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He gets people riled up, but he doesnt shoot ice into the opposing goaltenders face, thats for sure. He also doesn't bitch and moan 24/7 like John I Wish I Were Worth Something Madden.

First off, every team in the league would take Madden if they could Joey. He plays hard every night, on both ends of the ice. Has been one of the best on the PK since he came into the league. He should have been named captain in my opinion.

Also, it is a league wide fact, that Shanahan is one of the biggest whiners in the game, always has been.

bottom line in this series is, Devils can't score, nobody will hit the fragile Jagr, refs don't know what icing is and isn't, Devils can't score, Avery is still a doosh, Lundqvist is on the verge of becoming a big time goalie, Devil's can't score, Rangers have a real nice YOUNG group of players, and...oh yeah...Devils can't score.

F U JOE!!!! :winking0001:

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First off, every team in the league would take Madden if they could Joey. He plays hard every night, on both ends of the ice. Has been one of the best on the PK since he came into the league. He should have been named captain in my opinion.

Also, it is a league wide fact, that Shanahan is one of the biggest whiners in the game, always has been.

bottom line in this series is, Devils can't score, nobody will hit the fragile Jagr, refs don't know what icing is and isn't, Devils can't score, Avery is still a doosh, Lundqvist is on the verge of becoming a big time goalie, Devil's can't score, Rangers have a real nice YOUNG group of players, and...oh yeah...Devils can't score.

F U JOE!!!! :winking0001:

you SCORE in my book Eddie, even if your a DEVIL:love0038:

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On the verge? King Henrik is already one of the best in the business with his 10 regular season shutouts and his great performance so far in the series this year against the Devils.

Yes, the Devils can't score, but what else is new? They never really could. Except now, Marty isn't the same dominant goalie he once was. Is he still good? Yes, of course. But he is no longer great. The Devils' offensive struggles were hidden due to his play over the years but now they are being exposed and I for one, LOVE it!

Lets Go Rangers, Ed!

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I always get a kick out of 124's hockey 'fanhood'

I always get a kick out of you questioning my fanhood of the Rangers. I've never once seen you talk about the Devils, just about questioning my fanhood.

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On the verge? King Henrik is already one of the best in the business with his 10 regular season shutouts and his great performance so far in the series this year against the Devils.

"King" Henrik hasn't won a thing yet, let alone GET to a Conference Final, let him win something before we start molding his bust in Toronto!

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Too bad I've already seen my team win more cups in the past 13 years then you'll see the Rangers win in your entire lives.

You own the Devils? Sweet. Can I get some free Ranger-Devil tickets next year seeing as "your" fanbase doesn't show up anyway? Thanks dude. :cheers:

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Hey PN, its the truth. The Devils "fanbase" is sad. But as Ed said, it doesn't help they charge outrageous ticket prices for the people to see one of the worst offenses in the league and a goalie who was once great.

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Hey PN, its the truth. The Devils "fanbase" is sad. But as Ed said, it doesn't help they charge outrageous ticket prices for the people to see one of the worst offenses in the league and a goalie who was once great.

You're right 124, I'd much rather be part of fan base that's full of Manhattan yuppie punks who run and hide when their team is not making the playoffs or getting swept by the Devils in round 1 just 24 months ago.

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You're right 124, I'd much rather be part of fan base that's full of Manhattan yuppie punks who run and hide when their team is not making the playoffs or getting swept by the Devils in round 1 just 24 months ago.

Well if you want to bring up 2 years ago, I'll gladly go back to the other three Rangers-Devils playoff series. Then again, it will be fun when we sweep you THIS year and then we'll see where you're at.

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says the guy who uses words like Isuckers & Brodiveur?? :rl:

I think I used Brodiveur once, and that was in association with a great pic. Isuckers may have been used once or twice as well. At least it's clear what that means. I don't even know what Strangers is supposed to mean.

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I think I used Brodiveur once, and that was in association with a great pic. Isuckers may have been used once or twice as well. At least it's clear what that means. I don't even know what Strangers is supposed to mean.

Watch Dave Chappelle more often brotha.

A stranger is when you sit on your hand, wait for it to get warm and masturbate.

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He gets people riled up, but he doesnt shoot ice into the opposing goaltenders face, thats for sure. He also doesn't bitch and moan 24/7 like John I Wish I Were Worth Something Madden.

You mean the selkie winner and 2 time cup winner John Madden? Avery has acomplished nothing in his career compared to Madden. 124 you just make yourself look silly when you try to discuss hockey.

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You mean the selkie winner and 2 time cup winner John Madden? Avery has acomplished nothing in his career compared to Madden. 124 you just make yourself look silly when you try to discuss hockey.

