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The official the world ends in 2012 thread


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Those are 9 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

If you want to think the world is ending December 21st, 2012 thats all well an good but these fake ass pictures / videos of UFO's and these 36ft "creatures" are ridiculous. Aliens? Are you freakin' serious?

There are much better, more realistic concrete things that point to a possible ending on December 21st, 2012... not that crap video.

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Those are 9 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

If you want to think the world is ending December 21st, 2012 thats all well an good but these fake ass pictures / videos of UFO's and these 36ft "creatures" are ridiculous. Aliens? Are you freakin' serious?

There are much better, more realistic concrete things that point to a possible ending on December 21st, 2012... not that crap video.

You mean like the sun rising at galactic center point, the mayan calendar ending, the ouroboros crop circle prophecy?

How about the billion dollar taxpayer funded underground 'noah's arcs' that are built in the southwestern U.S., Norway, and all over the world?

Yeah. It's no coincidence they all coincide I'm afraid. This will be a difficult few years when panic sets in for the global population.

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Sorry, but I refuse to believe it's freakin' Aliens or "Giants". There are no such f'ing things.

Hey OJ, I'm 50-50 on this 12/21/12 thing and lately I'm looking into it more and more, but Aliens / Giants? Seriously? Nah.

The most concrete thing is the Mayan's calendar and Nostradamus and Einstein.

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Sorry, but I refuse to believe it's freakin' Aliens or "Giants". There are no such f'ing things.

Hey OJ, I'm 50-50 on this 12/21/12 thing and lately I'm looking into it more and more, but Aliens / Giants? Seriously? Nah.

The most concrete thing is the Mayan's calendar and Nostradamus and Einstein.

It's scary stuff. I feel bad for the young people. At least I had a few fun years.

Let's put it this way. mangini has 4 years to get us a championship.

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Sorry, but I refuse to believe it's freakin' Aliens or "Giants". There are no such f'ing things.

Hey OJ, I'm 50-50 on this 12/21/12 thing and lately I'm looking into it more and more, but Aliens / Giants? Seriously? Nah.

The most concrete thing is the Mayan's calendar and Nostradamus and Einstein.

ya i would listen to einsteins thoughts..

a guy i knew was a beleiver in the alien/monkey theory..

he said aliens came here millions of years ago and were horny and banged monkeys..

after time we all are basically the same,,lets say 60% alien, 40 % monkey..

but there are exceptions to the rule,,like einstein, who is maybe 85% alien and 15% monkey and therefore has superior brain power..

on the other hand , there are those that got stuck with 15% alien and 85% monkey,,,that explains the Joey Buttafucca's and Mike Tyson's of the world...

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I hear that in the year 2000 all of our computers will crash and civilization as we know it will end...oh wait...what's that? It's 2008? Huh...

There was no concrete evidence in 2000 that the world was going to end. Forever, including back to before "the coming of Christ" people were predicting the end on 12/21/2012.

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ya i would listen to einsteins thoughts..

a guy i knew was a beleiver in the alien/monkey theory..

he said aliens came here millions of years ago and were horny and banged monkeys..

after time we all are basically the same,,lets say 60% alien, 40 % monkey..

but there are exceptions to the rule,,like einstein, who is maybe 85% alien and 15% monkey and therefore has superior brain power..

on the other hand , there are those that got stuck with 15% alien and 85% monkey,,,thats explains the Joey Buttafucca's and Mike Tyson's of the world...

lmao at joey buttafucco

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You mean I've been putting all of this money in a 401K for nothing?? I've been saving for a future that doesn't exist while I could have been partying like a rock star.

That was my first thought too. Time to quit our jobs, blow our retirement savings and max out the credit cards!

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There was no concrete evidence in 2000 that the world was going to end. Forever, including back to before "the coming of Christ" people were predicting the end on 12/21/2012.

I wasn't talking about the world ending. I was talking about that ridiculous scam called Y2K.

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That was my first thought too. Time to quit our jobs, blow our retirement savings and max out the credit cards!

Imagine what money will be like when the public realizes what's going on. How will they keep any kind of stability in the financial markets?

Imagine the run on food/survival supplies.

this is scary stuff.

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It's crap, as anyone with a brain would have surmised.


Ahh. Yes. Nasa would never lie. After all they are the ones who continue to deny ufo's exist. They also contract with the us department of defense and i'm sure they would completely disclose this to the public.

Can't you just picture the NASA scientist fulfilling his duty to tell the truth.

"Dear Public. In the next four years earthquakes, tsunamis and meteors are going to kill up to 80% of the world's population. Those of you who do survive this initial disaster will have to suffer 24 months of darkness and meteoric dust with no crop growing seasons and polluted water.

The rest of us who are the selected elite will be living in the billion dollar underground military encampments which are connected by elaborate tunnels and underground tram systems which you paid for with your hard earned tax dollars.

So thanks again, suckers and remember to duck, tuck and cover!"

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Ahh. Yes. Nasa would never lie. After all they are the ones who continue to deny ufo's exist. They also contract with the us department of defense and i'm sure they would completely disclose this to the public.

Can't you just picture the NASA scientist fulfilling his duty to tell the truth.

"Dear Public. In the next four years earthquakes, tsunamis and meteors are going to kill up to 80% of the world's population. Those of you who do survive this initial disaster will have to suffer 24 months of darkness and meteoric dust with no crop growing seasons and polluted water.

The rest of us who are the selected elite will be living in the billion dollar underground military encampments which are connected by elaborate tunnels and underground tram systems which you paid for with your hard earned tax dollars.

So thanks again, suckers and remember to duck, tuck and cover!"

And your source is...?

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Ahh. Yes. Nasa would never lie. After all they are the ones who continue to deny ufo's exist. They also contract with the us department of defense and i'm sure they would completely disclose this to the public.

Can't you just picture the NASA scientist fulfilling his duty to tell the truth.

"Dear Public. In the next four years earthquakes, tsunamis and meteors are going to kill up to 80% of the world's population. Those of you who do survive this initial disaster will have to suffer 24 months of darkness and meteoric dust with no crop growing seasons and polluted water.

The rest of us who are the selected elite will be living in the billion dollar underground military encampments which are connected by elaborate tunnels and underground tram systems which you paid for with your hard earned tax dollars.

So thanks again, suckers and remember to duck, tuck and cover!"

Who promised you a rose garden?

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