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The official the world ends in 2012 thread


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It's crap, as anyone with a brain would have surmised.


This whole topic is very interesting, No matter what anyone thinks we will all die eventually. If its by comet or planet X or mass starvation because people can't control their populations it doesn't matter.

I think its funny how NASA tells people to go read Wikipedia :P

There is a good write-up on Eris in Wikipedia.
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What if we used base 8 or base 1 instead of base 10 mathematics in counting years since Jan 1st, 0000? Or what if we divided our calendar into 24 months of half the current length, or 6 months at double the current length? Would that date still be as significant?

If it's for religious reasons, we don't discuss that here. But that would mean that The Almighty is convinced that earth should flourish or perish on a date that only has significance using base 10 math, and that our perfect Lord only keeps time using an imperfect solar calendar that needs to be error-corrected every 4 years. That would be the most frightening of all.

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Yeah, Nasa is really reliable on its crap alright. I'll believe philosophers who hvae predicted other things to happen before and have gotten it right over a couple of pencil necked dweebs.

We'll see what happens.

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Yeah, Nasa is really reliable on its crap alright. I'll believe philosophers who hvae predicted other things to happen before and have gotten it right over a couple of pencil necked dweebs.

We'll see what happens.

Nasa is very good at spending billions of taxpayer dollars to send outdated spacecraft into orbit where it explodes.

Yeah, I trust them too. lol.

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Also, on topic. Can someone please explain to me how an ancient civilization would have been able to predict the ending of the world? Through what means would they have gained this revelation? Do you really believe that Quetzalcoatl is going to return? Do you think that 2012 is the second coming? Do you really think that all of these disasters would occur at one time? The chances of every natural disaster occurring at one time randomly is mathematically impossible. You believe that some weird planet is going to orbit on by and destroy the planet? How come it didn't destroy the planet last time it stopped by for a visit?

Nostradamus was a fraud and philosophers don't make predictions about end dates. I'm curious to see what Einstein said was going to happen at what time. I'm sure it is nothing like what you are characterizing his comments to be.

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Also, on topic. Can someone please explain to me how an ancient civilization would have been able to predict the ending of the world? Through what means would they have gained this revelation? Do you really believe that Quetzalcoatl is going to return? Do you think that 2012 is the second coming? Do you really think that all of these disasters would occur at one time? The chances of every natural disaster occurring at one time randomly is mathematically impossible. You believe that some weird planet is going to orbit on by and destroy the planet? How come it didn't destroy the planet last time it stopped by for a visit?

Nostradamus was a fraud and philosophers don't make predictions about end dates. I'm curious to see what Einstein said was going to happen at what time. I'm sure it is nothing like what you are characterizing his comments to be.

i agree,,rather hear albert than nostradomus

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i agree,,rather hear albert than nostradomus

I tried to look up what einstein said about 2012 and I found nothing. I found two thing he said that they are using as evidence. One thing about if bees disappear mankind would end in 5 years and something about a polar shift. The article I read about a polar shift mentions Einstein a lot but does not have one quote of reference to him at all. They're basically using his name to lend credibility to a conspiracy theory.

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Also, on topic. Can someone please explain to me how an ancient civilization would have been able to predict the ending of the world? Through what means would they have gained this revelation? Do you really believe that Quetzalcoatl is going to return? Do you think that 2012 is the second coming? Do you really think that all of these disasters would occur at one time? The chances of every natural disaster occurring at one time randomly is mathematically impossible. You believe that some weird planet is going to orbit on by and destroy the planet? How come it didn't destroy the planet last time it stopped by for a visit?

Nostradamus was a fraud and philosophers don't make predictions about end dates. I'm curious to see what Einstein said was going to happen at what time. I'm sure it is nothing like what you are characterizing his comments to be.

Some say the flood epic is in reference to the arrival of niribu and its effect on tidal patterns and plate tectonics.

The mayans were highly advanced and their calendar used jupiter, the sun, and the zodiac more accurately than most can imagine today.

Ancient Sumerian tablets display a knowledge that the sun is the center of our solar system and earth and the other planets orbit around it. Noticeably in this tablet, there is a 10th planet.

Some say there is no way the sumerians could know all this without telescopes or advanced mathematics. That is where the "Annunaki" come into play. They allegedly provided this knowledge to the human Sumerians.

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Some say the flood epic is in reference to the arrival of niribu and its effect on tidal patterns and plate tectonics.

