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During Mangini Presser Today


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The "Play to win the game" game

By Tom Rock

Here’s how low things have gotten when covering the Jets this final Wednesday of the season:

We all stood in the locker room surrounding Jeremy Kapinos for a quote on the punter controversy. That's him on the right during his college days. He seemed almost poised for a great metaphor when talking about his days at Penn State under Joe Paterno, but he couldn’t finish when he said “Him changing practice around is like asking, well, I don’t know what it’s like asking.” Sigh.

A good portion of Mangini’s press conference was dedicated to an analysis of the Flight Crew – and there were times when the conversation was between members of the media so really Mangini didn’t have to be there for it. I'm guessing he wishes he wasn't.

And one of the few notes I jotted down during practice was the fact that Kellen Clemens hocked a loogie and it might be an early sign of an upper respiratory infection. Could sideline him for the playoffs.

Things will at least be more entertaining this afternoon when we get Herm and Ty Law on the conference call. Ty has been a mentor to Darrelle Revis for a few years (they went to the same HS in Pennsylvania and DR’s uncle was a high school teammate of Law’s).

As for Sunday’s tilt – the Play to Win the Game Game – it looks like Kellen Clemens will start. He took most of the reps in the segment of practice that we saw (didn’t even miss a snap to discharge that mucus) and seemed fairly active in both the shoulder and rib area.

I heard tickets to the Jets-Chiefs game are selling for around $25 per. That means that it’s almost more expensive for your car to go to the stadium and sit in the parking lot than it is for you to go and watch the game.

I’ll end the day on that thought.

This time next week we'll be in the locker room for baggie day as the players pack up and head out.

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The realization is Mangini doesnt have a clue.Id be ok with him being FIRED he has shown NOTHING during this dismal year.He promised change and we got NOTHING.

It looks to me like the players have QUIT on Eric Mangini.......can you blame them?

That's what I don't understand...Many feel that he deserves one more season, I cannot understand why we need to waste one more year before we realize that a copy of anything, is never as good as the original.

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The realization is Mangini doesnt have a clue.Id be ok with him being FIRED he has shown NOTHING during this dismal year.He promised change and we got NOTHING.

It looks to me like the players have QUIT on Eric Mangini.......can you blame them?

When did they quit on Mangini exactly?

I disagree- this Jets team has played very hard for their coach and for themselves ALL year long. Soooo many of the games have come down to just a few critical mistakes and a few critical points. They have played the Steelers, Titans, and Pats very tough and all those teams are going to end up in Playoffs.

Take a look at this one link:


This link I got from NFL.COM where I looked at entire league and sorted it by net points (Points scored-Points against) The Jets had -90 after 15 games which scored out to 6 points a game. Every team that did better than them had at least 6 wins. What I am trying to say is that the Jets aren't as bad as the other 1-4 win teams...fortunately we will be picking same place in draft with them...but we aren't as bad as them...

The main thing going forward will be building both the offensive lines and defensive lines...and figuring out what to do with players such as Pennington, Vilma, and Coles....if they can get some value from other teams then should look into moving them...its a risky proposition to keep Pennington because some of the locker room is still very loyal to him- so it would better suit the front office sending him away and giving him a chance to start elsewhere. We need to draft offensive players...whether it be lineman (which is necessary whether through draft of free agency) and just some playmakers...

And last thoughts on Mangini- not in love with guy...but I am definitely not against him either...our offense is just not that good...we have a few playmakers...but offensive line wise we haven't been solid...Pennington was playing hurt and Clemens hasn't had enough time to show us what he has got....the most important thing next season, no matter who the QB is, to surround him with a much better offense- because this season it has been tough to watch at times...Mangini and MT have a big job this offseason- we should have cap room and a good amount of draft picks after a bad record and moving veteran players through trades...

I wish them luck.

Here's to being great in 08' :box:

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The realization is Mangini doesnt have a clue.Id be ok with him being FIRED he has shown NOTHING during this dismal year.He promised change and we got NOTHING.

It looks to me like the players have QUIT on Eric Mangini.......can you blame them?

This has to be the most CLUELESS POST of the year..Have you watched any Jets games the last month..The one thing they are doing is playing hard..real hard..CLUELESS

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The realization is Mangini doesnt have a clue.Id be ok with him being FIRED he has shown NOTHING during this dismal year.He promised change and we got NOTHING.

It looks to me like the players have QUIT on Eric Mangini.......can you blame them?

It's funny - last year at this time most people were saying to give Mangini a long extension. Now he should be fired? Unreal.

You have to remember that both Tanny and Manny are first timers in their positions. They are going to learn on the job and they are going to make mistakes. What they learn from their mistakes and how they handle the upcoming FA and draft will be all telling. You need to give them that chance. If they fail again next year, then I would agree with you.

At any rate, Woody is going to give them at least another year if not two. We'll find out soon enough if they are the real deal.

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Firing him is a bad idea. One good year, one bad year. Let's go best out of three. We weren't beating NE this year anyway.

I agree. this'll be my mantra for 2008

Baby we can talk all night

But that ain't getting us nowhere

there ain't no way

I'm ever gonna love you

Now don't be sad

'Cause two out of three ain't bad

Don't be sad

'Cause two out of three ain't bad


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