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Is NFL worried about Olberman this season?


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Well this isn't a great place for politics obviously but it's a joke to think Olbermann is "in the tank" for Obama. He just calls them as he sees them, and Clinton has been using the politics of fear in his campaign and that is something that he plainly dislikes, so her supporters like Rendell should stop acting so surprised that he's going to criticize her for that.

But anyway, I doubt he'll ever be too political on the football show. He's a pretty funny guy so he'll probly just stick to that.

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Well this isn't a great place for politics obviously but it's a joke to think Olbermann is "in the tank" for Obama. He just calls them as he sees them, and Clinton has been using the politics of fear in his campaign and that is something that he plainly dislikes, so her supporters like Rendell should stop acting so surprised that he's going to criticize her for that.

But anyway, I doubt he'll ever be too political on the football show. He's a pretty funny guy so he'll probly just stick to that.

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Just sayin'. :penguin:

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Part of his job is to be professional and take his personal feelings out of his work when need be. He got where he is by being fair (I assume, dont know a ton about him honestly), so I would think there wouldn't be a problem here. I'm very active politically, but when Im watching football the LAST thing I want to hear about is politics, from ANY point of view.

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Way I see it until Olbermann starts saying political stuff he should be allowed to do his job. I didn't mind Rush Limbaugh on ESPN until he started saying that stupid stuff about the people rooting for McNabb because he's black (like he's the only black QB in the NFL).

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Way I see it until Olbermann starts saying political stuff he should be allowed to do his job. I didn't mind Rush Limbaugh on ESPN until he started saying that stupid stuff about the people rooting for McNabb because he's black (like he's the only black QB in the NFL).

I was going to say the same thing. Limbaugh is a much more polarizing figure than Olberman on the political landscape. ESPN & the NFL had no problem with him until he made those stupid comments about McNabb.

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I was going to say the same thing. Limbaugh is a much more polarizing figure than Olberman on the political landscape. ESPN & the NFL had no problem with him until he made those stupid comments about McNabb.

Conservatives see Olberman as a polarizing figure; Liberals see Limbaugh as a polarizing figure. Neither of them should be doing football. I can't stand either one & actually do change the channel immediately when Olberman & his smarmy, snot-nosed, personality is on there now. Limbaugh, & his endless blustering, had no business being on there either. Justified or unjustified, too many people just hate the guy.

I watch football to escape from this crap. Last thing I want is to think of politicians when I'm watching football or the day's recaps.

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Conservatives see Olberman as a polarizing figure; Liberals see Limbaugh as a polarizing figure. Neither of them should be doing football. I can't stand either one & actually do change the channel immediately when Olberman & his smarmy, snot-nosed, personality is on there now. Limbaugh, & his endless blustering, had no business being on there either. Justified or unjustified, too many people just hate the guy.

I watch football to escape from this crap. Last thing I want is to think of politicians when I'm watching football or the day's recaps.

Good point. The reason I mentioned that Limbaugh is more of a polarizing figure is because he has a 3 or 4 hour radio show that is on Monday-Friday and has been around a heck of a lot longer the Olberman.

Sunday Night Football would be vastly improved if they got rid of Bob Costas and Peter King.

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Good point. The reason I mentioned that Limbaugh is more of a polarizing figure is because he has a 3 or 4 hour radio show that is on Monday-Friday and has been around a heck of a lot longer the Olberman.

Sunday Night Football would be vastly improved if they got rid of Bob Costas and Peter King.

Costas sucks also. I don't care for Peter King mostly because he's clearly a Pats homer. But football-wise, bad as he is, he's way better than both Costas and Olberman who are just awful and too obnoxious/annoying to watch at all.

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Costas sucks also. I don't care for Peter King mostly because he's clearly a Pats homer. But football-wise, bad as he is, he's way better than both Costas and Olberman who are just awful and too obnoxious/annoying to watch at all.

King is anything but a Pats homer. He has proven that with his spygate coverage.

If King is anything he is the guy with his head firmly placed between Favre's butt cheeks.

Costas is a 5' 2" egomaniac who still has his boyhood baseball cards in the spokes of his bicycle. He has no place covering football.

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King is anything but a Pats homer. He has proven that with his spygate coverage.

If King is anything he is the guy with his head firmly placed between Favre's butt cheeks.

Costas is a 5' 2" egomaniac who still has his boyhood baseball cards in the spokes of his bicycle. He has no place covering football.

King is a Pats homer. You are a stupid Australian.

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King is a Pats homer. You are a stupid Australian.

Of course I'm a stupid Australian. That's a fact.

King? If you check out patsfans.com or patriotsplanet.com you won't see much love for the Starbucks loving guy from Montclair, NJ.

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They are stupid pats fans.

There are some very stupid Pats fans but even the stupidest ones don't like King.

Don't even get me going on stupid Jets fans. There are a few here and you know who they are!

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Well this isn't a great place for politics obviously but it's a joke to think Olbermann is "in the tank" for Obama. He just calls them as he sees them, and Clinton has been using the politics of fear in his campaign and that is something that he plainly dislikes, so her supporters like Rendell should stop acting so surprised that he's going to criticize her for that.

But anyway, I doubt he'll ever be too political on the football show. He's a pretty funny guy so he'll probly just stick to that.

You uninformed or crazy if you don't think Olberman is in the tank for Obama. He's a progressive liberal, and his whole network is rooting for Obama to win. With that said though, I think he leaves what little he does know about politics out when he's talking football. I have no problem with him doing that.

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You uninformed or crazy if you don't think Olberman is in the tank for Obama. He's a progressive liberal, and his whole network is rooting for Obama to win. With that said though, I think he leaves what little he does know about politics out when he's talking football. I have no problem with him doing that.

Well I'm neither uninformed or crazy, and I think its pretty disputable that MSNBC is in the tank for Obama seeing as how the entire media treats McCain like he's royalty or something.

But anyway, Olbermann shouldn't talk about politics on the football show and as long as he doesn't I don't see it being a concern.

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