The mayans were highly advanced and their calendar used jupiter, the sun, and the zodiac more accurately than most can imagine today.

Ancient Sumerian tablets display a knowledge that the sun is the center of our solar system and earth and the other planets orbit around it. Noticeably in this tablet, there is a 10th planet.

Some say there is no way the sumerians could know all this without telescopes or advanced mathematics. That is where the "Annunaki" come into play. They allegedly provided this knowledge to the human Sumerians.

Also, the mayans understood the 16,000 year solar cycle and how all of the planets align at a certain point when our sun is at galactic center of the milky way. Guess when this happens again?

That's right 12/21/12...the end of the Mayan calendar.

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Some say the flood epic is in reference to the arrival of niribu and its effect on tidal patterns and plate tectonics.

The aztecs were highly advanced and their calendar used jupiter, the sun, and the zodiac more accurately than most can imagine today.

Ancient Sumerian tablets display a knowledge that the sun is the center of our solar system and earth and the other planets orbit around it. Noticeably in this tablet, there is a 10th planet.

Some say there is no way the sumerians could know all this without telescopes or advanced mathematics. That is where the "Annunaki" come into play. They allegedly provided this knowledge to the human Sumerians.

even if I accept all that as true, it still does not show how they could predict the future. Or be able to know when the end of the world is going to be. They wouldn't be able to track something for 3600 years. I'd like to see these ancient sumerian tablets? are you sure the ten circles are planets and not something else? This is all heresay and conjecture. There is no real evidence here.

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When I watched a 2 hour show on the History Channel one philosopher who predicts 12-21-2012 as the end of the world also predicted things dealing with wars, tsunami's and I could've swore there was something on 9/11 from one of them.

The real evidence if the track of correctness by these ancient philosophers. Like Christ, nobody really knows for sure if they're made up or if they existed. So we can believe in one man but not many? I see. There are also some who are real. Wish I could remember the names.

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Also, the mayans understood the 16,000 year solar cycle and how all of the planets align at a certain point when our sun is at galactic center of the milky way. Guess when this happens again?

That's right 12/21/12...the end of the Mayan calendar.

again, that proves nothing beyond an advanced understanding of astronomy. Which is possible. The reason they ended their calender could be to signify those galactic aligning and then it would start again until the next galactic aligning. Again, you're not giving me concrete evidence as to how they would be able to know the end of existence. I'm sure they have been many ancient civilizations who have has prdictions about the end of the world. It is quite a common cultural thing.

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I tried to look up what einstein said about 2012 and I found nothing. I found two thing he said that they are using as evidence. One thing about if bees disappear mankind would end in 5 years and something about a polar shift. The article I read about a polar shift mentions Einstein a lot but does not have one quote of reference to him at all. They're basically using his name to lend credibility to a conspiracy theory.

ya,, i know he said this:

"I do not know how the third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth

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quote=Arsis;876940]again, that proves nothing beyond an advanced understanding of astronomy. Which is possible. The reason they ended their calender could be to signify those galactic aligning and then it would start again until the next galactic aligning. Again, you're not giving me concrete evidence as to how they would be able to know the end of existence. I'm sure they have been many ancient civilizations who have has prdictions about the end of the world. It is quite a common cultural thing.

You are right Arsis. But there is much circumstantial evidence. If you get a chance check out this lecture series. This is part 1 of 9. eye opening stuff.


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When I watched a 2 hour show on the History Channel one philosopher who predicts 12-21-2012 as the end of the world also predicted things dealing with wars, tsunami's and I could've swore there was something on 9/11 from one of them.

I don't think you know what a philosopher is. Also you're talking about either nostradamous or the bible code. Nostradamus is a fake who did drugs and wrote fancy poetry. How **** is so vague that you could apply it to almost any situations. "There will be a great disaster involving a great power blah blah blah" no ****... stuff like that happens all the time. It's all a crock of ****. The world could be ending in 2012, Jesus could be coming or planet X could be coming. You guys have offered no intelligent proof of it yet.

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Arsis if you want to live in a world full of fairy tales where everything will always be great, you're welcomed to live that blinded life.

Nostradamous also predcited Hitler, WW1&WW2 and 9/11.


Read up.

The fact that you contiue to be so ignorant is laughable. They predict things on time, not just that it will happen anytime in the future of the world.

Also, pick up a Bible or something that has predicted many past events correctly as well.

