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times on the posts????


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What's weird is that mine is coming up 7:09pm despite the fact that I am 4 hours ahead. It's 11:08 over here, so what's coming up for me would be right for you guys. LOL

Odd. Mines an hr ahead of what it should be.

Could this have something to do with the hackers?

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Murph you were in the wrong time zone man (London). I just fixed yours. Gangreenman -- I took off your DST settings, you should be fine now.

Make sure under USER CP that the automatically detect daylight savings time (DST) setting is NO. And is DST in effect should = NO. Then it will work.


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Murph you were in the wrong time zone man (London). I just fixed yours. Gangreenman -- I took off your DST settings, you should be fine now.

Make sure under USER CP that the automatically detect daylight savings time (DST) setting is NO. And is DST in effect should = NO. Then it will work.


wow.....you fixed it, and it didn't really cost 'em a thing - except some pride, a slight against their manhood and some discomfort when they sit down.

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so that all the sides of your personality get a chance to express themselves.

As if I don't have another place to channel my other personalities. It's JI and there are currently about 5 of them roaming around there. :headbang:

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