So does that mean all players on the 4th line of Stanley Cup winners are great players? If thats your argument, thats pretty bad. I look silly because I don't believe John Madden is god? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :lol:

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So does that mean all players on the 4th line of Stanley Cup winners are great players? If thats your argument, thats pretty bad. I look silly because I don't believe John Madden is god? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :lol:

124 you know nothing about Hockey if you think Madden is a 4th liner. Then again you DO know nothing about hockey...

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124 you know nothing about Hockey if you think Madden is a 4th liner. Then again you DO know nothing about hockey...

Where was I saying that Madden was a 4th liner? Do you even know how to read? I said that since you were basing Madden on being a better player than Avery because he was on a Stanley Cup team then that means every single Devil that won in years past is better than every single New York Ranger. That is what you were trying to say which is just completely stupid.

I know nothing about Hockey? Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. If you think I know nothing about the sport because I don't think John Madden is as good as people make him out to be and because I think Henrik has outplayed Brodeur this season? (Which he has). Oh well, you're entitled to your own opinion, but your opinion is wrong.

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Where was I saying that Madden was a 4th liner? Do you even know how to read? I said that since you were basing Madden on being a better player than Avery because he was on a Stanley Cup team then that means every single Devil that won in years past is better than every single New York Ranger. That is what you were trying to say which is just completely stupid.

I know nothing about Hockey? Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. If you think I know nothing about the sport because I don't think John Madden is as good as people make him out to be and because I think Henrik has outplayed Brodeur this season? (Which he has). Oh well, you're entitled to your own opinion, but your opinion is wrong.

The strangers were a complete joke this season till the last month and marty carried a team with 3 GARBAGE dmen and about 6 underachieving forwards to a better record.

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The strangers were a complete joke this season till the last month and marty carried a team with 3 GARBAGE dmen and about 6 underachieving forwards to a better record.

A complete joke? So what were the Devils who lost 7 of 8 regular season games to the Rangers and finished ahead of them by a whopping 2 points? Last I checked, 42-27-13 isn't that bad. Yes, Queen Marty did a good job as usual, but he wasn't as good as Henrik when Henrik was at his best. So far this postseason, Henrik has outplayed him as well.

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A complete joke? So what were the Devils who lost 7 of 8 regular season games to the Rangers and finished ahead of them by a whopping 2 points? Last I checked, 42-27-13 isn't that bad. Yes, Queen Marty did a good job as usual, but he wasn't as good as Henrik when Henrik was at his best. So far this postseason, Henrik has outplayed him as well.

Why did Marty have a better GAA SV% and more wins this season if he was outplayed so badly? NTM Lundquist has never won anything in his life. The devils lost a playoff series to Kevin weeks too that doesn't mean he's a better goalie than marty is. Goalies can't score goals when their team is underachieving.

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Why did Marty have a better GAA SV% and more wins this season if he was outplayed so badly? NTM Lundquist has never won anything in his life. The devils lost a playoff series to Kevin weeks too that doesn't mean he's a better goalie than marty is. Goalies can't score goals when their team is underachieving.

Well he's won a Gold Medal, which is kinda something. He has also now won 8 playoff games in the last 2 years and seems to own Brodeur and the Devs whenever he plays them.

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Well he's won a Gold Medal, which is kinda something. He has also now won 8 playoff games in the last 2 years and seems to own Brodeur and the Devs whenever he plays them.

Did he own the devils when the strangers got embarrassed in the playoffs a few years ago?

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LOL at Avery standing right in from of Marfag Manure, waving his gloves and stick at his face so he couldn't see, then next time up Jagr passes it to him, while he's in the exact same spot as before and he goes and scores the goal. The Devils completely ignored him, no one even tried getting him out of there even while they had only the 5 on 4.

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The awful John Madden gives the devils life in the series.

Not once have I called him awful, but great job by trying to put words in my mouth.

BTW, John Madden did? Really? Could've sworn it went off of Staal's skate and into the goal. Maybe you should watch a little closer. Very lucky goal, but very well played game by the Devils.

Guess we'll have to win this one in five or my original prediction, in six.

See madmike, I'll go out here with a little class: Congrats.

Can't wait for Wednesday.

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Not once have I called him awful, but great job by trying to put words in my mouth.

BTW, John Madden did? Really? Could've sworn it went off of Staal's skate and into the goal. Maybe you should watch a little closer. Very lucky goal, but very well played game by the Devils.

Guess we'll have to win this one in five or my original prediction, in six.

See madmike, I'll go out here with a little class: Congrats.

Can't wait for Wednesday.

LOL @ Ranger fans talking about lucky goals. You know how many lucky goals your team as scored against the devils this season?

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3 cups make 1994 a long time ago.

Spoken like a true person who loves to live in the past.

I'm a Yankees fan like you madmike, but the championships won in the past thing is garbage and it only further shows that the current teams cannot get it done.

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