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Laveranues Coles might sit out


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Trying to get the most money when negotiating a contract is one thing, trying to get more money while already under a contract is another. It's not like Coles or any other player asks for a pay cut when they play like crap, or when injuries and age makes them less productive on the field.

I don't like it when teams try to renogotiate contracts either. Not unless they offer the player something that makes it a win-win for both. For example reducing the money, but also the length so that the player can hit free agency earlier.

Yeah, but that's the reality of it in the NFL. If you don't perform, you're either cut or offered a paycut under the threat of getting cut. That's the way business is done. That's why I have no problem with the players doing whatever they can to get whatever they can using whatever leverage they think they have. Management has no problem taking out the hammer to get out out of a contract.

If they want to guarantee all contracts the way they do in most other major sports, then I'd feel differently. As it stands, it seems only the players are obligated to adhere to the contract, while management can do what they want.

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The concussions are a serious issue. I'm not saying the Jets should pay him, I'm just saying he has every right -AFAIC- to try to get everything he can. The Jets can decide what they want to do from there. I've got no issue with the Jets holding him to his existing contract, either.

They are a serious issue, yet the Jets foolishly in my opinion still offered to guarantee the remaining 11 million on his contract. He should be thankful, not bitching to the media.

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I doubt that Coles will on the Jets on opening day.

I just hope they can get something for him. I also hope they have learned something from the Kendall situation. If they are going to trade/release him, make sure they have a #1 receiver

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I doubt that Coles will on the Jets on opening day.

I just hope they can get something for him. I also hope they have learned something from the Kendall situation. If they are going to trade/release him, make sure they have a #1 receiver

Bang on! I wonder if he's trying to force a trade? - I wonder if we can sucker some mug's into giving up a 2nd for him, and sign one of the W.R in the Draft with the pick. and save a bundle $$$$$ in the process! :P:p

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