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ESPN: Jenkins Pro-Bowl Bound with the Jets in '08

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Kris Jenkins: Pro Bowl bound for Jets?

February 29, 2008 11:46 AM

Posted by ESPN.com's Pat Yasinskas

Going to make a prediction right now: Defensive tackle Kris Jenkins will make the Pro Bowl for the Jets next season.

Jenkins, who's being traded from Carolina to the Jets, is going to thrive in New York. When I was working at The Charlotte Observer last summer, Jenkins created a bit of a stir when he revealed to me that he didn't really like living in Charlotte. He talked about how he preferred bigger cities with more to do.

Well, cities don't come bigger than New York, and that's going to make Jenkins happy off the field. But he's also going to be happy on the field in the middle of New York's 3-4 defense. That's the kind of challenge Jenkins needs to get back to the form that got him to three Pro Bowls.

Jenkins is the kind of guy who gets bored easily and he got bored and disgruntled in Carolina, where he had stopped believing in the coaching staff several years ago. Panthers coach John Fox likes his players to be robots, and the outspoken Jenkins wasn't the type to spew the company line.

Jenkins still played well last year after the Panthers failed in a previous attempt to trade him. But he'll play even better in New York because he'll have the freedom to be himself on and off the field.


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