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Very Early Jets Mock


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A preliminary Jets mock draft. I'll probably do more detailed ones once the time gets closer but, at this point, here's what I'd like to see them do come draft time. Also, keep in mind that I'm assuming they can get at least 1 offensive lineman in FA so they're not quite as desparate there.

Round 1 - Vernon Gholston, DE, Ohio St.

A slight reach here but I think his current value is around top 15 and he should impress in workouts, further imporving his stock. I think he'll be a solid top 10 prospect once the draft rolls around. Very athletic and talented. Great strength, evident by his impressive physique, and pretty good explosiveness. Was a disruptive pass rusher for the buckeyes and is also fairly stout. Dominated a top 5 OT prospect in Jake Long. Appears to fit in nicely as a 3-4 OLB. Like most hybrid prospects lacks experience in coverage and looked stiff when asked to do it on occasion. Needs to improve consistancy since he disappeared in some games. While he's pretty explosive, doesn't have elite speed or burst. Off the top of my head, could be something like a Shawn Merriman in that I see him being a great pass rusher that uses impressive strength and explosiveness to get to the QB, but is average in coverage.

Round 2 - Dre Moore, DT, Maryland

Great value here and I'm not sure he'll be around. Could get snatched up late 1st round. He was impressive in the senior bowl practices and really helped his stock. I think he's a very good fit for the 3-4 defense. Exeptional strength and has good quickness as well. Very stout at the point and drew double teams consistantly in the games I watched. Also, played against good competition. Doesn't have ideal size but I feel he could be an effective NT because of his great strength and ability to draw doubles and hold at the POA. Also, does a nice job getting penetration. If he doesn't show what's needed to be a NT I think he projects best as a 3-4 DE. He has very good size for the position and is stout enough against the run, while also having the quickness to get to the QB at times. Like many college players needs to play with much better leverage. He plays high at times from what I've seen. This is even more important for our scheme. Has a pretty incosistant motor and his work ethic is questionable.

Round 3 - Barry Richardson, OT, Clemson

I think he falls this far because he doesn't play up to his immese size and seems like an underachiever. Great athleticism and looks the part of a dominant RT. Pretty good pass protector. Has a lot of experience against top competition since he's a 4 year starter. Could be a steal because of his potential. If coached up to be more consistant can be a great RT. As said before, doesn't play up to his size and needs to be stronger on the field. Needs to improve technique and effort since he has all the necessary tools.

Round 4 - Ezra Butler, OLB, Nevada

Haven't seen him at all but from what I've read he's an intruiging prospect. Has excellent athleticism and also great size at 6'2 248lbs. Hasn't played against top competition. I think we could move him inside and he could be very effective there next to Harris.

Round 5 - Mario Urrutia, WR, Louisville

Big receiver, at 6'6 220lbs, with nice hands that can help Clemens in the red-zone. Lacks speed or explosiveness to be a big-time WR but can be an effective situational target.

Can't go much further than that since I'm not too well versed on many late round prospects. Let me know your thoughts...

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Very good mock in my opinion, hits all targets and with good value. Ive been all for the gholston pick for a while now and i do like dre moore although it'll depend on his combine where he can be had. Barry richardson is intriguing, he's one of those looks like tarzan plays like jane guys so to speak. He has all the tools you look for but doesn't have that nasty streak some players do; like Carl nicks or Gosder Cherilus. I think it depends on what we do in FA, but if we don't address LG than that will be a priority in the draft. Other than that, I like the selections. Ezra butler will be good value there as well, hopefully someone like him could fall to us.

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Some issues I have with this mock:

I still don't think Gholston is worth the #6 pick. I'm hoping that maybe we could trade down if we're going to target him. Also at 6'4 311 I really don't think Moore could play 3-4 NT, he just doesn't have the weight for a guy that tall.

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Love it. Love the Dre Moore pick. I think a better offensive lineman might slip to the third round.

Hopefully, the Jets get some more picks for Vilma and Penny and draft a CB, too.

I'd like for the new LG to be a FA - lets get a vet in there b/w Mangold and Ferguson.

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Some issues I have with this mock:

I still don't think Gholston is worth the #6 pick. I'm hoping that maybe we could trade down if we're going to target him. Also at 6'4 311 I really don't think Moore could play 3-4 NT, he just doesn't have the weight for a guy that tall.

Moore could start his Jet career rotating with Ellis and Coleman at DE, then one day become the NT. Also, he could work his way in behind Puoha and Mosley. Lose D-Rob and use that money to get a major league CB, LG and some more LB/DL help. Sign Rhodes.

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Moore could start his Jet career rotating with Ellis and Coleman at DE, then one day become the NT. Also, he could work his way in behind Puoha and Mosley. Lose D-Rob and use that money to get a major league CB, LG and some more LB/DL help. Sign Rhodes.

He'd need to seriously bulk up if e wants to play NT. Sedrick Ellis out of USC has supposedly really bulked up and has been dominant at the senior bowl. He may actually become a viable option if he can put enough weight.

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He'd need to seriously bulk up if e wants to play NT. Sedrick Ellis out of USC has supposedly really bulked up and has been dominant at the senior bowl. He may actually become a viable option if he can put enough weight.

Sed ellis only weighed in about 305, but its the way he plays that stood out. He plays with terrific leverage and has fantastic power. He is basially the size of drob but their type of play couldn't be much different.

I don't like Dre moore as a NT all that much, i like him mostly as a 34 DE, where i think he would absolutely flourish. When watching the practices this week, he looked very powerful in the pit drills. I think a big DE like him would help out Gholston or whatever pass rushing OLB we get by occupying as many blockers as possible, something ellis (our ellis) has trouble with.

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He'd need to seriously bulk up if e wants to play NT. Sedrick Ellis out of USC has supposedly really bulked up and has been dominant at the senior bowl. He may actually become a viable option if he can put enough weight.

Ellis is only 305, 310 himself. At 6'4, that isn't "too tall" for the 34. Being 6'4 helps you in the 34, it doesn't hurt you. As far as Moore only being 315, I'm sure he could find a way to put on 5-10lbs. Plus, its the way you play sometimes, not just your size. Not everybody is going to find a 6'3, 6'4 365lb Nose Tackle.

Roberston is a guy who shoots the gap and pressures the Quarterback, the exact opposite of a 34 Nose Tackle. Moore or Ellis would be solid picks and would play much better than Robertson.

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Some issues I have with this mock:

I still don't think Gholston is worth the #6 pick. I'm hoping that maybe we could trade down if we're going to target him. Also at 6'4 311 I really don't think Moore could play 3-4 NT, he just doesn't have the weight for a guy that tall.

Weight isn't the most important quality of a NT its strength and leverage. Kelly Gregg is the textbook example of this. He's only a little above 300lbs but is an excellent NT. Also, I believe Jason Fergueson is only around 310lbs and he's effective there as well. I think Moore could be effective there because he's very strong and has proven to be stout and handles doubles. Its not his ideal position but that's why I said we can move him over to DE, where he is ideal, if he doesn't show enough at NT. Also, even if he's effective there, if an elite NT prospect comes along we can, again, move him over to DE where he's best suited. He's a little tall but he makes up for it with great strength and if he can improve his leverage he should do fine. Leverage is almost as important as strength, maybe more so, and I don't care if the guys 6'0 if he plays to high he's not gonna be much of a NT. Most college DTs need work on this.

Also, Gholston's value doesn't seem to be that far off from the 6th pick at this point and if he does as expected in workouts he should raise his stock enough to warrant the pick.

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