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How Much Did Matt Walsh Get


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You know what?

I am glad it is over. Seriously, lets move on. They cheated. They are cheats.

We know it.

They know it.

The NFL knows it.

We will never let them forget it.

If this goes on it will hurt football and that I don't want to see.

Lets shut them up by winning.


Exactly BZ-it's the reason I didn't get involved in the threads...don't let it happen again

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to keep quiet? I say he got at least 800,000 grand. What do you think? What price did his silence have? What price would your silence have?


Something obviously happened between the time he told the NFL he had a tape of the Rams walkthru and this past week.

Who cares. The Patriots and Roger Goodell are joke. It's just like OJ, we all know they're guilty but in the end they'll get away scot-free.

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come on jade you can come up with something better than that.
Yeah, but I don't have to. :)

The whole world knows they cheated, their entire existance under BB is **TAINTED!!!**

I suppose you clowns believe that he just mis interpeted the rule???

What a joke he knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew it was against the rules.

He is a **CHEATER!!!**

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This is a little off topic, but it made me laugh and reason #3 of why I love Tom Brady. He's being intereviewed on WEEI Sports radio right now. A segment of the conversation was about losing the SB and it went something like this:

Brady: At least when you lose, you want to lose to someone you respect. I don't respect everyone, but they (Giants) are a blue-collar team.

WEEI: "Who don't you respect?"

Brady: I'll give you a hint, they have four letters in their name.


Me too, Tom. Me too!!!


HAHA, that is priceless.

Its going to be funny when Mangino is looking for a new job and the only longtime employer that can vouch for him is Belichick.

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to keep quiet? I say he got at least 800,000 grand. What do you think? What price did his silence have? What price would your silence have?


I would have just snitched the ****ers out then cashed in on the book/TV deals, worth a lot more then 800,000. Plus you get the pleasure of screwing over mumbles and the Pats.

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Well, duh, BB is arrogant and not the most charismatic guy...how he gets the girls is beyond me, but I digress. The Jest have taped at Gillette. This is a well known fact that most here want to forget. The issue is 1) did the team get permission and 2) where was the taping done. The Jest did get persmission and the taping was done from the end zone, I beleive. Mangini, on the other hand, because he's a weasle-dick, decided to throw his mentor under the bus. Time will tell who the real parriah is. My money's on Manjudas....especially after his run in NY is over and no one will hire him.

honey you need to calm down and take a deep breath. everyone cheats. what belichick did is no big deal. it will all blow over soon. go back to picturing yourself holding Tom Brady's hand and laughing playfully while you're walking together on a beautiful beach with the sun setting over the horizon.

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