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Arsis if you want to live in a world full of fairy tales where everything will always be great, you're welcomed to live that blinded life.

Nostradamous also predcited Hitler, WW1&WW2 and 9/11.


Read up.

no he hasn't. The 9/11 thing was an internet hoax that he didn't even write. I'm not the one living a fairy tale here. He predicted war... war, really? Holy ****!... someone predicted war. That is like saying there will be rain at some point in the future.

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no he hasn't. The 9/11 thing was an internet hoax that he didn't even write. I'm not the one living a fairy tale here. He predicted war... war, really? Holy ****!... someone predicted war. That is like saying there will be rain at some point in the future.


Laughable. You really are so ignorant.

Go Earth! Go USA! We Rule! Everything else is wronggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. We're alive foreva baby!

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again, that proves nothing beyond an advanced understanding of astronomy. Which is possible. The reason they ended their calender could be to signify those galactic aligning and then it would start again until the next galactic aligning. Again, you're not giving me concrete evidence as to how they would be able to know the end of existence. I'm sure they have been many ancient civilizations who have has prdictions about the end of the world. It is quite a common cultural thing.

its all cycles, not hard to comprehend.

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and just so everyone knows, 2012 does not equal the end of the world, it equals a major change, but not the end of the world. the earth will still be here. it will be interesting to see if we will be though. the mayans believed that there would be a drastic change in 'conciousness' for those beings who survived. whether that is humans, or ants, or ticks, or deer, or whatever, i have no idea.

however, the mayan calandar wasn't perfect, and many believe they were off by a few years. its possible many of the changes are already happening.

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Laughable. You really are so ignorant.

Go Earth! Go USA! We Rule! Everything else is wronggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. We're alive foreva baby!

I'm the ignorant one here, I'm the one discussing facts and everytime I respond with something that you do agree with or is damaging to your stance you do that. I think that shows that you are the close-minded ignorant one on this topic. I'm keeping an open mind and looking at the facts objectively while you have chosen to blindly follow a belief and are cherry-picking things to back it up.

Philosophers do not predict the future, they debate morality and etics. Stuff like what is right, what is wrong, what is justice, why are we here.

I'm not saying that the human race will live forever. Overpopulation and shifts in global temperature and a diminishing food source are serious problems and we probably won't be on this planet for much to long. Probably another few thousand years before all of our resources are gone.

My question is: Why and how are the mayans right? They say the world is going to end? So what? because they are an anceint civilization that presumes that they have some sort of secret knowledge about it? The ended thier calendar, okay, who says they were right to do so? Why is the significance of that calendar versus the many other ones used in the history of mankind.

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I'm the ignorant one here, I'm the one discussing facts and everytime I respond with something that you do agree with or is damaging to your stance you do that. I think that shows that you are the close-minded ignorant one on this topic. I'm keeping an open mind and looking at the facts objectively while you have chosen to blindly follow a belief and are cherry-picking things to back it up.

Philosophers do not predict the future, they debate morality and etics. Stuff like what is right, what is wrong, what is justice, why are we here.

I'm not saying that the human race will live forever. Overpopulation and shifts in global temperature and a diminishing food source are serious problems and we probably won't be on this planet for much to long. Probably another few thousand years before all of our resources are gone.

My question is: Why and how are the mayans right? They say the world is going to end? So what? because they are an anceint civilization that presumes that they have some sort of secret knowledge about it? The ended thier calendar, okay, who says they were right to do so? Why is the significance of that calendar versus the many other ones used in the history of mankind.

if you want all the answers, you should start researching mayans and their civilization. you would be astonished. that is if you really have that open mind you think you have.

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and just so everyone knows, 2012 does not equal the end of the world, it equals a major change, but not the end of the world. the earth will still be here. it will be interesting to see if we will be though. the mayans believed that there would be a drastic change in 'conciousness' for those beings who survived. whether that is humans, or ants, or ticks, or deer, or whatever, i have no idea.

however, the mayan calandar wasn't perfect, and many believe they were off by a few years. its possible many of the changes are already happening.

An ancient civilization makes a prediction and we have to accept it as being true, why?

You choose to buy into it, sure. I'm a tad skeptical. Predictions of the destruction of mankind are batting .000 so far. So many have come, so many have failed to deliver. What makes this one any different. What give this one any more significance? Because of the advent of the internet and the rise of conspiracy theories?

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