's pathetic.

and if a pitcher intentionaly throws at a batter should he be banned from the game? he is trying to hurt someone, no?

what happens in real life and what happens on a pro sports field are not the same.

that being said..."F" Chris Simon

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